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Published byGriffin Houston Modified over 9 years ago
Information Society Technologies (IST) KA1 Systems and Services for the Citizen 6th Call, Information Day - Friday 2nd February, 2001 GENERAL INFORMATION DG Information Society European Commission M. Richonnier
2 IST -KA1 - Info Day - 02.02.2001 DISCLAIMER Aspects of these presentations interpret legal documents. It is the legal documents and not the presentations that are legally binding. M. Richonnier
3 Objectives of the Information Day To help you make a better proposal To receive quality proposals To answer any questions To allow you to network The slides will be on Cordis The participants list will be published on Cordis (if no objections) M. Richonnier
4 Agenda: Morning 09h15 – 09h45Objectives/focus of 6th Call - M. Richonnier 09h45 – 10h05Preparing a Proposal - W. Van Puymbroeck 10h05 - 10h25Overview of areas HEALTH- J-C Healy PERSONS WITH SPECIAL NEEDS- H. Haglund ADMINISTRATIONS- G. Santucci 10h25 - 10H40Presentation of Protool - A. Burgueno 10h40 – 11h00Questions and Answers 11h00 - 11h30Coffee Break + move to parallel sessions 11h30 – 13h00Parallel sessions by area M. Richonnier
5 Agenda: Afternoon 13h00 - 14h00Lunch 14h00 - 16h30Ad-Hoc meetings by area * Partnering, marriage brokerage.. * Discussions with Commission staff *... 16h30 - 17h00Parallel sessions by area * Final discussion M. Richonnier
6 Vision of the IST programme ”C reate an ambient intelligence landscape (for seamless delivery of services and applications) in Europe relying also upon testbeds and open source software, develop user-friendliness, and develop and converge the networking infrastructure in Europe to world-class" ”C reate an ambient intelligence landscape (for seamless delivery of services and applications) in Europe relying also upon testbeds and open source software, develop user-friendliness, and develop and converge the networking infrastructure in Europe to world-class" M. Richonnier
7 Vision of the IST - KA1 “Ambient intelligence” Beyond “ the screen and keyboard interface” Beyond “ the screen and keyboard interface” A knowledge society for ALL A knowledge society for ALL “Our surrounding is the interface” to IST applications and services “Our surrounding is the interface” to IST applications and services Multi-sensorial interfaces supported by computing and networking: Multi-sensorial interfaces supported by computing and networking: –everywhere –in everyday objects –offering natural interactions (voice, gesture etc.) M. Richonnier
8 IST KA1 R&D paradigms From data telematics (3rd FP) to multi-media telematics (4th FP) to ambient intelligence (5th FP) From data telematics (3rd FP) to multi-media telematics (4th FP) to ambient intelligence (5th FP) Ambient intelligence = ubiquitous computing + ubiquitous communication + intelligent interfaces which will allow... Ambient intelligence = ubiquitous computing + ubiquitous communication + intelligent interfaces which will allow... The realisation of innovative, user-friendly, intelligent and communicating application systems that will improve delivery of services to users. The realisation of innovative, user-friendly, intelligent and communicating application systems that will improve delivery of services to users. M. Richonnier
9 Reminder on IST Visible part of integration: Cross Programme Actions and Integrated Application Platforms (12% of budget) = “the tip of the iceberg” Visible part of integration: Cross Programme Actions and Integrated Application Platforms (12% of budget) = “the tip of the iceberg” Application R&D (+/- 50% of the budget) combines both technology research and system integration Application R&D (+/- 50% of the budget) combines both technology research and system integration Genuine industrial participation with a view to exploitation of results Genuine industrial participation with a view to exploitation of results M. Richonnier
10 Key Action 1: Objectives Exploit the potential offered by progress in “ambient intelligence” through RTD in new application systems for making general interest services user-friendly, dependable, cost-effective and interoperable. Exploit the potential offered by progress in “ambient intelligence” through RTD in new application systems for making general interest services user-friendly, dependable, cost-effective and interoperable. improve competitiveness & meet user demands M. Richonnier
