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Published byMae Thornton Modified over 9 years ago
Disposal of Waste from Contaminated Areas around Fukushima RSLS meeting October 23, 2013 1
2 Contents 1. Introduction 2. Japanese legal framework related to contaminated waste management and decontamination 3. Contaminated waste and decontamination program 4. Management plan 5. First results after 2 years experiences
3 1.Introduction The presentation is focused on bringing knowledge and insight on the Japanese post-accidental waste management strategy and approach to dealing with radioactive waste resulting from off-site remediation efforts in the Tohoku region after the Fukushima Dai-Ichi accident. Japan NUS participates to MOE’s action for the application of waste management and decontamination programs MOE’s project for the amendment of environmental laws to include the effect of radioactive materials (Japan NUS participates in the IRSN project on waste management in post-accidental situations, which aims at bringing new elements for the evolution of the French doctrine. This presentation use the result of this work) (Result of Airborne monitoring conducted by MEXT, 2012) Total deposition of Cs-134 and Cs- 137 (Bq/m2)
4 2. Japanese legal framework related to contaminated waste management and decontamination Legal framework before the accident related to the contamination by the radioactive material The fundamental law on the nuclear safety in Japan is Atomic Energy Basic Act (Act No.186 of 1955, Latest Revision: Act No. 155 of December 3, 2004) Under this Basic Act, two main laws are installed : Act on the Regulation of Nuclear Source Material, Nuclear Fuel Material and Reactors (Act No. 166 of 1957, Latest Revision: Act No. 47 of June 27, 2012) Law Concerning Prevention from Radiation Hazards due to Radio ‐ Isotopes, etc. (Act No. 56of 1958, Latest Revision: Act No. 8 of March 29, 2013) The nuclear disaster is subject of Disaster Countermeasures Basic Act (1961). Under this basic act, the Act on Special Measures Concerning Nuclear Emergency Preparedness (June 2006) is installed to deal with nuclear disaster, including compensation framework for the recovery. The safety of workers is regulated by “The ordinance on prevention of ionizing radiation hazard that determined measures for prevention of radiation damage of the worker” under the Industrial Safety and Health Law The “Environmental Basic Act” excluded the impact of radioactive materials
5 2. Japanese legal framework related to contaminated waste management and decontamination Legal framework for the management of the off-site environment after the Fukushima Dai-Ichi accident By considering the situation, a special act for the remediation from the nuclear disaster outside of the NPP site was created. The core legislation for contaminated waste management and decontamination is the “Act on Special Measures concerning the Handling of Environmental Pollution by Radioactive Materials Discharged by the Nuclear Power Station Accident Associated with the Tohoku District – Off the Pacific Ocean Earthquake that Occurred on March 11,2011” (hereinafter referred to as Act on Special Measure). The Act on Special Measure was promulgated at the end of August 2011, and it was fully come into to force in January 1, 2012.
6 (ref: MOE document) 2. Japanese legal framework related to contaminated waste management and decontamination The objective of the Act on Special Measure
7 (ref: MOE document) 2. Japanese legal framework related to contaminated waste management and decontamination General description of the Act on Special Measure
8 (ref: MOE document) Contaminated waste management and Measure for decontaminations according to Act on Special Measure The cost will be financed by the national government but finally considered to related to damage to be compensated by TEPCO 2. Japanese legal framework related to contaminated waste management and decontamination General description of the Act on Special Measure
9 Role of administrations related to contaminated environment by the Accident The core administration related to contaminated waste management is the Ministry of Environment (MOE). MOE is responsible for the decontamination program including contaminated waste management produced by the nuclear accident of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant. AdministrationsAction Ministry of Environment (MOE) Measure for the decontamination and waste management (collection, transportation, stockade and disposal of contaminated soil and contaminated waste) Elaboration of related guidelines for the safe contaminated soil and waste management Safe installation of Intermediate Storage Facility and study on the final disposal Nuclear Regulatory Authority (Created on 1 st April 2013) Operation of System for Prediction of Environmental Emergency Dose Information (SPEEDI) Publication of radiation monitoring result 2. Japanese legal framework related to contaminated waste management and decontamination The responsible authority
