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Strand 3 Projects are Specific Support Actions financed by the European Commission, DG Enterprise and Industry, within the Sixth Framework Programme WIPO.

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Presentation on theme: "Strand 3 Projects are Specific Support Actions financed by the European Commission, DG Enterprise and Industry, within the Sixth Framework Programme WIPO."— Presentation transcript:

1 Strand 3 Projects are Specific Support Actions financed by the European Commission, DG Enterprise and Industry, within the Sixth Framework Programme WIPO Forum on IP and SMEs The New Member States experiences from Innovation coach Andrea Di Anselmo TII Geneva, September 13, 2007

2 Strand 3 Projects are Specific Support Actions financed by the European Commission, DG Enterprise and Industry, within the Sixth Framework Programme Promoting Technology Transfer In Europe A SERVICE ORGANISATION FOR THE INNOVATION-SUPPORT COMMUNITY TII- European Association for the Transfer of T echnology, I nnovation and Industrial I nformation Luxembourg-Brussels

3 Strand 3 Projects are Specific Support Actions financed by the European Commission, DG Enterprise and Industry, within the Sixth Framework Programme Founded in 1984 Pan-European Corporate membership-based Non-lobbyist Non-partisan Non-governmental A self-financed structure Not-for-profit Outline

4 Strand 3 Projects are Specific Support Actions financed by the European Commission, DG Enterprise and Industry, within the Sixth Framework Programme International Network of Innovation Support and Technology Transfer Professionals Innovation and technology consultants University and research centre transfer offices Science parks, innovation centres and business incubators Technology brokers and IPR advisors Government agencies and ministries Regional development organisations and chambers of commerce Contract research organisations and engineering consultants Information brokers and technology publishers

5 Strand 3 Projects are Specific Support Actions financed by the European Commission, DG Enterprise and Industry, within the Sixth Framework Programme In 2004 the EC launched a call to award innovative approaches for RIS implementation Innovation Coach has been selected to: optimize the implementation (acceleration and higher performances) of the RIS by exploiting EU added value (mutual learning and cooperation in innovation policy) All the 16 Regions from the New Member States covered Innovation Coach From strategy to action

6 Strand 3 Projects are Specific Support Actions financed by the European Commission, DG Enterprise and Industry, within the Sixth Framework Programme Regional Strategies (RIS) should concentrate on leveraging Knowledge and Entrepreneurship Cohesion policy helps regions in implementing their RIS (and their action plans), compensating for the market failure that hampers innovation and entrepreneurship RIS & Cohesion policy

7 Strand 3 Projects are Specific Support Actions financed by the European Commission, DG Enterprise and Industry, within the Sixth Framework Programme Social Factors Prevalence of a risk adverse attitude An environment not open to entrepreneurship Low interest of companies toward innovation Inward looking attitude and short term vision Talents not perceived as an asset Support environment Not shortage of resources but lack of focus (R&D not innovation – Technology not knowledge) Absence of a proper process/support for business shaping (awakening, awareness, action) Difficulties in dealing with intangibles Difficulties in attracting private interests Lack of specialization and market driven approach Infrastructures matters more than interaction and knowledge Little focus on internationalisation and IP protection Main Constraints at Regional level

8 Strand 3 Projects are Specific Support Actions financed by the European Commission, DG Enterprise and Industry, within the Sixth Framework Programme How to improve competitiveness of existing enterprise ? How to bridge universities and SMEs ? How to support the creation of new KB ventures ? How to foster an entrepreneurial culture ? How to fill the financial/equity gap ? Common issues in the RIS implementation Strand 3 Projects are Specific Support Actions financed by the European Commission, DG Enterprise and Industry, within the Sixth Framework Programme

9 Focus on excellence and avoid fragmentation Invest in human capital (brains attraction and retention) Remove obstacles, ensure mobility (ideas, people, goods, capitals) Invest in entrepreneurial culture and entrepreneurship Boost internationalization (partnerships, markets, …..) RIS Implementation - Options Strand 3 Projects are Specific Support Actions financed by the European Commission, DG Enterprise and Industry, within the Sixth Framework Programme

10 Cooperation among SMEs, SMEs and Knowledge producers – Clustering Channel investment in SMEs towards innovation Access to high-profiled services Support to knowledge based start ups Integration of dedicated financing tools (debt, risk capital, guarantees, grants) State of the art infrastructures RIS Implementation & Structural Funds - Leverages Strand 3 Projects are Specific Support Actions financed by the European Commission, DG Enterprise and Industry, within the Sixth Framework Programme

11 Consider market as the leading driving force and stimulate competition Foster the investment in people and ideas Embed financial measures within a sound supportive system based on programmes Avoid fragmentation exploiting a proper critical mass of funds, and intervention Promote specialization and excellence to handle competition in the future Insure coordination among Institutional levels, Ministries and Funds RIS Implementation - Challenges Strand 3 Projects are Specific Support Actions financed by the European Commission, DG Enterprise and Industry, within the Sixth Framework Programme

12 Approaches sought/found Shifting from projects to long term integrated programs Looking at sustainability Considering not only the supply but also the demand and market issues Integrating infrastructures, services and finance Public procurement as a key driver to stimulate innovation Moving from incubation to acceleration Strand 3 Projects are Specific Support Actions financed by the European Commission, DG Enterprise and Industry, within the Sixth Framework Programme

13 Turning strategy documents into action. Did it happen? What more could be done Institutionalisation (take-up) of results: what is next? Fragmentation and lack of a system - How to link with ongoing initiatives (maximum effects) How to shift from grant financed research tocommercially funded projects – Cultural issue, unfair competition – More investor readiness ? Challenges that remain to be addressed (1) Strand 3 Projects are Specific Support Actions financed by the European Commission, DG Enterprise and Industry, within the Sixth Framework Programme

14 Equity gap and/or market failure ? Stimulating the deal flow is of paramount importance Not only finance but also services There is an important distinction between pre-seed and seed capital finance Public mission and market led / profit driven management Innovation finance key issues Strand 3 Projects are Specific Support Actions financed by the European Commission, DG Enterprise and Industry, within the Sixth Framework Programme

15 Infrastructures v/s People or container v/s content – how to balance brick and mortar with soft actions Short term view – How to insure the needed cultural change and the entrance of new-comers in the market? Focusing more on new knowledge exploitation with a different valuation of the entrepreneur Challenges that remain to be addressed (2) Strand 3 Projects are Specific Support Actions financed by the European Commission, DG Enterprise and Industry, within the Sixth Framework Programme

16 It is not difficult to learn new things but to quit old habits Thank you

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