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JAOIT 8. Binary Programming  As someone just starting their adventures in the networking world binary can be both scary and confusing. I am going to.

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Presentation on theme: "JAOIT 8. Binary Programming  As someone just starting their adventures in the networking world binary can be both scary and confusing. I am going to."— Presentation transcript:


2 Binary Programming  As someone just starting their adventures in the networking world binary can be both scary and confusing. I am going to attempt to make learning binary as pain free as possible and break it down to its simplest form.

3 Binary Programming  Let’s start off with some basics. First off binary is a string of 0's and 1's. The 1's being the on switch, and the 0's being the off switch. When a computer sees the 0's and 1's it only counts the 1's. Take for example what we've grown up learning with numbers. In our base 10 system we have the 1's place, the 10's place, the 100's place, etc. So basically our base 10 is just anything to the 10th power.

4 Binary Programming  0^10 = 1's place; 1^10 = 10's place; 2^10 = 100's place; etc.  So Binary is just everything to the 2nd power. It makes it a bit more confusing at first, but once you get the hang of it, it makes total sense.

5 Binary Programming  0^2 = 1; 1^2 = 2; 2^2 = 4; 3^2 = 8; etc.

6 Binary Programming  Basically binary just doubles as you go, and is split into 8 bits (each zero and each one is a bit). So typically you'd see something like this 1001 1011 0101 0101. Every 8 bits if turned on equals 256. Counting in multiples of 2's we'd look at it like this 128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1 equaling 8 separate bits. This is important to remember later on in networking for sub- netting and how IP addresses work.

7 Binary Programming  So let’s count to 9 in binary. Remember the computer only counts the 1's. So 1001 would equal 9. We know this because 0^2 = 1; and 3^2 = 8 and we just add those together. Whenever I have to use binary I always start out writing all 8 bits out to make things easier to add up later on. Especially when the number gets rather large.

8 Binary Programming Counting to 64 in Binary language 000000 = 0010001 = 17100001 = 33110001 = 49 000001 = 1010010 = 18100010 = 34110010 = 50 000010 = 2010011 = 19100011 = 35110011 = 51 000011 = 3010100 = 20100100 = 36110100 = 52 000100 = 4010101 = 21100101 = 37110101 = 53 000101 = 5010110 = 22100110 = 38110110 = 54 000110 = 6010111 = 23100111 = 39110111 = 55 000111 = 7011000 = 24101000 = 40111000 = 56 001000 = 8011001 = 25101001 = 41111001 = 57 001001 = 9011010 = 26101010 = 42111010 = 58 001010 = 10011011 = 27101011 = 43111011 = 59 001011 = 11011100 = 28101100 = 44111100 = 60 001100 = 12011101 = 29101101 = 45111101 = 61 001101 = 13011110 = 30101110 = 46111110 = 62 001110 = 14011111 = 31101111 = 47111111 = 63 001111 = 15100000 = 32110000 = 481000000 = 64 010000 = 16

9 Binary Programming  Do you notice any patterns?  Numbers are created in 6 bit binary bytes up to the number 64.

10 Binary Programming The Alphabet in Binary Code – Small Letters a09701100001n11001101110 b09801100010o11101101111 c09901100011p11201110000 d10001100100q11301110001 e10101100101r11401110010 f10201100110s11501110011 g10301100111t11601110100 h10401101000u11701110101 i10501101001v11801110110 j10601101010w11901110111 k10701101011x12001111000 l10801101100y12101111001 m10901101101z12201111010

11 Binary Programming The Alphabet in Binary Code – Large Letters A06501000001N07801001110 B06601000010O07901001111 C06701000011P08001010000 D06801000100Q08101010001 E06901000101R08201010010 F07001000110S08301010011 G07101000111T08401010100 H07201001000U08501010101 I07301001001V08601010110 J07401001010W08701010111 K07501001011X08801011000 L07601001100Y08901011001 M07701001101Z09001011010

12 Binary Programming  Let’s write your name in Binary code.

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