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Published byEvelyn Quinn Modified over 9 years ago
Introduction to Circulation v. 16.01
Circulation 2 Session Agenda Stage 0: Introduction Stage 1: Basic Concepts Stage 2: The Patron Stage 3: The Item Stage 4: Loans Stage 5: Returns Stage 6: Renewals Stage 7: Cash Management Stage 8: Hold Requests Stage 9: Photocopy Requests Stage 10: Offline Circulation Stage 11: Other Options
Circulation 3 Stage 0 : Introduction
Circulation 4 Opening the Circulation Module In the Circulation Module, you may choose one of five Navigation Trees: Loan Navigation Tree Return Navigation Tree Patron Navigation Tree Item Navigation Tree Search Navigation Tree From the first window, you may access a specific patron by Patron ID, or a specific item by Barcode or Call Number. Patron ID Item Barcode
Circulation 5 The Operations Bar (Bottom) Lower-Left: showing server communication. When the client communicates with the server, a red ‘stream’ displays: Lower-Right (right-click) Login, password changing and privileges Menu language setup Connect to a different library Printing options Exit all ALEPH applications Push to other modules: Acquisitions, Cataloging, ILL and ALEPHadm
Circulation 6 Select Collection To connect to an administrative library select ALEPH/Connect to… You may also connect by right-clicking the Library icon on the Operations Bar: Look at the Title (Windows) Bar to view the library (and server) you are currently connected to.
Circulation 7 Importing Tables When you connect to the required library, the system checks to make sure that the module is using the most recent version of the print files. If these have been modified, they will be downloaded to your pc (Depending on setup). You will see a ‘Transfer File’ window appear briefly upon initial connection:
Circulation 8 Stage 1 : Basic Concepts
Circulation 9 The Sublibrary The smallest administrative unit - a distinct sub- division of an administrative (ADM) library. Within one ADM library, several sublibraries (branches) may be defined, and circulation activities can be defined differently for each sublibrary (e.g. loan periods or fine calculation). Authorizations for librarians for the various circulation functions may be given on sublibrary level.
Circulation 10 The Sublibrary, Items and Patrons Each item and each patron of the library should be linked (or ‘belong’) to a sublibrary. An item may only belong to a single sublibrary. A patron may belong to one or more sublibraries. Branch Sublibrary Item Patron Main Sublibrary Item Patron
Circulation 11 The Patron Each patron has one global record, and one or more local records linking him/her to sublibraries. Global Patron record General Patron information that is relevant to the entire library system, such as name, title and IDs. [One only.] Local Patron records Information relevant to the local sublibrary only, such as circulation privileges and expiry date. [One or more.] Patron Address records Various addresses listed for a patron, such as term-time and home addresses. [One or more.]
Circulation 12 Local Patron Record in sublibrary B Patron Records Global Patron Record Local Patron Record in sublibrary A Patron Address Record for home address Patron Address Record for term-time
Circulation 13 Items The Item is the ALEPH ‘atom’. An Item in ALEPH is a physical unit with a unique identifier: the Barcode. Two identical copies of a book = two items. An item must belong to a sublibrary.
Circulation 14 Stage 2 : The Patron
Circulation 15 Defining a New Patron There are 3 stages in defining a new patron of the library: Creating a Global Patron record Creating Patron Address records Creating Patron Local records.
Circulation 16 Creating a Global Patron Record To create a new Global Patron Record, select Patrons/ New Patron or [Ctrl+F7]. In many cases, patron records will be batch-loaded or converted.
Circulation 17 The Global Patron Record Once you click “Update”, the new information will appear in the top pane. From here you may: Update global patron information Send a letter to the patron Load patron’s photo.
Circulation 18 The Global Patron Record Send letter to the patron - choose from a pre- defined list of standard letters.
Circulation 19 Creating Local Patron Records To create new Local Patron Records, Select the Local Patron Information node in the Navigation Tree. Select a sublibrary for which you wish to grant privileges to the patron, and complete the bottom pane. Repeat for each sublibrary relevant for the patron, or… If you wish to grant the patron the same privileges in all sublibraries, it will suffice to grant them for the ADM library (the line second from top). This will cover all sublibraries under that ADM library.