11 1. Innovative application systems, i.e. systems that will be new at the end of the project 2. That have significant exploitation potential Key Action 1:Aim - progress wrt state of the art Innovative integration New IST components M. Richonnier
12 Key Action 1:Focus Improving impact: Improving impact: –Critical mass: Open to larger projects - no “one size fits all”Open to larger projects - no “one size fits all” –Concentration on strategic issues Focus on the vision of “ambient intelligence” Focus on the vision of “ambient intelligence” Fostering longer-term and/or high-risk effort Fostering longer-term and/or high-risk effort Reinforcing the eEurope momentum beyond 2002 Reinforcing the eEurope momentum beyond 2002 M. Richonnier
13 Key Action 1 in Call 6 (First call in 2001) Open: January 27, 2001 Open: January 27, 2001 Deadline: April 25, 2001 Deadline: April 25, 2001 –do not wait until the last minute! –pre-register your proposal! Evaluation: 13 -19 May 2001 Evaluation: 13 -19 May 2001 Evaluation Summary Reports: before May 30 Evaluation Summary Reports: before May 30 Negotiation: June - July (one month if good “technical Annex” / good consortium!) Negotiation: June - July (one month if good “technical Annex” / good consortium!) Signature: September for first contract to start on October 1st Signature: September for first contract to start on October 1st M. Richonnier
14 KEY Action 1 in Call 6 (indicative budget range ) Health 30 -35 MEuro Health 30 -35 MEuro (including +/- 5 MEuro for best practice and trials) Persons with Special Needs 17 - 20 MEuro Persons with Special Needs 17 - 20 MEuro Administrations 3 - 5 MEuro Administrations 3 - 5 MEuro (Best Practice and Trials only) TOTAL 55 MEuro M. Richonnier
15 Attract RTD proposals with critical mass, strategic impact and real economic value, e.g. an average EU funding Attract RTD proposals with critical mass, strategic impact and real economic value, e.g. an average EU funding of 2.0 M€ KEY Action 1: Our goals M. Richonnier GOAL 1
16 Attract Consortia that are manageable and where all partners have a clear role and a significant task in contribution, e.g.: l Consortia of not more than 6 partners is ideal l No partner with microscopic input (such as 15000 € per year!) KEY Action 1: Our goals M. Richonnier GOAL 2
17 In order to avoid cost on your and our side, only high quality proposals should be submitted, e.g.: In order to avoid cost on your and our side, only high quality proposals should be submitted, e.g.: l Over-subscription not more than a factor of 4 KEY Action 1: Our goals M. Richonnier GOAL 3
18 KA1: Lessons from 4th Call M. Richonnier
19 KA1: Cluster management Health Health –Intelligent systems for the citizen (open) –Intelligent systems for the patient (open) –Intelligent systems for the Healthcare professional (open) Persons with Special Needs Persons with Special Needs –Intelligent assistive systems (open) –Intelligent systems for independent living (open) Administrations Administrations –e-democracy –smart government (Take-up open) M. Richonnier
20 KA1: Cluster Management Make sure your proposal fits well with the open clusters fits well with the open clusters does not duplicate existing projects does not duplicate existing projects (Look at Cordis!) M. Richonnier
21 KA1: 6th Call GOOD LUCK! M. Richonnier
22 Call for Proposals & Eligibility Guide for Proposals & Evaluation Criteria Feedback from previous Evaluations Some further opportunities Final concluding remarks Proposal Preparation W. Van Puymbroeck
23 Call for Proposals published on 27th January It defines: l the Action Lines that are open è Reference to the Workprogramme 2001 l the Type of Actions called for è See Guide for Proposers l the deadline and method of delivery of a proposal l refers to Manual of Proposal Evaluation Procedures ³ Proposals have to be in Brussels on 25 April 2001 before 17:00 Call for Proposers and Eligibility