10 In April 2012, MOE has created a structure of approximately 500 persons related to decontamination program including contaminated waste management (ref: MOE decontamination information website) NPP (ref google map) 2. Japanese legal framework related to contaminated waste management and decontamination Ministry of Environment’s new structure
11 Before the accident MOE excluded the impact of radioactive material on its Environmental Basic Law After the accident, Nuclear Regulatory Authority was created under the authority of MOE for the following purpose: Independent Decision Making Effective Actions Open and Transparent Organization Improvement and Commitment Emergency Response In addition MOE has amended its Environmental Basic Law on June 2012 to include the impact of radioactive material and related law will be amended such as: Law on the air quality Law on the water quality Law on the environmental impact assessment (ref: Nuclear Regulatory Authority website) 2. Japanese legal framework related to contaminated waste management and decontamination Other MOE’s new role
12 AdministrationsRole Cabinet Ministry Promotion of the technical development concerning the contaminated waste management and decontamination programme based on the Action Plan of Science and Technology Important Measures (in cooperation with related ministries). Safe management of contaminated waste and other products as lowest cost as possible (with MOE and MLIT) The measures to reduce the anxiety of general public concerning the health impact of radioactivity (with MEXT) Effective and efficient decontamination of forest and agricultural land (with MOE, MAFF and MEXT) Recovery Agency (Created on 10 th February 2012) Leading and managing the reconstruction process following the Great East Japan Earthquake Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) Technical development concerning the environmental remediation from contamination by radioactive material Environmental radiation monitoring (done by JAEA 2011, 2012) and its publication. Improvement of soil quality in the school area, installation of air conditioner to schools, support local association for the decontamination of school zone (road etc). Monitoring of radioactivity of school food. Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (MHLW) Study on the prevention of ionizing radiation hazards to the workers who will be involved to the decontamination work and elaboration of the guideline for the same purpose. Study on the prevention of ionizing radiation hazards to the workers who will be involved to the waste management work and elaboration of the guideline for the same purpose. Management of water supply system by taking into account the contamination. Measure concerning the contamination of foods, Investigation of the contamination of the foods, and its continuous verification. Role of administrations related to contaminated environment by the Accident 2. Japanese legal framework related to contaminated waste management and decontamination Other Administrations and its roles
13 Role of administrations related to contaminated environment by the Accident AdministrationsRole Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF) Study on the decontamination of agricultural land, elaboration of guideline. Study on the decontamination of forest, elaboration of guideline. Management of water supply system by taking into account the contamination. R&D to avoid the dispersion of radioactive material Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) Radioactive Material Research Facility etc Development (The management of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant in-site) Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport (MLIT) Management of the waste water management system by taking into account the contamination. Management of transportation of radioactive material 2. Japanese legal framework related to contaminated waste management and decontamination Other Administrations and its roles
14 All administrative monitoring result are reported to Nuclear Regulatory Authority since April 2013 Before April 2013, MEXT conducted the monitoring activity. Airborne monitoring and sea area monitoring are conducted by NRA MOE monitors the surface water (river, lake etc), waste, and natural park MAFF monitors agricultural land, forest and other agricultural product (straw etc) MHLW monitors drinking water and food MLIT monitors the airport, seaport, and sewage water 2. Japanese legal framework related to contaminated waste management and decontamination Monitoring
15 3. Contaminated waste and decontamination program Generation of the Contaminated waste Drinking (agricultural) water treatment facility Sewage sludge Urban Waste Waste water treatment Radioactive material Incineration facility Incineration Ash Final disposal Sewage sludge Contaminate d agricultural properties
16 Debris generated by the Tsunami (ref: MOE document) Tokyo Fukushima Daiichi NPP Area affected by the Tsunami of March 11, 2011 (red) (ref: MLIT document) 3. Contaminated waste and decontamination program Generation of the Contaminated waste
17 (ref: MOE document) Before After Before After Before After Decontamination work (developed by pilot decontamination projects conducted by JAEA) Programme de la décontamination, avant et après, l’example de la commune de Tamura 3. Contaminated waste and decontamination program Decontamination program
