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Jeopardy Conditionals /Reported Speech Word Formation Modals of speculation / Causatives/embedded questions Prepositions /phrasal verbs Q $100 Q $200.

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Presentation on theme: "Jeopardy Conditionals /Reported Speech Word Formation Modals of speculation / Causatives/embedded questions Prepositions /phrasal verbs Q $100 Q $200."— Presentation transcript:


2 Jeopardy Conditionals /Reported Speech Word Formation Modals of speculation / Causatives/embedded questions Prepositions /phrasal verbs Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Final Jeopardy

3 Jeopardy Reported Speech/ conditionals Word Formation Modals of speculation / Causatives/embedded questions Prepositions /phrasal verbs Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Final Jeopardy

4 $100 Question from Conditionals /Reported Speech “I can see the enemy” reported the soldier. Choose the correct verb: The soldier reported to see/seeing the enemy

5 $100 Answer Conditionals /Reported Speech The soldier reported seeing the enemy

6 $200 Question from Conditionals /Reported Speech Did you answer all the questons in the final exam preparation pack? Change to reported speech: The teacher …..

7 $200 Answer from Conditionals /Reported Speech The teacher asked if (OR whether) we had answered all the questions in the final exam preparation pack.

8 $300 Question from Reported Speech I was ill. I couldn’t come into work. Transform: If…

9 $300 Answer from Reported Speech If I hadn’t been ill, I would/could have come/gone to work.

10 $400 Question from Reported Speech Bob said “ I must get home before my mother”

11 $400 Answer from Reported Speech Bob said that he had to get home before his mother.

12 $500 Question from Reported Speech “We’ll play a game once you finish your work” said the teacher. The teacher agreed…

13 $500 Answer from Reported Speech The teacher agreed to play a game if they/we finished their/our work early.

14 $100 Question from Word Formation/prefixes and suffixes A person's health improves with the _____________ of stress. AVOID

15 $100 Answer from Word Formation AVOIDANCE

16 $200 Question from Word Formation Although many people think people use body language consciously when speaking, it is, in fact, usually ______________. INTENT

17 $200 Answer from Word Formation Unintentional

18 $300 Question from Word Formation The information was not easily ___________. In other words, it was difficult to categorize the information into groups. CLASSIFY

19 $300 Answer from Word Formation CLASSIFIABLE

20 $400 Question from Word Formation The speed limit must be ___________ enforced. RIGID

21 $400 Answer from Word Formation RIGIDLY

22 $500 Question from Word Formation The __________________ look on her face was a clear sign that she did not love him anymore. CONTEMPT

23 $500 Answer from Word Formation CONTEMPTUOUS

24 $100 Question from Modals of Speculation /causatives It is definitely not possible for Ahmet to be asleep. Complete: Ahmet _____________ asleep.

25 $100 Answer from Modals of Speculation /causatives Ahmet can’t be asleep.

26 $200 Question from Modals of Speculation /causatives Whose turn is it to speak? Complete: Does anyone know…

27 $200 Answer from Modals of Speculation /causatives Does anyone know whose turn it is to speak?

28 $300 Question from Modals of Speculation /causatives /embedded questions Was our exam at 8.45 or 9.45? I can’t remember. Complete: I can’t remember…

29 $300 Answer from Choose the Correct Word I can’t remember if our exam was at 8.45 or 9.45.

30 $400 Question from Modals of Speculation /causatives I want the cleaner to wash my windows. Rewrite the above sentence using the causative: I’ll _____________________________windows.

31 $400 Answer from Modals of Speculation /causatives I’ll have the cleaner wash the windows

32 $500 Question from Modals of Speculation /causatives Close the window please. Complete: I wonder…

33 $500 Answer from Modals of Speculation /causatives I wonder if you could close the window (please).

34 $100 Question from Prepositions /Phrasal verbs The soldiers were ordered to c_ _ _ _ o_ _ an attack on the Iraqi soldiers.

35 $100 Answer from Prepositions CARRY OUT

36 $200 Question from Prepositions Enter the appropriate phrasal verb: It was obvious that she was not telling the truth. In other words, she _______ _____ that story.

37 $200 Answer from Prepositions MADE UP

38 $300 Question from Prepositions We finally figured _____ what the problem was.

39 $300 Answer from Prepositions OUT

40 $400 Question from Prepositions We need to get rid ___ this question! It’s awful!

41 $400 Answer from Prepositions OF

42 $500 Question from Prepositions We are now faced ______ the challenge of protecting the quilt while it is on display.

43 $500 Answer from Prepositions WITH

44 Final Jeopardy A.The reasons why people are concerned with food. Par. _____ & _______ B. The industrial revolution could be the reason for the drop in British food quality. Par. _____ C. The reasons for the RISE of concern with food Par. _____ & _______ D. Developments can be seen in British food Par. _____ & _______

45 Final Jeopardy Answer A. The reasons why people are concerned with food Par 7 & 8 B. The industrial revolution could be the reason for the drop in British food quality. Par 2 C. The reasons for the RISE of concern with food Par. 9 & 10 D. Developments can be seen in British food Par. 3& 4

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