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Preparing the College Park Church for the Change in paradigm.

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Presentation on theme: "Preparing the College Park Church for the Change in paradigm."— Presentation transcript:

1 Preparing the College Park Church for the Change in paradigm

2 ? As a Church, how are we to prepare for the future change in paradigm?

3 A Picture of the Population of Great Toronto Area (GTA) By 2020 the GTA’s population will have ballooned to 6.9 million It is expected to reach 7,6 million by 2031 Who are these people? –Young families –Seniors –Singles and newcomers to Toronto –Visible minorities will –Visible minorities will account for 47.9 to 53.4 per cent of the GTA

4 The National Park Worldview Analogy (The church in the past) In a National Park…. –Rules are clear –The place is safe –We know what to expect –Signs direct paths –Protection barriers for safeguards –Community, relationships, intergenerational communication

5 On The Jungle Worldview (Our society today) There are: No rules No clear paths No Community for support. You are on your own Surrounded by danger

6 The Order of Values Have Also Changed Applying the Natural Park analogy to the church of the past, church members were expected to: –Believe –Behave –Belong In that order In the Jungle (modern society today), people want to: –Belong –Believe –Behave In that order

7 In order to be relevant, the church must provide opportunities to BelongBelieveBehave

8 Basic Needs of Today’s World Remain Constant AcceptanceFellowshipBelongingCommunity

9 What will the typical person’s felt needs be? “ I still value a personal touch” “Show me an organization with a structure where people matter” “Show me that people care”

10 The world is changing rapidly As a church…….. It is natural to continue with the familiar ways we are accustomed to We must take a fresh look of what God has commissioned us to do Be ready to induce changes that are needed

11 College Park Church will be ready for the change in paradigm by… Changing our expectations of the pastor’s role Being equipped to respond to crisis Taking advantage of any opportunity to intentionally connect with people Practicing the integration of new people that will join this church in the future

12 Connections is a way of life for Lifelong members Ministries, small Groups New transferred members Newly baptized individuals New friends of the church

13 Connections Ministry provides the structure to connect you with others PEOPLE GreetersElders Hospitality Pastoral Staff Community Services Family Life Sabbath School Visiting Ministry

14 What can you do to connect: You can invite people to your home, or join another family to invite people together You could join the team who identifies newcomers in the Church You could join the team who identifies newcomers in the Church Other level of responsibility you are seeking: Leadership rôle, supportive role

15 Get Involved Today Contact us:

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