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Minoans & Mycenaeans. The “Parents” The Minoans [2600-1100 BC ]  Society is unique in all of history  Non-nomadic, agrarian-based island culture 

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1 Minoans & Mycenaeans


3 The “Parents” The Minoans [2600-1100 BC ]  Society is unique in all of history  Non-nomadic, agrarian-based island culture  Wealth comes from trade – NO war/NO aggression  High standard of living – use of indoor plumbing  Literature: Linear A script – still undeciphered  Religion: worship of earth/mother goddess – leads to social gender equality  Art: untypical in its focus on the everyday natural world extensive use of murals and frescos  Architecture: shows some Egyptian influence, but smaller scale post and lintel construction complex palaces/temples favor many small rooms  Decline: weakened by volcanic explosion on Thera around 1628 BC fall prey to invaders  Source of Legends: Labyrinth based on temple complex at Knossos enlightened society + volcanic demise = Atlantis Vaphio Gold Cups Late Minoan Vase Goddess with snakes

4 Sarcophagus fresco

5 Palace at Knossos

6 Toreador Fresco

7 The “Parents” The Mycenaeans [1600-1100 BC]  Nomadic Invaders – life of frequent warfare  Less highly developed than Minoans, but occupy a weakened Krete  True Greeks [speak Linear B] – adopt Minoan cultural elements  Semi-feudal kingdoms – with allegiance to Mycenae  Trade throughout eastern Mediterranean – olive oil/wine for luxury items  Crafts: Skilled metalworkers  Architecture: fortified stone-walled cities  post and lintel elements – Lion Gate  Religion: male dominated mountain/sky gods  women have influence only when men are at war  Highpoint: Trojan War [immortalized later by Homer  Values: INDIVIDUALISM Achilles Odysseus bravery & honor intelligence & cunning 'Agamemnon' mask

8 Lion Gate at Mycenae

9 Mycenaean Dome Tomb

10 The “Child” [Greek culture] will combine the Minoan appreciation of the Good Life with Mycenaean individualism

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