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Computer Networks & Software Inc. 7405 Alban Station Court, Suite B225, Springfield, Virginia 22150-2318 (703) 644-2103 Accelerating CNS Airborne.

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Presentation on theme: "Computer Networks & Software Inc. 7405 Alban Station Court, Suite B225, Springfield, Virginia 22150-2318 (703) 644-2103 Accelerating CNS Airborne."— Presentation transcript:

1 Computer Networks & Software Inc. 7405 Alban Station Court, Suite B225, Springfield, Virginia 22150-2318 (703) 644-2103 Accelerating CNS Airborne Internet to Support SATS Flight Data Link Applications AI Consortium Meeting January 22, 2003

2 Accelerating CNS 2 Computer Networks & Software, Inc. Agenda n AI Concept n Review of GRC SATS AI Project Results n AI Testbed n Conclusions n DARTS n AI Roadmap

3 Accelerating CNS 3 Computer Networks & Software, Inc. Airborne Internet History n Airborne Internet was conceived as an enabling technology for the air/ground and air/air exchange of digital data for the SATS Program. n May 01: CNS received task order from GRC to conduct research on the AI for SATS. n Dec 01: SATS AI Testbed demonstration marked end of GRC task order. n May 02: CNS awarded 6 month task order for SATS AI demonstrations. n Sep 02: DARTS contract for AI equipment and applications awarded to CNS.

4 Accelerating CNS 4 Computer Networks & Software, Inc. Airborne Internet Concept n Airborne Internet is a set of communication services and protocols that support consolidated one-way and two-way data exchange requirements of diverse applications. –Applications share bandwidth available from minimum number of radios. Goal is one radio. –Media independent –Applications use only those communications services that they need.

5 Accelerating CNS 5 Computer Networks & Software, Inc. AI Nodal Protocol Architecture

6 Accelerating CNS 6 Computer Networks & Software, Inc. Generic AI Model n An Integrated CNS approach to interoperability - all services through a common communications method. n All the challenges that the ATN faced in the 1980’s, but using the standards of today. Airborne Internet Infrastructure Mode S UAT SATCOM VDL A/C LAN (ARINC 664) WL-LAN 802.11/16 Applications Subnetworks Layered Protocol Services Data Transport Services Broadcast, Multicast, Unicast Mobility Network Management Security Quality of Service

7 Accelerating CNS 7 Computer Networks & Software, Inc. Airborne Internet Environment Non-AI Aircraft SATCOM AI VDL AI Aircraft ATC Controller GPS Navigation Line of sight AI Airport Services TIS-B LAAS NAS Services ATM System HUB Airports TIS-B Internet Weather Products NOTAMS Flight Service Stations Other VPN Gateway AI SATCOM Gateway

8 Accelerating CNS 8 Computer Networks & Software, Inc. SATS AI Project Summary n Government Leaders: –FAA Technical Contact: Ralph Yost –NASA GRC Project Manager: Mike Zernic –NASA GRC Project Engineer: Jim Griner –NASA GRC Space Comm Office: Denise Ponchak n Project: –Develop the requirement, architecture, and system level design baselines, –and establish the evaluation testbed for the Airborne Internet. –FY 02 Sustain Testbed Demonstrations n AI Objective: –Consolidate and integrate the exchange of CNS data. –Minimize the number of radios and antennas on an aircraft. Goal is to provide common access means for all wireless aircraft applications.

9 Accelerating CNS 9 Computer Networks & Software, Inc. AI Contractor Team n Computer Networks & Software, Inc. (CNS) - Prime –Mulkerin Associates Inc. (MAI) –Project Management Enterprises, Inc. (PMEI) –AvCS Research Ltd. –Microflight, Inc. –AvCom, Inc. –Comptel, Inc. n Architecture Technologies Corporation - Prime Accomplished the first project cycle to define the SATS AI

10 Accelerating CNS 10 Computer Networks & Software, Inc. System Engineering Challenge Flight Demonstrations Operation Readiness Research Horizon Today2005201020152020 AI Functionality n Design for reaching horizon – max degrees of freedom n Use an incremental approach – as Concept of Operations evolves n Provide for early demonstrations of concepts n Interoperate with the NAS n Use an Integrated CNS approach n Obtain low cost solutions

11 Accelerating CNS 11 Computer Networks & Software, Inc. What has been accomplished? n Preliminary Concept of Operations (using SATS concept) n AI Requirements Definition n CNS Technology evaluation/tradeoff n NAS/SATS infrastructure assessment n Defined three candidate architectural approaches: –Ground Centric ( M3 and UMTS - Cellular) –Space Centric (Immarsat) –Air Centric (Mode SATS) n Performed Architecture Assessment n Set-up a Testbed for the AI Mode SATS Approach n Installation of AI equipment in DARTS started