24 m A proposal has 3 parts: è Part A: Administrative, budgetary information (Forms A0-A4) è Part B: Description of contribution to scientific/technical objectives and workplan è Part C: Description of EC policies, Economic development, management and participants m There are 5 blocks of Evaluation Criteria: è Scientific/technological quality and innovation è Community added value and contribution to EC policies è Contribution to Community social objectives è Economic development and S&T prospects è Resources, Partnership and management Guide for Proposers - Evaluation Criteria
25 Guide for Proposers -Evaluation Criteria Cont’d Part B of Proposal B1 Title page B2 Content list B3 Objectives B4 Contribution to programme Key Action objectives B5 Innovation B6 Project Workplan Evaluation Criteria 1 Scientific Technological quality and innovation (incl. Workpackage list, deliverables list, workpackage description) For RTD proposals this part needs to be anonymous
26 Guide for Proposers - Evaluation Criteria Cont’d Part C of Proposal C1 Title page C2 Content list C3 Community added value and contribution to EC policies C4 Contribution to Community social objectives Evaluation Criteria 2 Community added value and contribution to EC policies Evaluation Criteria 3 Contribution to Community social objectives
27 Guide for Proposers - Evaluation Criteria Cont’d Part C of Proposal cont’d C5 Project management C6 Description of the consortium C7 Description of the participants C8 Economic development and scientific and technological prospects Evaluation Criteria 4 Economic development and S&T prospects Evaluation Criteria 5 Resources, partnership and management
28 Criteria Weight (1) Threshold (2) Scientific/Technological Quality and innovation4 >= 3 Community Added Value and contribution to EU policy1 >= 2 Contribution to Comm. Social objectives1 - Economic Dev; S&T prospects (range of applications, exploitation, strategic impact, dissemination) 2 >= 3 Resources, Partnership, Management2 >= 2 1) Weight on a scale of 10 (sum 10) 2) Threshold with respect to score 0-5 Guide for Proposers - Evaluation Criteria For RTD
29 Guide for Proposers - Evaluation Criteria Evaluation criterion 1: Scientific/Technological quality and innovation (for RTD) Quality Quality Innovation and risk Innovation and risk Adequacy Adequacy Evaluation criterion 2: Community added value and contribution to EC policies (for RTD) European Dimension of the problem European Dimension of the problem European Added Value European Added Value EU policy EU policy
30 Guide for Proposers - Evaluation Criteria Evaluation criterion 3: Contribution to Community social objectives (for RTD) Quality of Life and Health and Safety Quality of Life and Health and Safety Employment Employment Preserving and/or enhancing the environment Preserving and/or enhancing the environment Evaluation criterion 4: Economic development and S & T prospects (for RTD) Usefulness and range of applications, exploitations plans Usefulness and range of applications, exploitations plans Strategic impact Strategic impact Dissemination strategies Dissemination strategies
31 Guide for Proposers - Evaluation Criteria Evaluation criterion 5: Management and resources (for RTD) Quality of management and project approach Quality of management and project approach Quality of partnership, involvement of users and other actors Quality of partnership, involvement of users and other actors Appropriateness of resources Appropriateness of resources
32 Only RTD i.e. research, demonstration and combined research and demonstration projects Only RTD i.e. research, demonstration and combined research and demonstration projects When the contract has When the contract has –A cost of more than 250 000 Euros for the first 12 month period of the project, the audit certificate to be provided with first interim cost statement –A total project cost exceeding 250 000 Euros for the final consolidated cost statement, the audit certificate to be provided together with the final consolidated cost statement, also for those that have provided audit certificates with their first interim cost statement Eligible costs Eligible costs – Community financial contribution shall not exceed 4000 Euros per audit certificate Guide for Proposers: Audit certificates NEW!