Circulation 20 Creating Local Patron Records For each sublibrary (or on the ADM library level), there are defaults defined for each Patron Status. Click “Get Defaults” to see those defaults, based on table setup: The Table- driven defaults
Circulation 21 Local Patron’s Defaults Definition A table* defines default parameters per sublibrary (or group of sublibraries), by Patron Status: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ! 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 14 15 6 7 8 9 !!!!!-!!-!-!-!-!-!-!-!-!-!-!-!-!!!!!!!!-!!!!!!!!!!-!-!-!-!! ALEPH 10 N N N N Y Y N N C + D 00000028 0000000000 N Y N 30 UEDUC 01 Y Y Y N Y Y Y N C A 20041001 0000000000 N N Y 30 UEDUC 02 Y Y Y N Y Y Y N C A 20041001 0000000000 N N Y 30 UEDUC 03 Y Y Y N Y Y Y Y F A 20041001 0000000000 Y N Y 20 UEDUC 04 Y Y N N Y N N N C A 20041001 0000000000 N N N 30 Patron Status RenewMultiple holds Expiry date SublibraryReading Room *tab31
Circulation 22 The Local Patron Record Specific definitions for the patron in the Archives sublibrary.
Circulation 23 Patron Addresses The patron’s addresses are stored in the address records. More than one address record can be assigned to a patron record. Letters to the user will use the address record that is relevant at the time of sending/printing. To add an address for the patron, select the Address Information node in the Navigation Tree. One address record was created automatically upon creating the Global Patron record. To enter the relevant information, complete the form in the lower pane.
Circulation 24 Adding Patron Addresses The address shown below is of type ’01’ (defined as the patron’s permanent (or default) address). Other addresses for term time may be added with different types, as defined in a pull-down menu.
Circulation 25 Searching for Existing Patrons You may search by one of three parameters: Patron ID Patron Barcode Patron Name Use the Patron Search Bar, or open the Patron List and browse:
Circulation 26 Patron Activities and Registration Details Once you had found the patron, his/her various activities in the library are displayed in nodes in the Navigation Tree, and the relevant details in the lower pane. The patron’s registration details (Global, Local and Address records) are at the lower part of the Navigation Tree.
Circulation 27 Other Patron Tabs From the various nodes on the Navigation Tree you can view details of the patron’s –Loans –Cash transactions –Hold & photocopy requests –ILL requests –Reserve (Advance) booking requests –Proxies/sponsor –Reading room items –Routing lists
Circulation 28 Patron Creation Exercise 1. Create a new global patron record. 2. Create 2 addresses for the patron (home and term-time). 3. Create a local patron record for a sublibrary. Make sure you complete as many of the fields as possible. For the Local Patron record, assign the patron all privileges first, then click “Get Defaults” to see how the defaults for that particular Patron Status override your original entries.
Circulation 29 Stage 3 : The Item
Circulation 30 The Item List Item tabBib Info tab Loan tab The Item List window allows viewing of item-related information. To modify items or to create new ones, you must go to the Cataloging Module (click “Push to Items” from the Item List).
Circulation 31 Item Definitions The Item Status is based on table definitions. These definitions decide whether an item can be loaned, requested, renewed, viewed on the OPAC etc. An Item Status may be used by one sub-library, or shared by a group of sub-libraries. The actual due date is based on combinations of patrons and items (more under Loans).
Circulation 32 Item Definitions Here’s an example from the item-definition table*. 15A 10 ## L One Hour Loan Y Y Y Y Y N N Y Y 00 15A 11 ## L One Day Loan Y Y Y Y Y Y N Y Y 00 15A 12 ## L One Week Loan Y Y N Y Y Y N Y Y 00 15A 22 ## L Two Week Loan Y Y N Y Y N N Y Y 00 Item Status Status DescriptionSublibrary or group Request? *tab15. Loan? Renew? Display in OPAC?
Circulation 33 Item Fields (I) Items have certain mandatory fields, such as: – Barcode (unique item identifier) – Sublibrary – Item Status – Material Type Collection (Optional): define a Collection in case the library wishes to use a filter to distinguish similar copies for placing hold requests. Call Number Type (Optional): indicate the shelving scheme that is being used (e.g. Library of Congress, Dewey or a local scheme.)
Circulation 34 Item Fields (II) Call Number (Optional): item’s shelf placement. (when the library is using Holdings records, the location is assigned to the item through that record). Item Process Status (Optional): indicate by a two-letter code which process the item is currently undergoing (e.g. ordering, cataloging or binding. Description (Optional): for serials/series. OPAC Note (Optional): item specific note in the Web OPAC. Circulation Note (Optional): note that will pop up when this item is loaned or returned.