18 (ref: MOE document) Act on Special Measure defines the contaminated waste as “Specified Waste”. There are two categories of “Specified Waste”: 1. Waste within the countermeasure area: the waste presents in countermeasure area defined in Notification No. 106 of December 28 2011. 2. Designated waste : Waste designed as “designated waste” by the Minister of the Environment. Designation standard is that the concentration of Cs134 and Cs137 contained in the waste is over 8000Bq/kg 3. Contaminated waste and decontamination program Legal definition of contaminated waste
19 (ref: MOE document) Why 8000Bq/kg? 3. Contaminated waste and decontamination program Legal definition of contaminated waste
20 Estimation of quantity of waste within the countermeasure area (May 2013): (ref:MOE document) 3. Contaminated waste and decontamination program Quantity of contaminated waste
21 Quantity of designated waste (November 2012): (ref:MOE document) 3. Contaminated waste and decontamination program Quantity of contaminated waste
22 (ref: MOE document) 3. Contaminated waste and decontamination program Contaminated soil etc generated by the decontamination
23 For the estimation of the quantity of contaminated soil and other produced during the decontamination program, two scenarios are considered Low quantity scenario: Decontamination of highly contaminated area: living area by removing soil, cleaning of road, decontamination of forest by cutting brunch and collecting leafs. Decontamination of lowly contaminated area: decontamination of hotspot, removal of soil in child living area. In Fukushima prefecture: approximately 15 million m 3 (15 million m3 before the incineration) Other prefectures: approximately 1.4 million m 3 (1.4 million m3 before the incineration) High quantity scenario: In addition to the assumption of low quantity area, Decontamination of area were the exposure dose is over 20mSv/y, decontamination of forest in non-living area by cutting brunch and collecting leafs Decontamination of lowly contaminated area: additional decontamination by removing soil. In Fukushima prefecture: approximately 28million m 3 (31 million m3 before the incineration) Other prefectures: approximately 13 million m 3 (13 million m3 before the incineration) (ref:MOE document) 3. Contaminated waste and decontamination program Estimation of the quantity of contaminated soil
24 4. Management plan In Fukushima prefecture (ref:MOE document) Flow Chart of Specified Waste and Contaminated Soil management in Fukushima prefecture (Storage for 3 years) (Storage for 30 years) (out of Fukushima)
25 (ref:MOE document) Flow Chart of Specified Waste and Contaminated Soil management in other prefectures 4. Management plan Out of Fukushima prefecture
26 Concerning the waste within the countermeasure area, regardless of the level of radioactivity, National government conducts the work from collection to disposal. Minister of Environment specifies the countermeasure area. (Art 11) Minister of Environment defines the plan for the management of the waste within the countermeasure area. (Art 13) National government manages (collect, transport, store and dispose) the waste based on the elaborated plan. (Art 13) Concerning the designated waste, Administrators or managers of water facilities, sewage facilities incinerators etc corresponding to the requirements* should investigate about the contamination level of its waste and should report to Minister of Environment. (Art 16 and 18) Minister of Environment designs as designated waste if the radioactivity of Cs134 and Cs137 is over 8000Bq/kg. (Art 17) Administrators or managers store the waste according to storage requirement. (Art 17) National government manages (collect, transport, store and dispose) the waste. (Art 19) *:It is mandatory to conduct a survey for the sludge of waste water treatment facilities and ash from the waste incinerators of contaminated prefectures. For other waste from other prefectures, the survey is not mandatory. 4. Management plan Responsible parties for the management of specified waste
27 The Waste related guideline describes concretely different Ordinance of MOE concerning the storage and treatment standards of contaminated waste. It was published first time in December 2011, and renewed in March 2013. This guideline contains 6 sections: Section 1: Guideline for contamination level investigation methodology Section 2: Guideline related to specified domestic waste and specified industrial waste Section 3: Guideline related to designated waste Section 4: Guideline related to decontamination waste Section 5: Guideline for radioactivity measurement methodology 4. Management plan Waste related guideline