33 Some Evaluation Feedback Evaluators consider all aspects of the proposal and have different backgrounds Evaluators consider all aspects of the proposal and have different backgrounds –Experts in IST, knowledgeable in application area, understand business issues Proposers have to make convincing case of innovation and present very clear objectives Proposers have to make convincing case of innovation and present very clear objectives –Your strategic objectives matter most Proposal has to be realistic and “exciting” at the same time Proposal has to be realistic and “exciting” at the same time Make the case for Community funding Make the case for Community funding –i.e. both European level and need for public money
34 Some Evaluation Feedback All partners must have a clear role and the consortium has to reach “critical mass” All partners must have a clear role and the consortium has to reach “critical mass” –importance of “Consortium engineering” Carefully consider “release” level of deliverables Carefully consider “release” level of deliverables –note e.g. the objective to foster the development and use of open source software Management has to consider all issues e.g. Management has to consider all issues e.g. –risk management –handling of conflict –communication strategy
35 Some Evaluation Feedback The proposal may not have a weak point The proposal may not have a weak point –thresholds and weighting –each evaluation criteria discussed on its own merits Avoid easy criticism Avoid easy criticism –ask colleagues to critique early versions Proposals which are “incontournable” have up to now always been funded Proposals which are “incontournable” have up to now always been funded Evaluators evaluate what is written, not what is in your mind Evaluators evaluate what is written, not what is in your mind Evaluators look more for content than style Evaluators look more for content than style
36 Some Evaluation Feedback Call 3 Evaluation results
37 Further opportunities:(AL VIII.1.6) Proposals for extension with NAS partners All IST project types can be extended All IST project types can be extended New WP’s or inclusion in existing WP’s New WP’s or inclusion in existing WP’s Extension should be useful: minimum 1 year Extension should be useful: minimum 1 year New partners/work should add value New partners/work should add value Submitted by co-ordinator of existing project together with all existing and new NAS partners Submitted by co-ordinator of existing project together with all existing and new NAS partners Large majority of extension budget to new NAS partners Large majority of extension budget to new NAS partners Include existing Annex I Include existing Annex I Proposals indicate VIII.1.6 and AL of existing project Proposals indicate VIII.1.6 and AL of existing project Extension proposal will be evaluated as a new proposal Extension proposal will be evaluated as a new proposal Only projects can be extended - not actions in negotiation! Only projects can be extended - not actions in negotiation! Implemented through contract amendment Implemented through contract amendment Appendix in Guide for Proposers Appendix in Guide for Proposers NEW!
38 Further opportunities: The European IST prize The most distinguished prize for innovative products in the field of information technology The most distinguished prize for innovative products in the field of information technology 20 Winner Prizes of each 5000 Euros each, 3 grand prizes of 200 000 Euros each. 20 Winner Prizes of each 5000 Euros each, 3 grand prizes of 200 000 Euros each. Total amount awarded: 700 000 Euros Benefits: public recognition, widespread PR, enhancement of the visibility, credibility and the prospects of the Winner companies Benefits: public recognition, widespread PR, enhancement of the visibility, credibility and the prospects of the Winner companies Open to 31 countries Open to 31 countries Deadline for applications: 15 May 2001 Deadline for applications: 15 May 2001 More info:
39 Further opportunities: CPA’s - focus Address topics common to several Key Actions Address topics common to several Key Actions –Themes of strategic nature –Bringing together fragmented areas –Supporting aspects of integration and convergence Provide an addition perspective to proposers Provide an addition perspective to proposers Defined by Action Lines in the Workprogramme Defined by Action Lines in the Workprogramme –Section 5 of the Workprogramme Resources available … +/- 12% of the IST budget Resources available … +/- 12% of the IST budget
40 Further opportunities: CPA’s - Action Lines Home environments Home environments Multi-sensorial, multi-modal and multilingual interaction Multi-sensorial, multi-modal and multilingual interaction GIS GIS Dependability Dependability Smart Cards Smart Cards Next Generation Networking Next Generation Networking Socio-economic impact and indicators Socio-economic impact and indicators eLearning for youth in the digital age eLearning for youth in the digital age Grid computing and challenging applications Grid computing and challenging applications Regional pilot actions and demonstrations for the new economy Regional pilot actions and demonstrations for the new economy Nanotechnology and applications in health, environment, … Nanotechnology and applications in health, environment, … Applications Service Provision Applications Service Provision Advanced Digital Signal Processing and applications Advanced Digital Signal Processing and applications Not all open this Call !