Circulation 35 Stage 4 : Loans
Circulation 36 Due dates Calculation The actual due date is table-based*, for combinations of patrons and items, e.g: Patron Status x can take Item Status y for 3 days, but Patron Status z can take Item Status y for 14 days. Two sets of due date/hour are defined there: 1.for regular, non-requested, items 2.for requested items. *tab16
Circulation 37 Due dates Modification You may change the due dates for a specific patron/item combination all current loans a specific loan.
Circulation 38 Changing Due Dates for a Specific Combination The system calculates due dates daily for each combination of Item Status/Patron Status (optionally taking into account days on which the library is closed). The daily results of that calculation may be viewed under the Active Due Dates node in Loan Navigation Tree Tab. Choose a sublibrary, and the Active Due Dates definitions for that sublibrary will display.
Circulation 39 Changing Due Dates for a Specific Combination You may override any calculated due date using the form in the lower pane. There are two date/hour options: for non- requested, and for requested items. Due date/hour for requested items
Circulation 40 Changing Due Dates for All Current Loans To change due dates for all current loans, select ALEPH/Dates/Change due dates of current loans Indicate the range (from/to) of due dates to be amended, and the new due date to apply for these loans. For due dates falling after this date, and for due dates falling before this date Amend original due date to this date
Circulation 41 The Loan Process To loan an item, open the Loan Navigation Tree Tab: Enter the patron’s ID Number. –The system will run checks as above. –If a problem exists, it will be listed in the lower pane. –If the librarian has ‘override’ privileges, s/he may proceed. If not, loan cannot take place. Enter the item’s Barcode: –The loan transaction will be completed when the item details display in the Loan Session tab of the lower pane. Continue with item barcodes, one by one, if applicable. End the session with the current patron.
Circulation 42 Loan Checks When loaning an item, the system checks both the patron and the item to verify that the loan can take place. The system checks to be sure that the patron: has the right to borrow the item; has a registration that has not expired; has no delinquency codes; has no overdue items or fines; has not reached his limit of items that may be checked out. The system checks to be sure that the item: may be borrowed; has no hold requests.
Circulation 43 Loan Checks Any problems with the loan will be listed in the lower pane, under the 2. Blocks tab: “Override” if you have ‘override’ privileges, you may be able to override problems such as those listed above, otherwise the problem must be rectified first. The button will not be active if no override privileges exist. “Cancel Loan” to cancel this loan transaction.
Circulation 44 Loan Checks Table setup decides which problems, and at what severity, will stop a patron from taking out a loan. Example 1: A patron has 5 books overdue. According to her Patron Status, she’s only allowed a maximum of 3 overdue books before being blocked from further loans. The loan will be stopped.
Circulation 45 Loan Checks Example 2: A patron owes the library $35. According to his Patron Status, the maximum amount he’s allowed to owe is $20. The loan will be stopped. Example 3: A patron has a Patron Status which does not allow her lending rights in the particular sublibrary. The loan will be stopped. Example 4: A patron tries to loan a book whose Item Status does not allow its lending. The loan will be stopped.
Circulation 46 The Loan Navigation Tree Tab Cash payment area Cash payment area Session/history/ active due dates tree Session/history/ active due dates tree Patron information area Patron information area Loan/loan blocks area Loan/loan blocks area
Circulation 47 The Loan Navigation Tree Tab - Options “Print Session” to print a loan receipt which details all transactions in the current session. “Change Date” to change the due date for the loan selected in the Loan Session tab of the lower pane. “Loan Notes” add up to 2 notes to be attached to the selected loan. “Letter” to print a letter/form for the patron – select from a list of available formats.
Circulation 48 The Loan Navigation Tree Tab - Options “New Cash” to register a new, ad hoc, cash transaction for the patron (debit or credit). You may choose from a selection of standard transaction types and rates, or enter a different amount.
Circulation 49 The Loan screen “Pay Cash” If the patron wishes to pay all of his/her debt as appearing in the Pay field, click “Pay Cash”. If they wish to pay only part of their debt, enter that amount in the Pay field and click “Pay Cash”. A cash receipt will be printed in either case. “Patron’s Cash” To move directly to the patron’s cash information (in the Patron Navigation Tree Tab).