12 Accelerating CNS 12 Computer Networks & Software, Inc. Services allocated to system entities Information Exchange Data Objects allocated by service/ functional processes (data flows) Entity and services relationships Reference Model Information Exchange Needs (communications requirements ) Operational Services (based on Operational Concepts) + Loading Macro-Level Object Oriented Analysis Process AI Requirements Methodology

13 Accelerating CNS 13 Computer Networks & Software, Inc. Entity Reference Model NWS Aircraft 2ATM SysNAV Aircraft 1 H FSS Ops/Sup Surveillance Airport A B D E F CG

14 Accelerating CNS 14 Computer Networks & Software, Inc. NAS Services/Systems

15 Accelerating CNS 15 Computer Networks & Software, Inc. Common Framework - Wx

16 Accelerating CNS 16 Computer Networks & Software, Inc. SATS Flight Profile – Comm Load 250 aircraft within a 50 mile radius of a SATS airfield = Traffic load: 11.8 Kbps

17 Accelerating CNS 17 Computer Networks & Software, Inc. Technology Evaluation Near-term TechnologiesTechnologies to be Researched CNS Related Technologies Architectural Toolkit 70 Technologies Multiple Solution Technologies General Wireless SATCOM Cellular LAN Single Solution Technologies Protocol Related Navigation Surveillance CNS Related Technologies CNS Related Technologies

18 Accelerating CNS 18 Computer Networks & Software, Inc. SATS Technology & Architecture Relationship

19 Accelerating CNS 19 Computer Networks & Software, Inc. SATS AI Architectures Space Centric Architecture Internet (VPN) LOS Coverage Enroute 12 4 7 * 5 8 0 3 6 9 # MISM&E CPUs NOCC LAAS Station LAAS Monitor Airport Surveillance Source (TIS-B) ATC Controller Network Operations Control Center (NOCC) GPS Gateway GES ATC Controller SATS Services PAE (air-to-air) AS (ADS/TIS) NAS Services ATM System HUB Airports MC (CPDLC like) LOS Coverage EnrouteBase Station Enroute Base Station Airborne router AIRPORT SURVEILLANCE SOURCE (TIS-B) LAAS MONITOR LAAS STATION VDL/S BASE STATION VDL/S Network Operations Control Center (NOCC) INTERNET FPU WX ASI PIE Gateway GPS Air Centric Architecture NWS FSS Internet Gateway Legend FSS: Flight Service Station NWS: National Weather Service NWIS; NAS Wide Information System FBO: Fixed Base Operator LAAS: Local Area Augmentation Service RNC: Radio Link Control MSC: Mobile Switching Center SGSN: Serving GPRS Support Node GGSN: Gateway GPRS Support Node Surveillance (TIS) ATC Controller NWIS FBO (Local Airport) LAAS Global Internet RNC MSCSGSN GGSN MSCSGSN GGSN Node B Core Network Access Network Ground Centric Architecture RefPrinciple 1Provides the means to fully support the functional services. 2The AI will be separable into platform specific systems defined as the CMS and a system defined NMS. To this extent the architecture will modular. 3The mechanisms and techniques employed with the AI will be self- organizing. 4All communication, to the extent practical, will be performed through a primary means of communication. 5Within the AI there will be no single point of failure. 6The system will be constructed using open system standards. 7The interface to the NAS (enroute, terminal controllers) will be through a gateway facility. 8Provide for interfaces to the entities shown in the Entity relationship Model. 9Provide for information and operational security. Architecture Principles

20 Accelerating CNS 20 Computer Networks & Software, Inc.  Cost –On-board and off-board cost components –Infrastructure requirements –Overlay on existing or new infrastructure to support SATS AI –SATS dedicated infrastructure or shared (and paid for) by other users –Use of airport area as cost model  Availability –Time horizon  Performance –Adherence to AI architectural principles –Functional requirements –Bandwidth sizing –Reliability – redundancy –Delay  Scalability  Risk Assessment Evaluation Factors Evaluation Factors and Architecture Models Candidate Architectures for Comparison

21 Accelerating CNS 21 Computer Networks & Software, Inc. AI Architectural Evaluation Results n Aircraft Centric Architecture –Meets SATS requirements –Low risk, low cost, near COTS option –ICAO standards based with multiple hardware vendors n Space Centric Architecture –Available as a service now –Existing aircraft can be upgraded to this service –Transition higher bandwidth with Inmarsat-4 constellation n Ground Centric Architecture –UMTS technology has no inherent show stoppers and meets SATS requirements –High risk - dependence on commercial aviation for development, certification and deployment of technology

22 Accelerating CNS 22 Computer Networks & Software, Inc. Architectural Principles AI Testbed Objectives - Build A Tell me About the Testbed n Provide a ‘Hands-on” technical platform to assess the principles and design of the Airborne Internet concept. n Provide an affordable platform using COTS products. n Provide base for additional technology insertion.

