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Temple University – CIS Dept. CIS331– Principles of Database Systems V. Megalooikonomou Relational Model III (based on notes by Silberchatz,Korth, and.

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Presentation on theme: "Temple University – CIS Dept. CIS331– Principles of Database Systems V. Megalooikonomou Relational Model III (based on notes by Silberchatz,Korth, and."— Presentation transcript:

1 Temple University – CIS Dept. CIS331– Principles of Database Systems V. Megalooikonomou Relational Model III (based on notes by Silberchatz,Korth, and Sudarshan and notes by C. Faloutsos at CMU)

2 Overview history concepts Formal query languages relational algebra rel. tuple calculus rel. domain calculus

3 General Overview - rel. model history concepts Formal query languages relational algebra rel. tuple calculus rel. domain calculus

4 Overview - detailed rel. tuple calculus why? details examples equivalence with rel. algebra more examples; ‘safety’ of expressions rel. domain calculus + QBE

5 Safety of expressions FORBIDDEN: It has infinite output!! Instead, always use

6 Safety of expressions Possible to write tuple calculus expressions that generate infinite relations, e.g., {t |  t  r } results in an infinite relation if the domain of any attribute of relation r is infinite To guard against the problem, we restrict the set of allowable expressions to safe expressions. An expression {t | P (t) } in the tuple relational calculus is safe if every component of t appears in one of the relations, tuples, or constants that appear in P

7 More examples: Banking example branch (branch-name, branch-city, assets) customer (customer-name, customer-street, customer-city) account (account-number, branch-name, balance) loan (loan-number, branch-name, amount) depositor (customer-name, account-number) borrower (customer-name, loan-number)

8 Example Queries Find the loan-number, branch-name, and amount for loans of over $1200 {t | t  loan  t [amount]  1200} Find the loan number for each loan of an amount greater than $1200 {t |  s  loan (t [loan-number] = s [loan-number]  s [amount]  1200} Notice that a relation on schema [loan-number] is implicitly defined by the query

9 Example Queries Find the names of all customers having a loan, an account, or both at the bank {t |  s  borrower(t[customer-name] = s[customer-name])   u  depositor(t[customer-name] = u[customer- name]) Find the names of all customers who have a loan and an account at the bank {t |  s  borrower(t[customer-name] = s[customer-name])   u  depositor(t[customer-name] = u[customer- name])

10 Example Queries Find the names of all customers having a loan at the Perryridge branch {t |  s  borrower(t[customer-name] = s[customer-name]   u  loan(u[branch-name] = “Perryridge”  u[loan-number] = s[loan-number]))} Find the names of all customers who have a loan at the Perryridge branch, but no account at any branch of the bank {t |  s  borrower(t[customer-name] = s[customer-name]   u  loan(u[branch-name] = “Perryridge”  u[loan-number] = s[loan-number]))  not  v  depositor (v[customer-name] = t[customer-name]) }

11 Example Queries Find the names of all customers having a loan from the Perryridge branch, and the cities they live in {t |  s  loan(s[branch-name] = “Perryridge”   u  borrower (u[loan-number] = s[loan-number]  t [customer-name] = u[customer-name])   v  customer (u[customer-name] = v[customer-name]  t[customer-city] = v[customer-city])))}

12 Example Queries Find the names of all customers who have an account at all branches located in Brooklyn: {t |  c  customer (t[] = c[customer-name])   s  branch(s[branch-city] = “Brooklyn”   u  account ( s[branch-name] = u[branch-name]   s  depositor ( t[customer-name] = s[customer-name]  s[account-number] = u[account-number] )) )}

13 General Overview relational model Formal query languages relational algebra rel. tuple calculus rel. domain calculus

14 Overview - detailed rel. tuple calculus dfn details equivalence to rel. algebra rel. domain calculus + QBE

15 Rel. domain calculus (RDC) Q: why? A: slightly easier than RTC, although equivalent - basis for QBE idea: domain variables (w/ F.O.L.) – e.g.: ‘find STUDENT record with ssn=123’

16 Rel. Dom. Calculus find STUDENT record with ssn=123’

17 Details Like R.T.C - symbols allowed: quantifiers

18 Details but: domain (= column) variables, as opposed to tuple variables, e.g.: ssn name address

19 Domain Relational Calculus A nonprocedural query language equivalent in power to the tuple relational calculus Each query is an expression of the form: {  x 1, x 2, …, x n  | P (x 1, x 2, …, x n )} x 1, x 2, …, x n represent domain variables P represents a formula similar to that of the predicate calculus