Circulation 50 Loan history To view the workstation’s loan history, open the History node in the Navigation Tree Tab. The Loan History is per current workstation only:
Circulation 51 Setup Loan Options To modify various loan options, select Options/Set up loan options:
Circulation 52 Setup Loan Options Display Circulation Note if checked, the Circulation Note that was entered in the Item Record will display when the item is loaned. Display “Item(s) on Hold for This Patron” Message if checked, a message will display if the patron has an item on hold awaiting him/her. Display “Item is Requested” Message if checked, a message will display if the loaned item had been requested by other patrons.
Circulation 53 Setup Loan Options (cont.) Patron Verification Required if checked, it will be necessary to input the patron’s verification code in order to perform a loan. Display Process Status if checked, the Item Process Status of the item will display when performing the loan. Most items do not have an Item Process Status. Override Button as Default if checked, the “Override” button or the “Cancel Loan” button(s) will be highlighted by default if the patron does not have the permission to borrow the item in question.
Circulation 54 Setup Loan Options (cont.) Loan Receipt Printing You can determine whether or not the system will print loan receipts automatically. If you wish to have the system print receipts automatically, you can choose whether they should be printed after each loan transaction, or only at the end of a session with a patron.
Circulation 55 Stage 5 : Returns
Circulation 56 The Return Process To return an item, select the Return Navigation Tree Tab. Enter the item’s Barcode. –The return transaction will be completed when the returned item’s details display in the Item tab of the lower pane. –Open the BIB Info tab to view bibliographic information. Continue with item barcodes, one by one, if applicable. The session with the current patron ends when an item barcode returned by a different patron is entered.
Circulation 57 The Return Navigation Tree Tab Cash payment area Cash payment area Session/ history/ tree Session/ history/ tree Patron information area Patron information area Returned item area Returned item area
Circulation 58 The Return Navigation Tree Tab - Options “Clear” to erase information from the Return screen about the patron and the item. “Update” the system enters the current date and time for each return. To globally override these, click “Update”. This action should be performed BEFORE the actual returns. It will be in place until such time as the librarian clicks the “Clear Override” button. If that button was not clicked, the override option will expire automatically after a preset period.
Circulation 59 The Return Navigation Tree Tab - Options The Cash payment and letter sending actions are the same as in a loan transaction (see above).
Circulation 60 Return History To view the workstation’s Return History tab, open the History node in the Navigation Tree. The Return History is per current workstation only:
Circulation 61 Setup Return Options Print Return Receipt if checked, the system will automatically print a receipt for each return transaction. Print Return Receipt – Transfer if checked, the system will automatically print a receipt for each return transaction, even if the item will be transferred to another sub-library’s station. Display List of Hold Requests if checked, the system will automatically display a list of hold requests for the returned item.
Circulation 62 Setup Return Options (cont.) Print Photocopy Requests Slips Automatically upon Return Display “Item Is Not on Loan” Message click here if you want to be notified about the return of an item that the system has no record of having been checked out. Display Circulation Note if checked, the Circulation Note that was entered in the Item Record will display when a patron returns the item. Display Item Process Status to display a prompt with the item's process status.
Circulation 63 Setup Return Options (cont.) Late Return Message you can determine whether or not the system will display a message when an item is returned late. If you do wish to display such a message, you can choose whether : it should be displayed after each loan transaction, or only at the end of the session with a patron.
Circulation 64 Stage 6 : Renewals
Circulation 65 Renewals Loans may be renewed: by the patron on the Web OPAC, or by the librarian in the Circulation Module provided that the system checks of the patron and the item do not block renewal.
Circulation 66 Renewals The system checks that the patron has renewal permission; has not exceeded his/her maximum number of renewals; has an expiry date that is later than the new due date; has not been blocked from loans/renewals due to other problems; has not exceeded his/her cash limit. The system checks that the item may be renewed; has no hold requests; is not overdue.
Circulation 67 Renewals via the Circulation Module 1.Via the Patron Loans list (entered from the Loans node on the Patron Navigation Tree): You may renew a selected loan (click “Renew”) or all loans (click “Renew All”). To change due dates without going through renewal checks, click “Change Date” instead.
