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OpenMP Blue Waters Undergraduate Petascale Education Program May 29 – June 10 2011.

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1 OpenMP Blue Waters Undergraduate Petascale Education Program May 29 – June 10 2011

2 OpenMP BWUPEP2011, UIUC, May 29 - June 10 2011 2 Outline What is OpenMP? Why do we care about it? What does it take to write an OpenMP program? What does it take to compile an OpenMP program? What does it take to run an OpenMP program?

3 What is OpenMP? Shared Memory Parallelism Multithreaded code (what’s a thread?) OpenMP == “Open Multi Processing” Just like MPI, OpenMP is a standard. This one consists of: Compiler directives Functions Environment variables Since it’s only a standard, we must have an implementation Intel compilers, GNU compilers Only C/C++/Fortran OpenMP BWUPEP2011, UIUC, May 29 - June 10 2011 3

4 Compiler Directives Hints to the compiler; Suggestions for it to do something special with your code. Is the compiler required to listen to you? (Hint: it’s not) These directives are called “pragmas” (i.e., pragmatic) The most common pragma looks like this: #pragma omp parallel for (We’ll get more into what it actually means later) They will control how our code gets parallelized OpenMP BWUPEP2011, UIUC, May 29 - June 10 2011 4

5 Functions The OpenMP functions allow us to gather information about—and alter—the OpenMP runtime environment. Just like with MPI, we must include the OpenMP library: #include Then we can use OpenMP functions like: omp_get_thread_num(); These functions will let us get, and use, the OpenMP equivalent of MPI’s rank and size. OpenMP BWUPEP2011, UIUC, May 29 - June 10 2011 5

6 Environment Variables The Environment Variables provide a way for us to dictate certain features of the OpenMP runtime. For example, the number of threads: setenv OMP_NUM_THREAD=8 This will tell the environment to run our program with 8 threads. Other options include: OMP_SCHEDULE OMP_STACKSIZE OpenMP BWUPEP2011, UIUC, May 29 - June 10 2011 6

7 Why do we care? MPI is hard OpenMP is easy (you’ll see soon) No need to pass data around Avoid lots of concurrency issues and complications arising from complex MPI code “Instant” gratification Why might OpenMP/SharedMemory be “bad”? OpenMP BWUPEP2011, UIUC, May 29 - June 10 2011 7

8 Write OpenMP Let’s start with the canonical “Hello World”: int main () { printf(“Hello World!\n”); } OpenMP BWUPEP2011, UIUC, May 29 - June 10 2011 8

9 Write OpenMP Now with an OpenMP pragma: int main () { #pragma omp parallel { printf(“Hello World!\n”); } OpenMP BWUPEP2011, UIUC, May 29 - June 10 2011 9

10 Better Example #include int main () { int i; #pragma omp parallel for for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) { printf(“i=%d\n”, i); } OpenMP BWUPEP2011, UIUC, May 29 - June 10 2011 10

11 Compile (and Run) OpenMP DO THIS ON AL-SALAM cd./qsub-interactive-1-node cp -r ~fitz/BWUPEP2011_OpenMP. gcc -fopenmp -o for for.c./for What happened? OpenMP BWUPEP2011, UIUC, May 29 - June 10 2011 11

12 Modifications What happens if you split up the printf inside the for loop? printf(“i=”); printf(“%d\n”, i); What does the output look like? Why is this happening? Do we want to “fix” it? OpenMP BWUPEP2011, UIUC, May 29 - June 10 2011 12

13 Rank and size again #include #define WORKLOAD 1 int main () { int rank, size, i; #pragma omp parallel { rank = omp_get_thread_num(); for(i=1; i<WORKLOAD; ++i); printf("Hello World from thread %d\n", rank); if ( rank == 0 ) { size = omp_get_num_threads(); printf("There are %d threads\n",size); } return 0; } OpenMP BWUPEP2011, UIUC, May 29 - June 10 2011 13

14 Rank and size again What does it do? (Hint: not what we want) Thoughts for improving? (Hint: SMP) OpenMP BWUPEP2011, UIUC, May 29 - June 10 2011 14

15 Your turn… Take a look at the other code in the BWUPEP2011_OpenMP directory (timing.c). Read it, try to understand it, run it, see if you can change it to get different behavior. Take a look at your serial calculatePI code, try to add OpenMP to it (Hint: it should only take one pragma; think reduce too) Take a look at the serial NBody code. Remember the gprof’ing we did? Given that information, where do you think the best place for an OpenMP pragma is? Try it! OpenMP BWUPEP2011, UIUC, May 29 - June 10 2011 15

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