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.. To learn about different cultures and different countries To recognize different cities, nations To Improve the level of our English To Improve ourselves.

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Presentation on theme: ".. To learn about different cultures and different countries To recognize different cities, nations To Improve the level of our English To Improve ourselves."— Presentation transcript:

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2 To learn about different cultures and different countries To recognize different cities, nations To Improve the level of our English To Improve ourselves by joining the international projects

3 . To visit different countries To learn more about our country, different nationalities To promote the rich cultural heritage of the Turkish nation.


5  I'm going abroad (first time)  English level was increased (grammar, proverbs, idioms....)  We shared mutual presentations that we prepared on the different topics.

6  We used of different presentation websites  We learnt about Greek culture  We tried to introduce our school and our culture to people from different nationalities

7 .. o FINALLY o We enjoyed quite a lot while being in this project. o If I have an opportunity to be in a project like this again,I would love to join.

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