23 Accelerating CNS 23 Computer Networks & Software, Inc. Testbed – Build A with Mode SATS Aircraft N382 AI Router Mode SATS Radio P-P/CPDLC ADS-B, Chat, Weather, NOTAMS N382 Aircraft N384 Ground Facility Remote email Servers Remote Equipment Monitoring Mode SATS Radio P-P/CPDLC N384 AI Router ADS-B, Chat, Weather, NOTAMS Mode SATS Radio P-P PAE Ground Station CPDLC AI Router ADS-B Aircraft N372, 374 & 376 Web Enabled Status Monitor Network Control Center, Bethesda, MD DNS Firewall E-mail, PAE ADS-B, Chat Weather, NOTAMS Internet Mode SATS Network

24 Accelerating CNS 24 Computer Networks & Software, Inc. Demonstration Applications n ADS-B n Air-Air Chat n FIS-B Textual Weather n FIS-B Graphical Weather n NOTAMS n CPDLC n Email n Remote Monitoring Equipment Status n Internet access using Browsers n Video Frames/ Net Meeting n Peer to Peer Tool

25 Accelerating CNS 25 Computer Networks & Software, Inc. FIS-B Weather Data Flow N382 Air AI Router Radio Ground AI Router Collector Viewer Browser Sequencer N382 Air AI Router Collector Viewer Browser Remote e-mail Servers Radio Internet weather.

26 Accelerating CNS 26 Computer Networks & Software, Inc. FIS-B Graphical Weather

27 Accelerating CNS 27 Computer Networks & Software, Inc. FIS-B Textual Weather Report

28 Accelerating CNS 28 Computer Networks & Software, Inc. NOTAMS

29 Accelerating CNS 29 Computer Networks & Software, Inc. Configuration and integration work represented a “one of a kind” rapid prototype of the airborne internet. Airborne Internet Testbed Summary n VDL Mode SATS point-to-point and broadcast communication capability: –Air-to-air, self organizing, peer-to-peer communication –Functionality/interoperability n Demonstrated “all-in-one” AI connectivity. n Internet connectivity. n Integrated hardware/software components from many suppliers. n Successfully implemented and tested the software based router for SATS AI. n Demonstrated at ICNS 2002 and to more than 100 government and industry representatives

30 Accelerating CNS 30 Computer Networks & Software, Inc. Proposed Testbed B+ Enhancements n Perform test & measurement activities n Add applications n Add SATCOM n Configure for VDL M2, M3 and 802.11

31 Accelerating CNS 31 Computer Networks & Software, Inc. Conclusions n Strong reason to employ the AI is to minimize the number of radios and antennae needed for data communications on GA/SATS aircraft. n Analysis and demonstrations indicate that the technology is available to implement the AI. –Bandwidth analysis for existing and near term NAS related systems indicates that the traffic load generated by the diverse applications can be supported using a single 25 KHz VHF frequency. –Analysis did not consider the issues associated with combining and transmitting traffic control, surveillance and navigation data on a single radio.

32 Accelerating CNS 32 Computer Networks & Software, Inc. Conclusions n Testbed demonstration showed that a single AI VHF radio per aircraft could provide weather and NOTAMS plus traffic control and surveillance data to the pilot. –Demonstrations focused on the feasibility of combining data from diverse applications. –Performance of the AI in terms of delay was not measured. –Once the AI equipment is installed in the DARTS, experiments can be undertaken to measure performance and confirm that the AI is a preferred data link solution for GA aircraft.

33 Accelerating CNS 33 Computer Networks & Software, Inc. DARTS Project Summary - 1 n Project: –Deliver equipment, software, documentation and technical support necessary for the installation (by Government personnel) of the AI capability into existing Digital Infrastructure Facility (DIF) and two aircraft platforms. –Develop additional specification documentation of the AI architecture and system design. n Work Plan: –7 Tasks (6 CLINs) –Equipment Delivery – 119 days ARO –Documents (ASI and AI FDD) –Support – NTE 240 hours n Contractor Team: –Computer Networks & Software, Inc. (CNS) - Prime –Project Management Enterprises, Inc. (PMEI) –Mulkerin Associates Inc. (MAI) –Microflight

