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Information Session Professional Officer Posts (secondment)

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1 Information Session Professional Officer Posts (secondment)

2 Legislation: Functions of NIPEC We - (a ) Promote high standards of practice among nurses and midwives; (b) Promote high standards in the education and training of nurses and midwives; and (c) Promote the professional development of nurses and midwives. We - (a) provide guidance on best practice for nurses and midwives; and (b) provide advice and information on matters relating to nursing and midwifery. We act (a) in accordance with any directions given to it by the Department; and (b) under the general guidance of the Department.

3 Structure and Council members NIPEC COUNCIL ORGANISATION Chair & Chief Executive and up to 16 lay and professional members and CNO Approximately 21 staff including 2-3 secondments a year

4 NIPEC COUNCIL CHIEF EXECUTIVE Miss Frances McMurray Receptionist Mrs Rosemary McBride (0.54wte) Clerical Officer Ms Elizabeth Henry Senior Professional Officer Mrs Angela Drury Senior Professional Officer Mrs Cathy McCusker Senior Professional Officer Ms Lesley Barrowman Senior Professional Officer Dr Carole McIlrath IT & Information Officer Mr Mark Jamison Librarian Mrs Susan Ekin (0.5 wte) Information Officer Mrs Julie Edgar Secretarial Team Mrs Lorraine Andrews (0.6 wte) Mrs Linda Woods Mrs Muriel Lockhart Ms Gemma Prendergast Vacancy Catering Assistant Mrs Bernadette Delaney (0.54 wte) Domestic Support Mrs Ena Patton (0.41 wte) Corporate Services Manager Mrs Janet Hall Head of Corporate Services Mr Edmund Thom OUTSOURCED SERVICES Human Resources, Finance, Equality, Supplies, Legal, Audit, Risk, Public Relations Personal Assistant Mrs Deirdre Meleady PROJECT RELATED SECONDMENTS Organisational Chart as at January 2009 Senior Professional Officer Miss Brenda Devine

5 Overview of NIPEC work Consultations Regional groups Collaborative work Analysis of regional policy, reports/inquiries Strategic Organisational links and alliances UK and Republic of Ireland links International links Initiatives

6 Sample of initiatives completed Using and Doing Research : Guiding the Future The Development Framework United Hospitals Strategy Development Implementation of Supervision Standards Western Out of Hours Urgent Care Project Respiratory Service Framework Project

7 Using and Doing Research: Guiding the Future (2002-2005) Aim To map progress within nursing and midwifery R&D and to identify regional strategic priorities to further develop this agenda over the next 3-5 years.

8 Partners DHSSPS (commissioner) R&D Office Dr D Fitzsimons - UU/BCH Strategic Context Governance Building capacity Approach Critical analysis of existing literature Survey using a questionnaire Interviews Consensus Conference Stakeholders Education providers Service providers within the HPSS and independent/ voluntary sector R&D Funders (inc Charities) Research community Outcomes A final report providing a strategic vision for nursing and midwifery R&D in NI and a set of recommended action plans that can facilitate further development Using and Doing Research: Guiding the Future - Overview

9 Development Framework (DF) : Competency Profile (2003-2006) Aim To develop a tool that will enable nurses and midwives to identify the competencies they wish to enhance within their current role, and to illustrate how well they are performing.

10 DF : Competency Profile - Overview Partners DF Project Board and Project Group UU Project Team Deloitte Consulting Strategic Context Performance assessment Professional development Approach Review of existing literature Facilitated subgroup input Consultation feedback Commissioned projects (2) Project managed Stakeholders Registrant workforce in NI The NI public Employers Outcomes Commissioned research providing evidence on performance assessment A validated tool that has been widely tested with nurses and midwives at all levels A free online resource to support nurses and midwives. A published background paper

11 DF : Role Development Guide (2003-06) Aim To provide guidance on the development of safe and effective roles for nurses and midwives including the key factors for successful implementation

12 DF : Role Development Guide - Overview Partners DF Project Board and Project Group UU Project Team Strategic Context Changes in service delivery Modernisation – new ways of working Approach Review of existing literature Facilitated subgroup input Consultation feedback A commissioned project Project managed Stakeholders Registrant workforce in NI Employers Outcomes Commissioned research providing evidence on innovative roles A best practice guide on new role development A free online resource that can assist nurses, midwives (and managers) who are undertaking a new or significantly changed role A published background paper

