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Prayer for Christian Unity “My prayer is …that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you.” (John 17:20-21) Jesus’ final petition.

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Presentation on theme: "Prayer for Christian Unity “My prayer is …that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you.” (John 17:20-21) Jesus’ final petition."— Presentation transcript:


2 Prayer for Christian Unity “My prayer is …that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you.” (John 17:20-21) Jesus’ final petition at the Final Supper in John’s Gospel

3 The Schism Separation between the Eastern and Western Christianity Officially occurs in 1054 Pope in Rome and Patriarch of Constantinople excommunicate eachother The affect of these actions are the formal and legal separation of Christianity into two distinct bodies: Roman Catholicism and the Byzantium/Orthodox Church Constantinople, Capital of the Byzantium Empire and head of the Byzantium (Orthodox) Christian Church

4 Cultural Differences WestEast LanguageLatinGreek Major CultureRoman CultureHellenistic Culture Theological Focuses Ecclesiology, Sin, Grace, Precise Definitions Spoke about God in the Negative (What God isn’t) Centre of PowerRomeConstantinople

5 Council of Nicaea 325 in Nicaea Turkey 200-300 Bishops Dispute between east and west over insertion of the term filoque into creed to describe the Holy Spirit Eastern Bishops inserted a Canon that gave Constantinople equal status to Rome Nicaea controversy….oversimplified!

6 Power Struggles Pope never directly participated in Ecumenical councils Pope Leo the Great affirmed Papal Primacy (and power) Close proximity in 6 th century of Constantinople’s Archbishop to Byzantium Emperor Emergence of difference ecclesiastical structures Byzantium Emperor Palaiogos

7 Mini Schism Occurred in 867 Although it was resolved, it set a dangerous precedent After a minor dispute over Christian practice, Patriarch Photius excommunicates the Bishop of Rome Leads to massive dissension Archbishop of Constantinople, Photius

8 Rise of Islam Disrupts communication Leads to misunderstandings and misinformation Sudden halt to envoys going back and forth between east and west Seen as two separate Nations

9 Theological Differences Days of fasting Post Baptismal Sin Should clergy wear beards Interpretation of Mosaic Laws Eastern Orthodox Priest

10 Final Difference 1040, Norman invasion of Greece Normans force Latin Christianity onto the Greeks Constantinople tells Pope to allows Greek culture to remain in Greek territory Leads to two Christian leads expelling each other from Christianity Final Blows are Thrown!

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