34 Accelerating CNS 34 Computer Networks & Software, Inc. SATS/DARTS AI System Components

35 Accelerating CNS 35 Computer Networks & Software, Inc. Proposed DARTS Facility

36 Accelerating CNS 36 Computer Networks & Software, Inc. Current AI Status n SATS AI Demonstrations –Testbed “Build A” Demonstrations (ended 9/30/02) –Delivered Subnetwork Interface Document –Conducted demonstrations for more than 100 government and industry representatives. n DARTS AI Upgrade –AI Subsystem for LaRC and 2 aircraft pallets –Configuration Review Complete –Final Applications Interface Reviewed and Delivered –Draft AI Functional Description Submitted for Review –Delivery (Jan 03)

37 Accelerating CNS 37 Computer Networks & Software, Inc. AI Roadmap Mission/Operational Concept Future (NAS/SATS) Surveillance Vision AI System Design ICNS Requirements Architecture Candidates &Trades AI Functional Description SATS AI Requirements (FY01) SATS AI TechEval& Architecture (FY01) FY02 IP Technology: Data Transport (UDP/TCP) Mobility Security QoS Network Management SID NASID AI Test Platform Development VDLs SATS 802.11/16 Test Evaluation Validation/Reporting Flight Tests & Demonstrations Flight Tests Performance Availability Design to Cost Hybrid Test Plan AI Design & Use VDL,SAT, 802.11/16 Industry Standards RTCA,AEEC Incremental Cycles

38 Accelerating CNS 38 Computer Networks & Software, Inc. Summary n 2002 Insights –AI really means integrated CNS vision –Initial work supporting a switch in context from a SATS-centric vision to: »A generic approach having data link independence »A vision that includes an AI concept that is a NAS-wide tool n Issue: –Use of IP-based protocols in aviation systems »Consensus on acceptability of functionally and performance –Change in regulatory framework n 2003 –Objective: Build a consensus framework for evaluation

39 Accelerating CNS 39 Computer Networks & Software, Inc. Contacts Computer Networks & Software, Inc. 7405 Alban Station Ct. Suite B-225 Springfield, VA 22150-2318 Chris Wargo or Chris Dhas 703-644-2103,

40 Accelerating CNS 40 Computer Networks & Software, Inc. What is Mode SATS n Based upon Self-Organizing VHF Data Link using GFSK modulation (peer-to peer technique). n Builds upon the core ICAO navigation-surveillance standards for VHF datalink. n Allows aircraft-to-aircraft switching (ad hoc networks) for AI communications. n Single channel data burst rate is 19.2 Kbps. –Significant data throughput improvements through wide-band or multichannel techniques. n Frequency tuning range: –Today: 108 - 137 MHz –Researching 330 MHz or higher usage

41 Accelerating CNS 41 Computer Networks & Software, Inc. Freq (MHz) Time 137 118 108 ADS-B/ reservation channel LAAS DOS, Location-ID discovery, short message and info transfer reservations. FIS-B Variable length info transfer channels BROADCAST CHANNELS Note: Minimum equipage required is frequency agile avionics with 2 receivers + 1 transmitter TIS-B Test mode: Development and testing by use of multiple-mode VHF 25 KHz hardware. Operational mode: One wide-band with priority based TDMA channelization or multiple narrow band channels dynamically assignable to meet requirement. Information (Data) Transfer Scheme

42 Accelerating CNS 42 Computer Networks & Software, Inc. Systems Engineering/Architecture Project n GA Operational Concept for Year 20XX –Prepare Operational/System Requirements n Update Architecture Requirements –Update/revise Traffic Loading Metrics –Update Architectures Models –Add Hybrid Approach Analysis n Update AI Functional Description Document

43 Accelerating CNS 43 Computer Networks & Software, Inc. GA AI Laboratory/Flight Project n Objective: Provides facility for test and measurement of AI Technology –IPOv4 and IPv6, Mobile Networking IPv4 – IPv6, Network Management, Addressing Schemes, Security, QoS, and Software MANET or Equivalent n Tasks: –Establish WHJTC AI Testbed –Prepare a System Design Document –Conduct Testbed/Flight Experiments »Level of detail subject to funding »Measurement of performance –Development of additional applications

44 Accelerating CNS 44 Computer Networks & Software, Inc. VDL M2 and VDL M3 Approaches n Objective: Determine the approach for using IP over VDL M2 or M3. n Tasks: –Configuration and Design Development –Development & Acquisition –Test Facility Set-up –Analysis & Test –Report and Dissemination of Results

45 Accelerating CNS 45 Computer Networks & Software, Inc. Integrated CNS Standardization n Determine Regulatory approach –Multiple applications on single channel –Use of IP for ATC n Preliminary Safety and Certification Study –Links operational tasks and technical performance

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