Circulation 68 Renewals via the Circulation Module More on “ Renew All” If the system finds problems with the renewal of some of the loans, a window will pop up with the reason for that. Depends on setup, it may be possible to override such an error message. Override can be for each item or global. (in the example below, override is not possible.)
Circulation 69 Renewals via the Circulation Module 2. From the Circulation/Renew loan by barcode menu. Enter the new due date in the Renew Date field:
Circulation 70 Renewals via the Web OPAC Patrons can renew their own loans if they have login access to their account (via the “My Library Card” link) in the Web OPAC. Renewals through the Web OPAC are subject to checks such as described above. Click on the number of an individual loan to get to the Renew link. Click on the number of an individual loan to get to the Renew link.
Circulation 71 Renewals via the Web OPAC You may also Renew All loans by clicking on the “Renew All” link from within the Patron Information screen. The system will list the loans that could not be renewed due to blocks and other problems.
Circulation 72 Stage 7 : Cash Management
Circulation 73 Cash Transactions It is possible to charge a user for most library transactions (e.g. hold requests, photocopy requests, loans, renewals). Standard charges for transactions are table-driven, but may be overridden by the librarian. Staff may also add ad hoc transactions, such as lost books’ replacement charges.
Circulation 74 Excerpt from the Cash Table* 0001 ##### ## Y 0.50 Photo request 0002 ##### ## Y 0.50 Hold request 0080 ##### ## Y 3.00 1st warning - Overdue 0081 ##### ## Y 4.00 2nd warning - Overdue 9996 ##### ## Y 15.0 Local charge for disruption Column 1: Transaction number Column 2: Sublibrary Column 3: Patron Status Column 7: Transaction name Column 5: Amount charged ($) *tab18.
Circulation 75 Cash Transactions You may view the patron’s cash transactions from the Cash node under Patron Activity in the Patron Navigation Tree Tab: Details for each transaction are displayed under Cash Info in the lower pane.
Circulation 76 Cash Transaction - Options You may choose which transactions to view by opening the relevant tab: All Transactions Cash History (paid and partly paid transactions) Active (unpaid) Transactions Canceled Transactions Paid transaction will appear in green, while unpaid ones will appear in red.
Circulation 77 Cash Transactions - Options “Pay Sum” if the patron wants to pay the total amount due. If s/he wishes to pay less than the total amount due, first enter the amount s/he intends to pay in the Sum to Pay field and click the “Pay Sum” button. “Pay Selected” if the patron wants to pay for one or more specific transactions, highlight these transaction(s) using [“Shift”] or [“Ctrl”], and click this button.
Circulation 78 Cash Transactions - Options “New” To register a new, ad hoc, cash transaction for the patron (debit or credit). You may choose from a selection of standard transaction types and rates, or enter a different amount. “Waive” to cancel non-credit transactions, using [“Shift”] or [“Ctrl”], and click the “Waive” button. A form will display for you to enter the reason for this waiver.
Circulation 79 Cash Transactions - Options “Print” if all transactions are displayed, all will be printed. If the window is currently displaying a filtered view, you will be prompted as to whether you want to print all of the patron’s transactions, or just those in the filtered view. “By Sublibrary” To view cash subtotals by sublibrary.
Circulation 80 Cash Transactions on the Web OPAC Patrons may view their own list of cash transactions in the Web OPAC, once they have signed in.
Circulation 81 Stage 8 : Hold Requests
Circulation 82 Hold requests When a patron places a hold request for an item, s/he is reserving that item for his/her use. In most cases, a hold request will be placed on an item by a patron because that item is out on loan with another patron. In some cases, a hold request will be placed on an item that is not currently on loan ("available copy"). When a requested item is returned, a note will inform the librarian of the fact.
Circulation 83 Hold request Checks Among other things, the system checks that the patron: has permission to place a hold request; has not exceeded the maximum number of hold requests that s/he is allowed to place; has permission to place a hold request on an available copy (if such copy is available); has not passed his/her expiry date. The system also checks if the item: may be requested; has other hold requests - if so, is it possible to place multiple hold requests for this item?
Circulation 84 Placing Hold Requests Hold requests may be placed By the librarian from the Item List window (after retrieving a record by Barcode or Call Number); By the librarian from the Circulation Main Menu Toolbar; By the patron on the Web OPAC, if s/he has been given that privilege.