13 United Hospitals Strategy Development (2005-2006) Aim To facilitate the development of a strategic vision that is owned by the nurses and midwives working in United Hospitals

14 Partners Ms Bronagh Scott, Director of Nursing, United Hospitals Strategic Context Development of nursing and midwifery practice Clinical and Social Care Governance Workforce development Approach Facilitated Groupwork using e.g. Values Clarification Consensus Conference Stakeholders Nurses and midwives at all levels, working in United Hospitals Users of the service provided by United Hospitals Outcomes Agreement on the main strategic nursing and midwifery priorities United Hospitals Strategy Development - Overview

15 Implementation of Supervision Standards (2007-2008) Aim To facilitate the five health and social care trusts to implement the CNO’s regional standards for Supervision

16 Partners Five HSC Trust Assistant Directors Regional Steering Group Strategic Context CNO Supervision standards Review of Supervision by NIPEC 2006-07 Workforce Survey results Approach Facilitated Group work Project managed Stakeholders HSC Trust Nurse Executives Nurses and midwives at all levels Patient and clients Outcomes All regional objectives met including regional organisational framework, marketing material and regionally agreed learning and development strategy Implementation of Supervision Standards - Overview

17 Implementation of NMC Standards (2007-2008) Aim To facilitate the five health and social care trusts to implement the NMC standards to support learning and assessment in practice

18 Partners Five HSC Trust Assistant Directors Regional Steering Group Strategic Context NMC standards Concerns regarding quality of practice learning Approach Facilitated Group work Project managed Stakeholders HSC Trust Nurse Executives Mentors and practice teachers Patient and clients Outcomes All project objectives met including mapping tools, register of mentors and practice teachers, and full project report with recommendations Implementation of NMC Standards (2007-2008) Overview

19 Respiratory Service Framework Project (2007-2008) Aim Produce and Learning and Development Strategy and Competency Framework

20 Partners NI Respiratory Forum HSC Trusts Agencies and voluntary organisations Strategic Context Enhancement to competency of nurses and midwives Improvements in safety and quality of care Approach Project managed Review literature and other work Facilitated workshops Stakeholders HSC Trust Nurse Executives Nurses and midwives at all levels Patient and clients Outcomes All outcomes met, including development of the R-CAT tool and competency framework Respiratory Service Framework Project

21 Western Urgent Care Out of Hours Service (2009) Aim Develop a Competency Framework to support the development of Advanced Nurse Practitioners

22 Partners Western Urgent Care and Former Western Health Board Advanced Nurse Practitioners (ANP) Strategic Context Enhancement to Services Development of ANP roles Approach Review literature and other work Prepare documents Stakeholders Western Urgent Care Patient and clients Outcomes All outcomes met Documentation developed and approved by Steering Group Western Urgent Care Out of Hours Service

23 NIPEC web-site The NIPEC website will provide you with details of the full work programme of NIPEC between 2002 and 2008

24 Examples of the current work programme NIPEC is actively engaged in a range of activities : DHSSPS Health Care Associated Infection Project The development of a competency tool to support Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services Development of a Regional Programme for Maternity Support Workers NIPEC Guidance of Effective Record Keeping Regional Record Keeping Initiative Education Commissioning Business and Contracts Manager Regional Documentation for Supervision of Midwifery Practice

25 Regional Strategic Networking NIPEC is actively engaged in a wide range of national and regional activities including: membership of DHSSPS committees membership of key stakeholder groups membership of steering groups and working groups related to specific projects at DHSSPS and Trust level strategic relationships with a range of, national, regional and local stakeholders

26 Professional Officer Post Professional Officer Posts funded by NIPEC 2 posts – a) one year b) six months Generic posts reporting to the Chief Executive Commencement date – as soon as released from post Purpose Work across the organisation and contribute to the achievement of NIPEC business objectives Function as a member of the NIPEC professional team To work with and support the NIPEC professional team in taking forward its programme of work Contribute to the implementation of NIPEC projects and initiatives Indicate preference

27 Professional Officer Post The role of the Professional Officers may involve for example:  Taking forward specific work activities as required by the Chief Executive  Working with designated Senior Professional Officers to support the delivery of projects and initiatives  Analysing literature and documents and prepare papers and background documents for meetings  Assisting with the organisation of workshops or NIPEC events  Facilitating at workshops  Assisting with report writing

28 Professional Officer Post Applicants who are short-listed may wish to make arrangements to meet with Cathy McCusker (Senior Professional Officer) prior to interview tel: 028 9023 8152

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