28 Role of Administrations for decontamination work(according to Act on Special Measure). Special Decontamination Area ( Carried out by national government ) Intensive Contamination Survey Area ( Carried out essentially by local government ) Minister of Environment designs the special decontamination area ( art 25 ) Minister of Environment designs the Intensive Contamination Survey Area ( art 32 ) National government may conduct an investigation and measurement of the status of the environment pollution from radioactive materials discharged by the accident within the special decontamination area ( art 27 ) A prefectural governor or head of municipality designated by the respective ordinance ‘(hereinafter referred to as a prefectural governor etc”) may conduct an investigation and measurement of the status of the environment pollution from radioactive materials discharges by the accident within an intensive contamination survey area in accordance with the method set forth in an Ordinance of Ministry of Environment (Art.34) Minister of Environment shall elaborate the decontamination plan for the special decontamination area ( art 28 ) For the elaboration of the plan, the opinion of related local administration and association should be considered Designated municipalities shall elaborate the decontamination plan for intensive contamination survey area (Art 36) National government shall implement decontamination and other measures in a special decontamination area in accordance with the decontamination plan for the special decontamination area ( art 30 ) Land manager (national government, prefectures, municipalities, person or entity set forth in an Ordinance of the Ministry of the Environment) shall implement decontamination and other measures (Art 35) 4. Management plan Responsible parties for the decontamination
29 Decontamination related guideline describes concretely the Ordinance of MOE concerning the decontamination work. It was published first time in December 2011, and reviewed in May 2013, in accordance of new knowledge on decontamination work. This guideline contains 4 tomes. Tome 1: Guideline for contamination level investigation methodology in Intensive Contamination Survey Area Tome 2: Guideline for Decontamination and related activity Tome 3: Guideline for the collection and transportation of contaminated soil Tome 4: Guideline for the storage of contaminated soil 4. Management plan Decontamination related guideline
30 The facilities required for contaminated waste management base on the Act on Special Measure are indicated in the figures below: Required facilities in FukushimaRequired facilities out of Fukushima 4. Management plan Required facilities
31 Example of the temporary storage sites in Tamura city Storage sites in Aigo/Hagita area Capacity: 12,149 m 3 Storage sites in Chimiki area Capacity: 2,743 m 3 (ref:MOE Homepage) 4. Management plan Temporary storage site
32 Monitoring of the temporary storage sites in Tamura city résultat de la surveillance (μSv/h) quanité du sol (m 3 ) (μSv/h)(m 3 ) 4. Management plan Temporary storage site
33 Act on Special Measures requires the monitoring of air quality, exhaust gas and water quality of discharged water from the incinerator. The monitored data will be compared with emission and discharge standard fixing a limit for the allowable maximum level of radioactivity Maximum allowed emission to air (3 months average) : Concentration (Cs134 [Bq/m3]) / 20 [Bq/m3] + Concentration (137[Bq/m3]) / 30 [Bq/m3] ≦ 1 Maximum allowed discharge to surface water (3 months average ): Concentration (Cs134 [Bq/L]) / 60 [Bq/L] + Concentration (137[Bq/L]) / 90 [Bq/L] ≦ 1 To avoid the expansion of the radioactive nuclide, especially the expansion of radioactive cesium, the incinerator should be equipped with high quality dedusting equipments. MOE, on its guideline propose to use bag filter or electrical dust chamber. 4. Management plan Incinerator
34 The contaminated waste or soil which its radioactivity level is under 100 kBq/kg will be dispose in controlled landfill site, according to Act on Special Measure’s plan. This site is a standard final disposal facility to dispose domestic and standard industrial waste regulated by Waste Management Law. Faced to the difficulty to transport designated waste to the existing controlled landfill, due to the protestation of neighbors and sometime operators, MOE proposes to build a new “Designated Waste Landfill Site” to dispose designated waste. (ref:MOE Homepage) 4. Management plan Controlled landfill site
35 The contaminated waste or soil which its radioactivity level is over 100kBq/kg and generated inside Fukushima prefecture will be stored during 30 years in the interim storage facility, according to Act on Special Measure’s plan. The facilities which are planed to be installed in the interim storage facility are shown on the table below: (ref:MOE Document) Waste Emplacement and Segregation Facility Confirmation of waste characteristics (weights, surface dose rate etc.) Segregate waste into combustibles or non-combustibles, by radioactive level. Storage Facility Store soil and waste, prevent radiation from leaking and water contamination Waste Volume Reduction Facility Incineration plant with associated facilities Other volume reduction facilities Monitoring Centre Continuous monitoring of storage sites (stored soil and waste) and surrounding environment (e.g. air, ground water). Research and Development Centre R &D for volume reduction technology, highly-concentrated isolation technology, etc. Public Information Centre Communication 4. Management plan Interim Storage Facility