Circulation 85 Placing Hold Requests The librarian may place a hold request on behalf of a patron from the Requests/Hold Requests /Create Hold Request. Enter Patron ID/Barcode and search for the item (or enter its barcode). If problems are found with the request, these will display.
Circulation 86 Create Hold Request Form 1. Request Information tab 2. Item Filter Information tab
Circulation 87 Hold Requests - Options From/To Date default dates cover a period of one year; these however may be changed manually. Pickup Location choose the location where the patron will receive the material. The options can include Home Delivery; Mailbox; a specific Sublibrary; or a specific Reading Room. Recall Type if you want the item to be recalled, choose the level of urgency, 01 (regular) or 02 (rush). If you do not want the item to be recalled, choose 03 (default value: no recall).
Circulation 88 Hold requests - Options Priority You can determine the position of the hold request in the queue by assigning it a priority. The highest level priority is "00"; the lowest is "99“. Regular requests in the Circulation Module receive a priority of "20." A recall defined as ‘rush’ will automatically receive a priority of "00." The priority value may be changed manually.
Circulation 89 Hold requests - Options Item Matching Filter (in tab 2) Use these fields to define the pool of items from which the hold request may be filled. These will be considered ‘like’ (similar) items. You may also enter ‘#’ (to mean "any") or leave the field blank (to mean "none"). For example, use ‘#’ in the Collection field to indicate that it doesn't matter which Collection is used to fill the request. The default combination of fields that define a filter are Sublibrary, Item Status and Collection. Only Selected Item (in tab 2) If you want the hold request to be filled only by the specific copy, check this box.
Circulation 90 Placing Hold Requests Alternatively, the librarian may place a hold request on a specific item from the Item List node in Items Navigation Tree Tab. Select the item and click the “Hold Request” button, complete the Patron’s ID/Barcode, and the Create Hold Request form (with similar fields, explained above):
Circulation 91 Hold Requests in the Web OPAC Authenticated patrons may create hold requests from within the Web OPAC. The system runs various checks on the patron and the item similar to those described above. If the request is possible, the “Request” link will display in front of the item in the Holdings list for the title.
Circulation 92 Hold Requests in the Web OPAC If there were problems with a specific request, an error message will appear in the Main Menu Toolbar. Depending on setup, it can be either non-Overridable, or for information only: If all is well when the link is clicked, the request form displays:
Circulation 93 Hold Requests in the Web OPAC Once the form has been completed and sent, an indication will appear, both in the OPAC and in the Circulation Module, that this item has outstanding requests:
Circulation 94 Hold Requests - Recalls A recall means asking the patron who currently has an item on loan to return it to the library, earlier than its original due date. This may be caused by another patron (or the librarian) placing a hold request for this item. The only way to initiate the recall of an item is by creating a hold request for it. (A library may choose not to use recalls at all.) Depending on your library setup, actual recall occurs either when the service "Recall Loans" is run, or when the hold request was placed (immediate recall).
Circulation 95 Hold Requests - Recalls When a recall is initiated, the following take place: a new due date is calculated for the item, and the patron/item loan lists are updated with “recalled”. a recall letter will be sent to the patron a different fine method is applied to the late return of recalled items.
Circulation 96 Viewing Hold Requests Hold requests may be viewed in several places: From the Hold Requests node for a specific item, in Items Navigation Tree Tab: From the Hold Requests node in the Patron Navigation Tree Tab.
Circulation 97 Viewing Requests in the Web OPAC In the Web OPAC, signed in patrons may view their hold requests from within the Patron Information window:
Circulation 98 Hold requests - Printouts Two kinds of letters may be sent to patrons: Hold request filled Hold request not filled A Hold Slip is also printed for those requests that were filled, one to place inside the book on the Hold Shelf. To print one of these letters, select Requests/Hold Requests/Print Letter – Hold Request Filled (or Print Letter – Hold Request Not Filled). Slips may also be printed automatically when the service Call Slips for Hold Requests (cir-12) is run.
Circulation 99 Hold requests - Printouts Hold Slip: Hold Request Filled letter:
Circulation 100 Stage 9 : Photocopy Requests
Circulation 101 Photocopy Requests When a patron places a photocopy request for an item, s/he is requesting that a portion of an item be photocopied for his/her use. Photocopy requests are similar to hold requests in terms of how they are created, viewed, etc. However, photocopy requests are also allocated a serial number by which they are later identified and managed.
