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Hybrid F luorescence M olecular T omography – X -ray C omputed T omography method and system Administrative + Financial Aspects Project Overview Reporting.

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Presentation on theme: "Hybrid F luorescence M olecular T omography – X -ray C omputed T omography method and system Administrative + Financial Aspects Project Overview Reporting."— Presentation transcript:

1 Hybrid F luorescence M olecular T omography – X -ray C omputed T omography method and system Administrative + Financial Aspects Project Overview Reporting Deliverables & Milestones Veronika Erben

2 H ybrid F luorescence M olecular T omography – X- ray C omputed T omography method and system Acronym: FMT-XCT Collaborative project: Small or medium-scale focused research project Grant agreement No: 201792 Starting date: 1st March 08 Duration: 4 years Funding: European Commission- FP7 Funding rate: € 4.5 Mio

3 Partners/Beneficiaries FMT-XCT University College London Commissariat a L’Energie Atomique Fudacion para la Investigacion Biomedica del Hospital Gregorio Marañon Verfahren und Apparate der Medizinischen Physik Technische Universität München

4 Executive Committee HMGU/TUM: Prof. Vasilis Ntziachristos (WP1,5,9) CEA-Leti: Prof. Philippe Rizo (WP2) Forth: Dr. Jorge Ripoll( WP3) UCL: Prof. Simon Arridge (WP4) CEA-Lime: Prof. Bertrand Tavitian (WP6) UZH: Prof. Markus Rudin (WP7) FIHGM: Dr. Juan Jose Vaquero (WP8) Vamp: Dr. Holger Brünner Executive Committee HMGU/TUM: Prof. Vasilis Ntziachristos (WP1,5,9) CEA-Leti: Prof. Philippe Rizo (WP2) Forth: Dr. Jorge Ripoll( WP3) UCL: Prof. Simon Arridge (WP4) CEA-Lime: Prof. Bertrand Tavitian (WP6) UZH: Prof. Markus Rudin (WP7) FIHGM: Dr. Juan Jose Vaquero (WP8) Vamp: Dr. Holger Brünner Reasearchers Dr. Ralf Schulz, Dr. Marta Zientowska, Anelique Ale, Dr. Giannis Zacharakis, Dr. Veronique Rebuffel, Dr. Alejandro Sisniega, Dr. Manuel Desco, Marco Brambilla, Dr. T. Rudge, Dr. V.Soloviev, Dr. J.Elisee, Dr. Juan Aguirre, Dr. Judith Chamorro, Dr. Katerina Dikaiou, Dr. Sandra Bürki, Dr. Florian Stuker, Dr. Garafolakis Anikotos and othersReasearchers Advisory Committee Prof. Markus Schwaiger – TUM Prof. Clemens Lowik – Leiden University Prof. Chrit Moonen – University Victor Segalen Bordeaux Advisory Committee Prof. Markus Schwaiger – TUM Prof. Clemens Lowik – Leiden University Prof. Chrit Moonen – University Victor Segalen Bordeaux Coordinator: HMGU Project leader: Prof. Vasilis Ntziachristos Project manager: Dr. Veronika Erben Coordinator: HMGU Project leader: Prof. Vasilis Ntziachristos Project manager: Dr. Veronika Erben = Consortium European Commission Project officer: Dr. Torbjoern Ingemannson Management structure Management Support Teams Project management office Financial departments Legal departments Communication /press Management Support Teams Project management office Financial departments Legal departments Communication /press

5 Reporting Schedule 4 Year Collaborative Project with 4 Reporting Periods Work packages TECHNICAL DEVELOPMENT IN-VIVO ALGORITHMIC TRAINING & PRE-CLINICAL IMAGING Cancer imaging with focus on breast cancer imaging (Wp6) WP leader CEA-Lime Cancer imaging with focus on breast cancer imaging (Wp6) WP leader CEA-Lime Imaging Cancer Therapy for enabling intervention (Wp7) WP leader: UZH Imaging Cancer Therapy for enabling intervention (Wp7) WP leader: UZH MANAGEMENT (Wp1) WP leader: HMGU Theory for 360 degree FMT (Wp3) WP leader: FORTH Theory for 360 degree FMT (Wp3) WP leader: FORTH FMT Inversion with priors (Wp4) WP leader: UCL FMT Inversion with priors (Wp4) WP leader: UCL FMT-XCT integration (Wp5) WP leader: HMGU FMT-XCT integration (Wp5) WP leader: HMGU TRAINING, DISSEMINATION &TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER (Wp9) WP leader: HMGU XCT Development (Wp2) WP leader: CEA-Leti XCT Development (Wp2) WP leader: CEA-Leti FMT-XCT Imaging accurancy vs PET-XCT (Wp8) WP leader: FIHGM FMT-XCT Imaging accurancy vs PET-XCT (Wp8) WP leader: FIHGM

6 Report Reporting Schedule 4 Year Collaborative Project with 4 Reporting Periods 12 months Official starting date: March 01,2008 t February 2012February 2011 Reporting Schedule February 2009 February 2010 Periodic report (WP and Management report) + financial report 60 days after the end of each reporting period No incomplete reports 12 months +60 days Report Reporting Period 1 Reporting Period 2 Reporting Period 3 Reporting Period 4

7 Activity report: 1. Publishable summary 2. Project objectives for the reporting period 3. Work progress and achievements during the period: For each work package -- except project management 4. Deliverables and Milestones tables 5. Project Management 6. Explanation of the use of the resources Periodic report based on Annex I