20 Example queries Find the branch-name, loan-number, and amount for loans of over $1200 {  l, b, a  |  l, b, a   loan  a > 1200} Find the names of all customers who have a loan of over $1200 {  c  |  l, b, a (  c, l   borrower   l, b, a   loan  a > 1200)} Find the names of all customers who have a loan from the Perryridge branch and the loan amount: {  c, a  |  l (  c, l   borrower   b(  l, b, a   loan  b = “Perryridge”))} or {  c, a  |  l (  c, l   borrower   l, “Perryridge”, a   loan)}

21 Example Queries Find the names of all customers having a loan, an account, or both at the Perryridge branch: {  c  |  l ({  c, l   borrower   b,a (  l, b, a   loan  b = “Perryridge”))   a (  c, a   depositor   b,n (  a, b, n   account  b = “Perryridge”))} Find the names of all customers who have an account at all branches located in Brooklyn: {  c  |  n (  c, s, n   customer)   x,y,z (  x, y, z   branch  y = “Brooklyn”)   a,b (  x, y, z   account   c,a   depositor)}

22 Reminder: our Mini-U db CLASS c-idc-nameunits cis331d.b.2 cis321o.s.2 TAKES SSNc-idgrade 123cis331A 234cis331B

23 Examples find all student records RTC:

24 Examples (selection) find student record with ssn=123

25 Examples (selection) find student record with ssn=123 RTC: or

26 Examples (projection) find name of student with ssn=123

27 Examples (projection) find name of student with ssn=123 need to ‘restrict’ “a” RTC:

28 Examples (projection) find name of student with ssn=123 - RTC:

29 Examples cont’d (union) get records of both PT and FT students RTC:

30 Examples cont’d (union) get records of both PT and FT students

31 Examples difference: find students that are not staff RTC:

32 Examples difference: find students that are not staff

33 Cartesian product eg., dog-breeding: MALE x FEMALE gives all possible couples x =

34 Cartesian product find all the pairs of (male, female) - RTC:

35 Cartesian product find all the pairs of (male, female) - RDC:

36 ‘Proof’ of equivalence rel. algebra rel. domain calculus rel. tuple calculus

37 Overview - detailed rel. domain calculus why? details examples equivalence with rel. algebra more examples; ‘safety’ of expressions

38 More examples join: find names of students taking cis351

39 Reminder: our Mini-U db

40 More examples join: find names of students taking cis351 - in RTC

41 More examples join: find names of students taking cis351 - in RDC

42 Sneak preview of QBE: TAKES SSNc-idgrade _xcis351

43 Sneak preview of QBE: TAKES SSNc-idgrade _xcis351 very user friendly heavily based on RDC very similar to MS Access interface

44 More examples 3-way join: find names of students taking a 2-unit course - in RTC: selection projection join

45 Reminder: our Mini-U db CLASS c-idc-nameunits cis331d.b.2 cis321o.s.2 grade TAKES SSNc-id 123cis331A 234cis331B _x.P _x_y 2

46 More examples 3-way join: find names of students taking a 2-unit course

47 More examples 3-way join: find names of students taking a 2-unit course

48 Even more examples: self -joins: find Tom’s grandparent(s)

49 Even more examples: self -joins: find Tom’s grandparent(s)

50 Even more examples: self -joins: find Tom’s grandparent(s)

51 Even more examples: self -joins: find Tom’s grandparent(s)

52 Hard examples: DIVISION find suppliers that shipped all the ABOMB parts

53 Hard examples: DIVISION find suppliers that shipped all the ABOMB parts

54 Hard examples: DIVISION find suppliers that shipped all the ABOMB parts

55 More on division find students that take all the courses that ssn=123 does (and maybe even more)

56 More on division find students that take all the courses that ssn=123 does (and maybe even more)

57 Safety of expressions similar to RTC FORBIDDEN:

58 Safety of Expressions {  x 1, x 2, …, x n  | P(x 1, x 2, …, x n )} is safe if all of the following hold: 1. All values that appear in tuples of the expression are values from dom a(P) (that is, the values appear either in P or in a tuple of a relation mentioned in P ) 2.For every “there exists” subformula of the form  x (P 1 (x)), the subformula is true if and only if there is a value x in dom (P 1 ) such that P 1 (x) is true. 3. For every “for all” subformula of the form  x (P 1 (x)), the subformula is true if and only if P 1 (x) is true for all values x from dom (P 1 ).

59 Overview - detailed rel. domain calculus + QBE dfn details equivalence to rel. algebra


61 table

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