Circulation 102 Photocopy requests Checks As with hold requests, the system checks both the patron and the item to verify that the photocopy request is permitted. Among other things, the system checks that the patron has permission to place a photocopy request, and that the item may be requested.
Circulation 103 Photocopy Requests on the OPAC Signed-in patrons may create photocopy requests from within the Web OPAC. The system runs various checks on the patron and the item similar to those described above. If the request is possible, the “Photo” link will display in front of the item in the Holdings list for the title:
Circulation 104 Photocopy Requests on the OPAC The patron has to complete a form outlining the details of the photocopying required:
Circulation 105 Photocopy Requests Charging The library may apply photocopying charges, based on factors defined in table setup, such as paper size and the number of pages. Status Photocopy requests may receive one of three possible statuses throughout their handling: A (Active) – initial status before handling W (Waiting) – if not filled immediately Filled.
Circulation 106 Photocopy Requests - Printouts Two kinds of letters may be sent to patrons: Photocopy request filled (or photocopy pickup letter); Photocopy request not filled. A Photocopy request slip may also be printed for those requests that were filled, to be attached to the copies made. To print one of these letters, select Requests/Photocopy Requests/Print Letter – Photocopy Request Filled (or Print Letter – Photocopy Request Not Filled). Slips may also be printed automatically when the service Call Slips for Hold Requests (cir-12) is run.
Circulation 107 Stage 10 : Offline Circulation
Circulation 108 Offline Circulation The Offline Circulation allows you to record loan and return transactions on your local computer in case there is a disruption between your computer and the server. Your transactions will be saved in a file which you may send to the server when the connection has been re-established.
Circulation 109 Offline Circulation To activate this function, select Circulation/Offline Circulation from the Main Menu Toolbar:
Circulation 110 Offline Circulation - Options Loan/Return Select which of the two actions you wish to perform by clicking the appropriate radio button. The top button will reflect your choice. “Send File” Once connection to the server is restored, click here to send the loan/return file to the server for checking. “Import File” You may import the Check Report into your local drive.
Circulation 111 Offline Circulation Checks Once the data has been sent to the server, the system will then check the transactions and produce a Check Report. The system checks: if the item exists; if there is a patron record; if any problems with Loan/Return were encountered (e.g., the item was already on loan).
Circulation 112 Offline Circulation The 2. Offline Circulation - Check Report tab will display and can be printed for manual processing:
Circulation 113 Stage 11 : Other Options
Circulation 114 Change Item Information To change item information, select Items/ Change Item Information: Indicate new item parameters in this window Scan in item barcodes in this window
Circulation 115 Change Item Information If you have checked the Check Requests box, a window will pop up showing any information relating to the change for each item scanned in. Unless you check the Permanent Change box, the changes you apply will be considered Temporary, and the Temporary Location box of the Item Form will be checked. You may restore original item information later, an action which is not possible for permanent changes.
Circulation 116 Restore Item Information For temporary changes, you may restore the original settings. Below there is an example of a restored item:
Circulation 117 ‘Fast Cataloging’ It is possible, in the Circulation Module, to ‘fast catalog’ a record for the purpose of an immediate loan transaction. The Catalog Record function deals both with brief bibliographic data and with item definition.
Circulation 118 ‘Fast Cataloging’ To do that, go to Items/Catalog Record and Create Item or [Ctrl+F8]. Select the bibliographic library into which you wish to catalog the new record. Once Cataloging and item creation is done, an additional MARC 21 note field will be added to the BIB record indicating it is a ‘Provisional Circ record’. You may create a dummy-patron called CATALOGER, so that a hold request will be created for it for each ‘fast cat’ record. This allows the librarians to ‘capture’ these records once returned from loan.
Circulation 119 ‘Fast Cataloging’
Circulation 120 Fast Circulation Fast Circulation is a quick way to perform the Loan and Return circulation transactions. It is used most often by distant branches or mobile libraries with poor communication lines. The same checks that are performed during normal Loan and Return are also performed when using the Fast Circulation option. Select Circulation/Fast Circulation:
Circulation 121 Payment Report It is possible to print a report outlining cash credit/debit transactions performed in the library at a given period. The report may be per staff members of per workstation (using the IP address). The next time the report is printed it will commence from the To Date and To Hour of the previous report.
Circulation 122 Payment Report Select Reports/Payment Report:
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