41 Final concluding remarks Importance of innovation Exploitation potential Consortia composition European and beyond What is new at the end of the project? Project 100% in line with business interest
42 Important details - keep up to date ! IST helpdesk IST helpdesk Fax : +32 2 296 83 88 E-Mail : - Official Journal (call text) - Official Journal (call text) - Workprogramme - Workprogramme - Guide for Proposers - Guide for Proposers - Evaluation manual - Evaluation manual
43 Final concluding remarks In order to help us, In order to help us, –please pre-register your proposal –please submit the full proposal in good time and ensure all forms are duly completed and signed –ensure that budget figures add up –use Pro-Tool –if available use your registration number with the IST Programme
44Announcements Area meetings (starting at 11:30): Area meetings (starting at 11:30): - HealthS3 - Persons with Special NeedsS4 - AdministrationsS1 Please do not forget to return the participant questionnaire to Commission staff at the end of the Information Day Please do not forget to return the participant questionnaire to Commission staff at the end of the Information Day Many thanks
45 5 Framework Programme (1998 - 2002) Information Society Technologies 5 th Framework Programme (1998 - 2002) Information Society Technologies Key Action 1: Systems and Services for the Citizen Applications Relating to Health Jean-Claude Healy, Head of Unit
46 Health domain: Area Overview Vision Scope of the Call Overview of the rationale Results from previous calls Key messages
47 Vision (Continuity of Care) Integrated intelligent citizen-centered health delivery system that contributes to the improvement of quality, access, and efficiency of healthcare
Applications Relating to Health : Rationale Overview 2.2: worldwide telemedicine 2.2: worldwide telemedicine SPECIFIC DEMANDS: 1st medical advice 2nd medical opinion 4: INDUSTRIAL AFFAIRS - standards - implementation plans - certification centre 2.1: home care SPECIFIC DEMANDS: best home treatment 2: PATIENTS SOCIETAL DEMAND: “ Safe, cheap, efficient, follow-up & treatment” JCH/FL/II/FV - fl-5ftpflower-0f-2-fonce..ppt - 01/03/00 page 1/4 1.2: health appliances appliances SPECIFIC DEMANDS: at home, at work,abroad, at leisure, ensure the citizen can manage his own health 1.1: health support services SPECIFIC DEMANDS: - health promotions - support to health-related industries 1: CITIZENS 1: CITIZENS SOCIETAL DEMAND: “Stay HEALTHY” 3.2: hc managers SPECIFIC DEMANDS: - effectiveness - hc policies - resource management 3.1: hc providers SPECIFIC DEMANDS: - quality - integration - user friendliness - more mobility 3: HC PROFESSIONALS SOCIETAL DEMAND: “optimisation of human, financial & infrastructure resources”
49 Scope of the Call Action line I.1.1 Intelligent environment for citizen centered health management Action line I.1.2 Intelligent collaborative environments supporting continuity of care Action line I.1.3 Best practice and trials in e-Health
50 Results from previous calls From the 1st Call to the 6th Call Results of Calls: Proposals received and selected Clustered Approach Coverage of the WorkPlan: Need for reinforcement of citizen cluster eEurope Initiative/eHealth Action Plan
52 Highly innovative projects (integration, components, application) leading to tangible results (pre-products) Highly innovative projects (integration, components, application) leading to tangible results (pre-products) Improve competitiveness of the European Health Telematics Industry Promote the uptake of e-Health services Promote the uptake of e-Health services Support to EU policies Support to EU policies Key Messages
53 Health Applications Web-site
Key Action 1 Persons with special needs, including the disabled and the elderly Information Society Technologies (IST) DG Information Society European Commission Mr. Karl Henry Haglund Head of Unit IST Information Day 2 February 2001
5 Framework Programme (1998 - 2002) Information Society Technologies 5 th Framework Programme (1998 - 2002) Information Society TechnologiesDISCLAIMER Aspects of these presentations interpret legal documents It is the legal documents and not the presentations that are legally binding DG Information Society European Commission
56 Henry Haglund, Head of Unit, Vision Scope of the Call Results from previous calls Key messages Disabled and Elderly: Area Overview
57 Disabled and Elderly:Scope of the Call IST2001.I.2.1 Intelligent assistive systems for social inclusion Objectives: To improve IST-based application systems offering new possibilities for full participation in society, including work opportunities by all persons with special needs. Types of actions addressed: Research and Development, Demonstration and Combined projects Links with WP2000: Adaptation of Action Line IST 2000 - I.2.1