8 3.Work progress and achievements during the period/WP Summary and Progress towards objectives Technical appendix (can also include deliverables) 4. Deliverables and Milestones tables Deliverables that are of a nature other than written "reports", such as "prototypes", "demonstrators" or "others", should also be accompanied by a short report, so that the European Commission has a record of their existence 6. Explanation of the use of the resources/Partner More detailled as Form Cs Reporting Schedule 4 Year Collaborative Project with 4 Reporting Periods Periodic report based on Annex I

9 Financial reporting Financial Report Form Cs Form Cs: Excel table FORCE WEB BASED EDITOR OF FORMS C FOR FP-6 AND FP-7 Online reporting tool

10 FORCE WEB BASED EDITOR OF FORMS C FOR FP-6 AND FP-7 Online reporting tool Coordinators can registering via SESAM Only the coordinator should have access and submit Forms C to the Commission Next version: individual access/Partner Financial report FORCE

11 FORCE FORM C EDITOR FORCE FORM C EDITOR register as a new user in SESAM/FORCE Financial report FORCE Description available how to register and use FORCE ;jsessionid=V2XyJk0Ybc n8vLG803x1YPQJq1dPQSnhJLky6vWZ1dT3DG24MCLL!- 1976463397!-1882849135

12 Total EC contribution due to Annex1 [€] August 08 [€]April/May[€]July/August[€] 1HMGU1.294.102323.525129.410? 2CEA1.212.389303.097121.23991.026 3FORTH488.550122.13748.85542.742 4UCL409.600102.40040.96043.165 5FIBHGM478.400119.60047.840138.900 6UZH365.60091.40036.56036.260 7VAMP263.50065.87526.35024.049 TOTAL4.512.1411.128.034451.214 1st prefinancing 2 nd prefinancing spent in year 1 (Form C) Payment Schedule

13 Transfer between activities (RTD, Management, Other) possible; should be clarified EC A certificate on the financial statements (certificate of the accounting system) is only required when the amount of financial contribution is equal to or superior to EUR 375 000 Money can be transfered to next year Payment Schedule

14 audit + 5 years after end of the project time sheets Audit

15 Next consortium meeting mo 24 = Feb.2010 (Where? When?) WP1 Management Deliverable No NameMonth 1.1Consortium AgreementMarch `08 1.2Minutes of the kick off meetingMarch `08 1.3Project website and updatesFeb. `09, Feb. `10, Feb. `11 1.4Program of the consortium meetingsFeb. `09, Feb. `10, Feb. `11 1.5Half time reportFeb. `10

16 WP2 XCT Development - LETI Milestone No 5 (mo 18= August 09): XCT dual energy vs. contrast enhancement Deliverable NoNameMonth 2.1XCT design March ` 08  Nov ` 08 2.2Dual energy protototype May `09  Dec`09 2.3Dual energy processing software May `09  Aug. `09 2.4Preliminary technical specifications Aug.`09 2.5Scattered energy measurements Nov. `09 2.6Comparison of contrast enhancing strategies Feb. `10 2.7Final technical specification for XCT system Feb. `10

17 WP3: Theory for 360 degree FMT WP3: Theory for 360 degree FMT Milestone No. 4 (month 15 = May 09): Direct vs Conventional FMT performance * New Deliverable „Ultra- fast Inversion for FMT“  month 24=Feb. 10 Deliverable NoNameMonth 3.1Direct inversion algorithm for fluorescence implementing boundary removal principles Nov`09 3.2Experimental training set measurements to serve as a training set for algorithmic optimization Feb. `09 3.3Quantitative evaluation of direct inversion performance vs established FMT inversion methods Aug. `09 3.4Multi-spectral algorithm Nov. `09 3.5User friendly software environment Feb.`10

18 WP4: FMT inversion with image priors WP4: FMT inversion with image priors Milestone No 6 (month 21 = Nov 09): Optimal FMT inversion with priors Deliverable NoNameMonth 4.1Inversion algorithms for improving recontructionNov. `09, May `10 4.2Quantification of algorithmic performance with simulated dataNov.`09 4.3Inversion algorithms to determine the optical attenuation of different organs/tissues Feb.`10 4.4An automatic feature extraction algorithmFeb.`10

19 WP5: FMT –XCT integration Milestone No 8 (mo 24 = Feb. `10) : FMT-XCT Shielding Deliverable NoNameMonth 5.1360 degree FMT prototypeFeb. `09 5.2Optimal settingsMay `09 5.3Gantry delopmentFeb. `10

20 WP6: Cancer imaging with focus on breast cancer WP6: Cancer imaging with focus on breast cancer Deliverable NoNameMonth 6.1 LIME To develop and characterize molecular probesNov.`09, Aug. `10 6.2 LIME/HMGU? Prepare mammary tumor animal models (lung and brain cancer) Aug. `10 6.3 LIME Breed and make available PyMT animal modelsFeb. `10 Lime

21 WP7: Imaging cancer therapy for enabling intervention WP7: Imaging cancer therapy for enabling intervention Deliverable No Name Month 7.1 Preparation of HIF transfected cancer cells Nov. 08 7.2 FMT of HIF induction of breast tumors May 09

22 WP8: FMT-XCT imaging accuracy vs. PET-XCT Deliverable NoNameMonth 8.1Construct imaging phantomsFeb. `09 8.2Phantom characterization with PET, FMT and XCT and appropriate probes Feb.`10

23 , WP9: Training & Dissemination WP9: Training & Dissemination Deliverable NoNameMonth 9.2 Training curriculum and implementation document Feb.`09 CEA-LETI will house a training session on XCT on mo.12 Veronique Rebuffel: May/June 09 Crete will house a training session jointly with UCL on free-space FMT on mo. 24 (=Feb. 10)

24 Thank you for your attention!

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