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Custom Reporting with Contact Center Enterprise

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1 Custom Reporting with Contact Center Enterprise
Presented by Mike Browne

2 Topics Termination Call Detail (TCD) records - basics
What we will talk about today Termination Call Detail (TCD) records - basics Using Termination Call Detail records to determine who hung up CallType SkillGroup table Cisco Unified Intelligence Center (CUIC) Drilldowns (CallType SkillGroup example) Graphical reports Dashboards Permalinks

3 TCD Basics Termination Call Detail record basics A TCD record is created each time a peripheral in the network terminates involvement in a call and any after call work is complete There can be many TCD records created per call Use the RouterCallKey/RouterCallKeyDay compound key to join together all legs of a single call For performance reasons, none of the standard (stock) reports retrieve TCD data To report on TCD records, extract them and load them into a custom database or use an HDS-DDS dedicated to detail based reporting Index the custom database according to custom reporting needs

4 TCD Basics Termination Call Detail record generation example Call routed from CallManager to IVR based on DN and CallType Call routed from IVR to Agent Call is terminated at Agent answering device CM PG IVR PG Call leaves CM Call trans to agent CM/ Agent PG Call ends TCD #1 (on move to IVR) TCD #3 (on agent completion) TCD #2 (on transfer to agent) TCD

5 Who Hung Up Using Termination Call Detail records to determine who hung up Call Disposition code of 52 indicates the called party disconnected

6 Who Hung Up Router CallKeyDay Router CallKey Router CallKeySeq DateTime PeripheralCallType Call Disposition 150200 6391 1 03/27/12 14:11:57 13 2 03/27/12 14:12:31 Caller hung up first – CVP call control leg CD set to 13 - normal call clearing

7 Who Hung Up Router CallKeyDay Router CallKey Router CallKeySeq DateTime PeripheralCallType Call Disposition 150200 6612 1 03/27/12 14:18:01 13 2 03/27/12 14:18:24 03/27/12 14:18:26 52 Agent hung up first – CVP call control leg CD set to 52 - called party disconnected

8 Who Hung Up Router CallKeyDay Router CallKey Router CallKeySeq DateTime PeripheralCallType Call Disposition 150263 4358 1 05/29/12 10:32:18 13 2 05/29/12 10:32:58 29 3 05/29/12 10:33:18 05/29/12 10:33:20 52 First agent transfers call to a second agent and the second agent hung up first – CVP call control leg CD set to 52 - called party disconnected

9 CallType SkillGroup Table
Historical CallType SkillGroup information There is no pre-defined relationship between Call Types and Skill Groups, the relationship is created in the routing scripts One Call Type can route to multiple Skill Groups One Skill Group can be assigned to multiple Call Types The CallType SkillGroup table contains the historical data of how the calls were routed and the final disposition of the calls Answered/abandoned Interval buckets available for Skill Groups A CallType SkillGroup report can be used to link together the Call Type and Skill Group reports via a drilldown

10 DEMO Cisco Unified Intelligence Center (CUIC)

11 Cisco Unified Intelligence Center (CUIC)
Drilldowns Drilldowns provide a way to link one report grid with another report grid Requires a premium license and access to report definitions You can create a drilldown for any field in a report that is not a grouped field There is no limit to the number of drilldowns you can define for a field You cannot drilldown to or from a chart or gauge or a report based on an anonymous block or stored procedure A drilldown appears as a hyperlink on a field in the grid view Clicking the hyperlink opens a popup where you can select the desired link

12 Cisco Unified Intelligence Center (CUIC)
How to create a drilldown - CallType SkillGroup example Open the report definition and select the field you want to create the hyperlink on Click Drilldowns, Create and enter a name for the drilldown

13 Cisco Unified Intelligence Center (CUIC)
How to create a drilldown - CallType SkillGroup example Select the report to drilldown into and specify the criteria to link the reports Matching fields in the originating report will provide a smooth transition between the reports For this example, both the calltypeid and datetime fields are set to match the field in the originating report.

14 Cisco Unified Intelligence Center (CUIC)
How to create a drilldown - CallType SkillGroup example The reports are now linked together via the drilldown

15 Cisco Unified Intelligence Center (CUIC)
Graphical reports CUIC provides three types of views: grids, charts and gauges Grids are tabular presentations of the data, charts and gauges are graphical presentations of the data – gauges display a single metric All stock reports have one default grid view CUIC offers three types of charts: pie, column (bar) and line Pie charts present quantities as portions of a whole Column (bar) charts display differences between events Line charts display quantities over time, trends

16 Cisco Unified Intelligence Center (CUIC)
Graphical reports – a gauge example A gauge displays a single number, that number is a footer value from one of the fields SUM(${ServiceLevelCalls}) / (SUM(${ServiceLevelCallsOffered}) - SUM(${ServiceLevelAband}))

17 Cisco Unified Intelligence Center (CUIC)
Graphical reports – a gauge example Create a new view to create the gauge

18 Cisco Unified Intelligence Center (CUIC)
Dashboards Dashboards are web pages that can display reports, scheduled reports, sticky notes and web based elements such as URLs and web widgets Gauges make good additions to dashboards because they are visual indicators that key values are within or outside of a normal range As a best practice, create subcategories for dashboards under the main dashboards category and also create subcategories for the dashboard reports under the main reports category Set default filters and check the bypass filter dialog check box for items placed on dashboards and save these in the dashboard subcategories If displaying a chart or a gauge, adding a grid can also provide drilldown capabilities to the dashboard

19 Cisco Unified Intelligence Center (CUIC)
Dashboards example Save default filters and check bypass filter dialog, then add to dashboard

20 Cisco Unified Intelligence Center (CUIC)
Permalinks Permalinks provide the ability to run reports from outside of CUIC, the person running the report does not need to log in to the CUIC application Provide a direct permanent content link to reports through an Excel, HTML or XML file Default filter must be set Bypass filter dialog must be set Report user has access to the report through the permalink as long as the enable links check box in the view remains checked CUIC also supports dashboard HTML permalinks

21 Cisco Unified Intelligence Center (CUIC)
Permalinks example Permalinks for reports are available from the views editor Permalinks for dashboards are available by right clicking on the dashboard

22 Don’t Forget to Complete Your Developer Forum Evaluation
Presentations for today’s sessions will be available shortly after the Developer Forum event, please contact the CDN Program at with any questions. Please also remember to complete your evaluation forms and return them to Josie Garcia at the registration desk right outside session doors.


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