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The Impact of Greek Life: Findings from a National Study Ramsey G. Jabaji Coordinator for Student Involvement & Leadership Development Programs University.

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Presentation on theme: "The Impact of Greek Life: Findings from a National Study Ramsey G. Jabaji Coordinator for Student Involvement & Leadership Development Programs University."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Impact of Greek Life: Findings from a National Study Ramsey G. Jabaji Coordinator for Student Involvement & Leadership Development Programs University of Maryland, College Park Julie Owen Assistant Professor, Leadership & Integrative Studies George Mason University John P. Dugan Assistant Professor, Higher Education Loyola University Chicago Marlena Martinez Assistant Director, Fraternities, Sororities & Living Groups Massachusetts Institute of Technology

2 Format for Presentation Brief overview of leadership development & Greek life Overview of Multi-Institutional Study of Leadership (MSL) Participant worksheet MSL Greek Life findings- (social Greeks & cultural Greeks) Implications for practice Participant breakout session Questions

3 Presentation Learning Outcomes Participants will have an awareness leadership development work in the context of Greek Life Participants will better understand the different leadership outcomes and experiences of social Greek students, cultural Greek students, and unaffiliated students Participants will be capable of integrating Greek life leadership findings from the MSL study to enhance leadership programs within Greek life

4 Leadership Development & Greek Life Why? Because we say we do! Mission, Vision, Values, Principles Inter/National Organizations Umbrella Groups (NALFO, NIC, NPC, NPHC, NMGC) Campus Fraternity and Sorority Affairs Offices How? National/Regional Councils and Conferences Inter/National Organization Standards, Reports, Awards Campus Outcomes, Programs, Standards But are we really? Call for Values Congruence, Relevancy of Fraternal Movement, ASSESSMENT!

5 Overview of MSL The purpose of the Multi-Institutional Study of Leadership (MSL) is to improve education and society by enhancing knowledge regarding contemporary youth leadership development as well as the influence of higher education as a context in which building leadership capacity occurs. To examine student leadership values at both the institutional and national levels with specific attention to the environmental factors that influence leadership development in college students.

6 Overview of MSL Rationale 1.A significant gap between theory and practice as they relate to college student leadership 2.An unclear picture of the leadership development needs of college students 3.Uncertainty regarding the influence of the college environment on theoretically grounded leadership development

7 Overview of MSL: Theoretical Framework Social Change Model (HERI, 1996)

8 Overview of MSL: Conceptual Framework Inputs: students' pre-college characteristics Environment: programs, experiences, relationships, and other factors in the collegiate environment Outcomes: students' characteristics after exposure to the college environment ( Leadership Efficacy) (Astin, 1991; 1993)

9 Overview of MSL: Sample 52 Participating Institutions: –Geographically diverse, Variety of institutional types, Differing levels of leadership programming Total Sample Size = 165, 701 Respondents = 63,095 Return Rate = 38%

10 Overview of MSL: Overall Sample Gender: Male: 38.3 % Female: 61.5 % Transgender: 0.1 % Class Standing: Freshman: 23.3 % Sophomore: 21.7 % Junior: 26.3 % Senior: 28.8 % Race/Ethnicity: White: 71.8 % Black / African American: 5.2 % Asian / Asian American: 7.9 % Latino/a: 4.4 % Amer. Indian: 0.3 % Multiracial: 8.2 % Not Included: 2.3 %

11 Overview of MSL: Instrument Instrument created by MSL research team –Pilot tested to verify reliability and validity –SRLS-R2 used to measure SCM –Average completion time = 20 minutes –Schools could also ask up to 10 institution- specific custom questions

12 Purpose of this Study To understand the factors that contribute to socially responsible leadership development for social Greek students, cultural Greek students, and unaffiliated students in order to enhance Greek leadership programs.

13 Small Group Work Complete the worksheet provided asking you to think about the different factors (environments) that contribute to socially responsible leadership for social Greeks, cultural Greeks, and unaffiliated students. Spend several minutes with your neighbor discussing your thoughts/ideas/rationale.

14 Our Findings Omnibus Socially Responsible Leadership Scale (5-point scale) MeanN Std. Deviation unaffiliated 3.9514730.39 social Greek 3.9814760.37 cultural Greek 3.9314500.46 Total 3.9543990.41

15 Findings continued Leadership Efficacy (4-point scale) MeanN Std. Deviation unaffiliated 3.1212890.64 social Greek 3.2712670.59 cultural Greek 3.2312930.63 Total 3.2038490.62

16 Findings Continued Omnibus Socially Responsible Leadership Scale UNAFFILIATEDSOCIAL GREEKSCULTURAL GREEKS CULTURAL GREEKS (STUDENTS OF COLOR) TOTAL VARIANCE EXPLAINED 44%45%46%38% DEMOGRAPHICS 2% 6%2% PRE-COLLEGE FACTORS 9%8%6%12% QUASI PRE-TEST 22% 20%9% COLLEGE ENVIRONMENT 11%13%14%15% STRONGEST PREDICTORS Socio-Cultural Discussions Involvement in College Organizations Mentoring- Community Member Involvement in College Organizations Socio-Cultural Discussions Mentoring- Faculty Member Leadership Positions in College Organizations Community ServiceLeadership Positions in College Organizations

17 Findings Continued Leadership Efficacy UNAFFILIATEDSOCIAL GREEKSCULTURAL GREEKS (STUDENTS OF COLOR) TOTAL VARIANCE EXPLAINED 44%42%38%39% DEMOGRAPHICS 3%2%4%8% PRE-COLLEGE FACTORS 14%12%10% QUASI PRE-TEST 20%15%9%8% COLLEGE ENVIRONMENT 7%13%15%14% STRONGEST PREDICTORS Socio-Cultural Discussions Leadership Positions in College Organizations Involvement in College Organizations Leadership Positions in College Organizations Socio-Cultural Discussions Mentoring- Community Member Involvement in College Organizations Leadership Positions in College Organizations

18 Implications for Practice Socio-Cultural discussions matter Involvement in college organizations matter Leadership positions in college organizations matter

19 Small Group Work What does socially responsible leadership look like in a Greek Life context? How can you enhance delivery of Greek leadership programs around what we know relates to leadership? Based on the MSL findings related to Greek Life & student leadership, what meaning do you make for your campus and how might you alter your existing Greek leadership program (or what might you think about when establishing a Greek leadership program)?

20 Thank you! Questions? To sign for the 2009 MSL study, visit (Sign up and pay in full by April 15 and get a discount! Email us with questions! Ramsey Jabaji- John Dugan- Julie Owen- Marlena Martinez- marlenam@MIT.EDU)

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