36 Conceptual image of the ISF Safety assessment and Environmental Impact assessment is carrying out based on the Act on Special Measure, SA: Impact of radioactive material to public and workers EIA: Impact to the environmental receptors (chemical, fauna, flora, social impact etc) 4. Management plan Interim Storage Facility (ref:MOE Document)
37 Temporary storage sites Many sites installed but not enough Incinerator (for the reduction of volume of specified combustible waste): 4 pilot projects (September 2013) Advancement of designated waste disposal facilities within the Intensive Contamination Survey Area No agreement to transport designated waste to existing controlled landfill. MOE propose to install new designated waste disposal facility especially to Miyagi, Ibaraki, Tochigi, Gunma and Chiba MOE organize with related prefecture with the mayors of commune the “expert meeting concerning the designated waste facility. Advancement of Intermediate Storage Facility The conceptual design published in September 28, 2013 Safety assessment and environmental impact assessment is under going, especially the on-site survey for Futaba is not yet began. (Plan to be closed in December 2013) Still under discussion with concerned municipalities (Futaba, Okuma and Naraha) for final decision of installation. 5. First results after 2 years experiences Advancement of the waste management
38 In Fukushima pref, Ordered (approx.) Work completed (approx.) Public installation 80%60% Houses50%10% Road40%20% Agricultural land 90%80% Forest (living area) 20%10% Advancement of the decontamination plan in within the Intensive Contamination Survey Area (2013 April) Other Prefectures Ordered (approx.) Work completed (approx.) SchoolsAlmost completed Parks and Sports facilities 80% Houses40%30% Public installations 30% Road30% Agricultural land 60% Forest (living area) Partially 5. First results after 2 years experiences Advancement of the decontamination in the intensive survey area
39 The advancement of the decontamination work in Special Decontamination Area (2013/6/29): Prior decontami- nation Regular decontamination Decontamination planTemporary storage siteDecontamination work TamuraDone Elaborated (2012/4/13) selectedCompleted NarahaDone Elaborated (2012/4/13) selectedOn going KawauchiDone Elaborated (2012/4/13) selectedOn going IidateDone Elaborated (2012/5/24) Partially selectedOn going KawamataDone Elaborated (2012/8/10) Partially selectedOn going KatsuraoDone Elaborated (2012/9/28) Partially selectedOn going OkumaDone Elaborated (2012/12/28) Partially selectedOn going Minami SomaDone Elaborated (2012/4/18) Partially selectedBidding TomiokaOn going Elaborated (2013/6/26) Partially selectedBidding NamieOn going Elaborated (2012/11/21) Under discussion - FutabaUnder discussion 5. First results after 2 years experiences Advancement of the decontamination in the evacuated area
40 Exposure dose rate reduction for Intensive Survey Area (Based on the airborne monitoring of the area where the decontamination work was done) Additional exposure dose to general public Additional exposure dose to children Objective in November 2011 Before August 2013, decrease the dose rate by 50% including natural degradation effect of radioactive material Before August 2013, decrease the dose rate by 60% including natural degradation effect of radioactive material Result (based on monitoring survey conducted on August 2013) Reduction of Approx. 61% Reduction of Approx. 64% Detailed result will be compiled before the end of 2013 For the decontamination of forest, MOE will collaborate with Forest Agency (under MAFF) to study the necessity of additional decontamination, by considering the contamination of living area by the dispersion from the non-decontaminated forest 5. First results after 2 years experiences
41 The key reason of delaying the launch of decontamination program Delay on the decision making of the area to be decontaminated and elaboration of local decontamination plan Delay on the agreement for installation of temporary storage site Concern about the health impact of radiation Concern about the possibility of installation of ISF Other technical reason delaying the decontamination work are Meteorological condition such as snow Administration process for compensation Execution of decontamination itself The key issue for the future based on the experience of decontamination: Procurement of workers (decontamination is labor intensive work, for example in Tamura, the maximum number of workers in one day was approx. 1,200 persons) Increase the safety of work condition (many workers are novice) Thinking about the load to access road and treatment facilities (load to access includes transportation of soil but also transportation of workers) Need to coordinate with recovery project Better coordination with recovery project (infrastructure, basement of recovery, change of landuse etc) Take into account the willingness of local people for returning back 5. First results after 2 years experiences Main lessons
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