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Enabling Testing Scenarios - COIAS Meeting – Luis Velasco, Jose Luis Hilera TESTING SCENARIOS BT-UCL Luis Velasco, Jose Luis Hilera BT-Laboratories.

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Presentation on theme: "Enabling Testing Scenarios - COIAS Meeting – Luis Velasco, Jose Luis Hilera TESTING SCENARIOS BT-UCL Luis Velasco, Jose Luis Hilera BT-Laboratories."— Presentation transcript:

1 Enabling Testing Scenarios - COIAS Meeting – Luis Velasco, Jose Luis Hilera TESTING SCENARIOS BT-UCL Luis Velasco, Jose Luis Hilera BT-Laboratories

2 COIAS meeting Our Proposal: Policy Driven Schemas  Use Enhanced Metadata to describe routing policies and express user preferences  differential service.  This Metadata works in a per-session basis  XML is the technology used to wrap this Metadata  allows multiple metrics...  Type of Services and Conditions required by the service can be expressed  Use Policies to Enforce QoS requirements.  LDAP to store the policies  Provide the means to share policies and populate the servers automatically

3 COIAS meeting COIAS Application EUROCONTROL INTERNET RESOURCES Radio link Satellite downlink ATM link Terrestrial link Satellite uplink

4 COIAS meeting Testbed Platform at BT ISDN LearNet ISDN Cloud BT Labs HUB ATM Router A: B: / 24 / 24 Active Node E: E : A: A : B: B : C: C : D: D : A: A : B: B : C: C : D: D :

5 COIAS meeting BT-UCL Alternate Path Application Level Routing Scenario BT-UCL Alternate Path Application Level Routing Scenario Router Active Node LDAP Server User Web Server ISDN LearNet ISDN Cloud ISDN Router Active Node LDAP Server BT Labs UCL 1a 1b 1c 2a 2b 2c A link B link C link

6 COIAS meeting BT-UCL Multicast Scenario Router Active Node LDAP Server Users ISDN LearNet ISDN Cloud ISDN Router Active Node LDAP Server BT Labs UCL 1a 1b 1c 2a 2b 2c A link B link C link Users

7 COIAS meeting Four mechanisms to prepare policies  Propagation of policies with inband signalling (cookies)  GET

8 COIAS meeting Web Server User Active Node (Web proxy) GET (HTTP request) + cookie (with user’s policy) Populate DB with user’s policy GET (HTTP request) + cookie (with user’s policy)....................... Partner 8949017400008888....................... Part....................... User’s DB AN’s DB Server’s DB

9 COIAS meeting Four mechanisms to prepare policies  Propagation of policies with inband signalling (cookies)  GET  GET-RESPONSE

10 COIAS meeting Web Server User Active Node (Web proxy) HTTP response + cookie (with policy) Populate DB with policy HTTP response + cookie (with policy)....................... Partner 8949017400008888....................... Part....................... User’s DB AN’s DB Server’s DB

11 COIAS meeting Four mechanisms to prepare policies  Propagation of policies with inband signalling (cookies)  GET  GET-RESPONSE  Non-propagate policies  POST (outband)

12 COIAS meeting Web Server User Active Node (Web proxy) Populate DB with policy POST (HTTP request) with user’s policy....................... Partner 8949017400008888....................... Part....................... User’s DB AN’s DB Server’s DB

13 COIAS meeting Four mechanisms to prepare policies  XML - Embedded policies  Propagation of policies with inband signalling (cookies)  GET  GET-RESPONSE  Non-propagate policies.  POST (outband)

14 COIAS meeting Web Server User Active Node (Web proxy) Populate DB with policy HTTP response = XML policy file....................... Partner 8949017400008888....................... Part....................... User’s DB AN’s DB Server’s DB

15 COIAS meeting Application USER SPACE Application Policy DB Route DB Interface DB LDAP SERVER REDIRECTION ENGINE (AN) Redirector On-going connections DB Decisions DB (caching) XML-parser Analyzer Decisor LDAP CLIENT + INTELLIGENT ENGINE RMI LDAP v3 Databases population

16 COIAS meeting Application USER SPACE Application Policy DB Route DB Interface DB LDAP SERVER REDIRECTION ENGINE (AN) Redirector On-going connections DB Decisions DB (caching) XML-parser Analyzer Decisor LDAP CLIENT + INTELLIGENT ENGINE LDAP v3 Databases reading RMI

17 COIAS meeting Application USER SPACE Application Policy DB Route DB Interface DB LDAP SERVER REDIRECTION ENGINE (AN) Redirector On-going connections DB Decisions DB (caching) XML-parser Analyzer Decisor LDAP CLIENT + INTELLIGENT ENGINE LDAP v3 Databases reading RMI

18 COIAS meeting Application USER SPACE Application Policy DB Route DB Interface DB LDAP SERVER REDIRECTION ENGINE (AN) Redirector On-going connections DB Decisions DB (caching) XML-parser Analyzer Decisor LDAP CLIENT + INTELLIGENT ENGINE LDAP v3 Databases reading RMI

19 COIAS meeting Computer B Server 2 Computer A Demo Platform Server 1

20 COIAS meeting Questions?

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