58 6th IST Call I.2.1 Intelligent assistive systems for social inclusion: Focus: “Senior-friendly” applications providing convenient access to services for independent living Intelligent IST-based systems which can support the integration of disabled or disadvantaged persons in the workplace
59 Cross programme themes 6th IST Call - RTD, Take-up and Support Measures IST 2001 - V.1.1 CPA1 Home Environments (RTD only) IST 2001 - V.1.5 CPA5 Smart Cards
60 Results of previous calls 5FP Action Lines, projects and funding: IST-1999-I.3.1 Independent Living IST-2000-I.2.1 Intelligent assistive systems & interfaces IST-1999-CPA3 Design-for-All Projects Cost EC funding Independent Living 1439.1 M€ 23.7 M€ Projects Cost EC funding Independent Living 1439.1 M€ 23.7 M€ Assistive Systems 6 14.2 M€ 9.9 M€ Assistive Systems 6 14.2 M€ 9.9 M€ Design-for-All (incl. 2 AMs) 3 3.5 M€ 2.9 M€ Accompanying Measure 1 1.5 M€ 1.5 M€ Accompanying Measure 1 1.5 M€ 1.5 M€ 59 M€38 M€Total 24 (Approx. figures)
61 Disabled and Elderly: Key Messages Innovative, intelligent systems for social inclusion Industrial involvement, market development In-depth user involvement Well-developed and realistic exploitation plans Supporting EU policy, eEurope
IST KA1 Information Day Action Line I.3.2 Friday 2 nd February, 2001 Key Action 1 Administrations
63 Which aims? Objectives: dissemination, early exploitation and adoptiondissemination, early exploitation and adoption administrations in the EU and associated statesadministrations in the EU and associated statesFocus: adoption/deployment of up-to-date technologies and systemsadoption/deployment of up-to-date technologies and systems upgrading and extension of existing systemsupgrading and extension of existing systems
64 Who is concerned? Telematics Applications Programme (TAP/FP4) projects Telematics Applications Programme (TAP/FP4) projects Successfully completed Successfully completed Support public administrations Support public administrations
65 Policy objectives Research results into practice Research results into practice Accelerated uptake of ICT innovation Accelerated uptake of ICT innovation Impact of eEurope on other EU policies Impact of eEurope on other EU policies Supporting EU Enlargement Supporting EU Enlargement Fostering SME take-up of new digital technologies Fostering SME take-up of new digital technologies
66 Overview of TAP sectors... … with main impact on Public Administrations Telematics for Services of Public Interest Administrations Administrations Transport Transport Telematics for Improving Employment and Quality of Life Telematics for Urban and Rural Areas Telematics for Urban and Rural Areas Telematics for Healthcare Telematics for Healthcare Telematics for Disabled and Elderly People Telematics for Disabled and Elderly People Telematics for the Environment Telematics for the Environment
67 Scope of Call for Proposals Indicative budget: 3 M EUR Indicative budget: 3 M EUR Limitations imposed by budget Limitations imposed by budget –Significant relevance to and measurable impact on eEurope Action Plan 2002 –Involvement of Accession candidate countries –Critical number of sites (EU added value) –Industrial involvement (SMEs)
68 Commission expectations Put research results into practice Put research results into practice Test and demonstrate value of research Test and demonstrate value of research Extend results’ benefits to candidate countries Extend results’ benefits to candidate countries Gain experience for future actions Gain experience for future actions
69 Electronic preparation and submission of FP5 proposals Augusto Burgueño Arjona EC Information Society DG
70 Contents 3 alternative ways to prepare and submit a proposal Electronic submission process Trends in electronic submission Future actions How to get started
71 3 alternative ways to prepare and submit a proposal Participants download the forms in PDF format and fill them in by hand or using PDF Writer.The proposal has to be submitted on paper. Participants download and install PROTOOL, fill in the data, print out the filled-in forms, and submit the proposal on paper. Participants download and install PROTOOL, fill in the data, request an Electronic Certificate and submit the proposal electronically.
Electronic submission process
Trends in electronic submission Jan - Nov 2000
74 Future actions Mandatory presentation of the electronic submission system All Commission documentation presents the electronic submission as the preferred option A strengthening of collaboration with the National Contact Points Training on ProTool for the Project Officers (POs) Reinforcement of the ProTool Helpdesk Ensure evolutionary maintenance Launch a study to review existing work and to propose future strategy
75 How to get started Read the tutorial Install ProTool and request a certificate Contact the helpdesks ProTool: Electronic certification: s
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