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NATIONAL JUDICIARY INFORMATICS SYSTEM U Y A P U Y A P Ali Rıza ÇAM Reporter Judge in Ministry of Justice, Turkey Republic of Turkey Ministry of Justice.

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Presentation on theme: "NATIONAL JUDICIARY INFORMATICS SYSTEM U Y A P U Y A P Ali Rıza ÇAM Reporter Judge in Ministry of Justice, Turkey Republic of Turkey Ministry of Justice."— Presentation transcript:

1 NATIONAL JUDICIARY INFORMATICS SYSTEM U Y A P U Y A P Ali Rıza ÇAM Reporter Judge in Ministry of Justice, Turkey Republic of Turkey Ministry of Justice 1

2 UYAP is an e-justice system as a part of the e-government, which has been developed in order to ensure fast, reliable, soundly operated and accurate judicial system. As a central network project, it includes all of the courts, public prosecutors services, prisons, other judicial institutions and other government departments in Turkey. All these are equiped with computers, network and internet connection and given access to all the legislation and judicial records. WHAT IS U Y A P? 2

3 To serve 50.000 employee of Moj, 70.000 lawyers and all citizens Rapid, reliable and integrated system Fast and efficient data exchange Minimize the basic judicial errors Data standardization Alerts to identify users Electronic means instead of paper files Databank of information Flexibility of working hours OBJECTİVES OF UYAP 3 UYAP has transformed an old- fashioned, paper based Judiciary into a smooth functioning organization, which is assessed by some the biggest revolution in the Turkish Judiciary

4 Number of the Judges and Prosecutors High Criminal Courts Centres134 Courthouses587 Penitentiary and Detention Houses425 Forensic Medicine Units63 Public Prosecutor Services7751 Judges5951 Administrative judges818 Public prosecutors3739 Personnel59.037 4


6 ERP –Personel Management –Training Management –Supply Management –Procurement Management –Financial Management Judiciary Functions –Public Prosecuters Services –Penal Law Services –Civil Law Services –Enforcement-Bankruptcy Services –Administrative Law Services –Convict-Arrest Management –Forensic Medicine Common Functions –e-mail –Electronic forum –Data Bank –Internet –Word Processor Ministry of Justice Central Units Supreme Court Court Houses Penal Law Public Prosecuters Civil Law Enforcement- Bankruptcy Record of Convictions and statistics Administrative Jurisdication Administrative Law Tax Law Forensic Medicine Prisons Supporting Functions –Occuputional units –Library –Health –Archives Functional Scope 6

7 Integration between UYAP I & UYAP II Integration between subsystems –Public Prosecuters, –Courts, –Forensic Medicine, –Prisons, etc. Record of Convictiond Supreme Court Gendarmery Population and Citizenship (MERNİS) Constitutional Court Land & Cadastre Council of state Prosecuters Courts Enforcement-Bank. Prisons Forensic Medicine Administrative Law UYAP I UYAP II Ministries Supreme Court of Public Accounts Police Integration with other systems –Supreme Court, –Record of convictions and statistics –Population and Citizenship Unit, –General Directorate Of Land Registry & Cadastre, –Ministries, –Police Departments, etc. Integration Scope 7

8 Police station Offence PublicProsecuter Driving License Information Courts On line Land & Cadastre Record of Convictions Population & Citizenship (MERNIS) General Directorate of PTT On line Convictions Prison Forensic Medicine On line vakıfbank Integration 8 Judicial record database has been integrated with database of UYAP. The birth certificates, Land Registries and driver registers can also be retrieved online and instantly at every stage of the trials. All cases in courts can be accessible on line by judges without delay.

9 Stage of the UYAP in courts 9

10 LA N HUB STATION LA N WAN and LAN were completed Local area network and wide area network (WAN) were completed through territorial lines and satellite for which each of them is the substitute of other, enabling uninterruptable service. IT Dept. 10

11 VIDEO- CONFERENCE SYSTEMS The other important technological feature is the usage of “video recording” and “video conferencing systems”, set up in 225 heavy crimal courts all over the Turkey and were rolled out in 225 heavy criminal courts. Thanks to this system any of the witness, victim or offenders who live far away from the court, even in different continents can be questioned. 11

12 UYAP trainings have been given in modern laboratories in practical way Republic of Turkey Ministry of Justice Basic Computer Training: all staffUYAP Training: 43.500 12 After a training period for IT skills and UYAP software use, all judges and prosecutors have been given laptop computers for case management and private purposes.

13 DISTANCE TRAINING 13 51.205 personnel have been trained through internet by using distance learning

14 Yeni arayüz ekle It was created a Databank of information on relevant legislation, regulations, circulars, template texts, holding of the courts, jurisprudence, circulars, studies, examplary texts, template texts, sample decisions The mobile legal sources: everyone can access legal sources with their mobile phones

15 FREE DISCUSSION FORUM Every user can share own experiences, problems and ideas with other users via free lectern and he can ask his occupational questions to others, he can find solutions for his problems. By means of virtual discussion forums within judicial organization about jurisprudence is in place, information sharing is enabled. 15

16 UYAP’S Web Mail Server Has 55.000 active USERS. The capacity of the server is 90.000. 16

17 Citizens can reach and examine their case information via Internet and learn the day fixed for the trial without going courts. By using their electronic or mobile signature they can examine their files, deposit their case fee, submit any document or claim and file a case to any court of Turkey through internet. 17

18 Litigate a claim or dispute to court through electronic means, Review his cases via electronics means Submit his petition with electronic signature online via UYAP.. 18 According to the latest figures, 37.710 lawyers have been registered to the lawyer’s portal, and 9253 of them use this system effectively

19 19

20 SMS PROJECT SMS judicial information system provides an outstanding service to the citizens and lawyers which enables them to receive SMS messages containing legal information such as ongoing cases, dates of court hearing, the last change in the case and suits or dept claim against them. Therefore, they can be instantly informed by SMS about any kind of legal event related to them without going courts. This system aims to automatically notify all related parties of cases when any legal event, data or announcement (which has to be sent parties) realized by the judicial units such as courts, public prosecutor offices and enforcement offices 20

21 21

22 SMS This is not a manual working system as it works automatically with specific software that prevents additional costs. The system has decreased administrative and judicial burden so to enable workload practitioners to focus on their other priorities. With this system, expenses of bureaucracy and postal costs are reduced. The courts or public prosecutors can also send SMS to the citizen’s mobile phone instead of preparing legal summons. In addition judges, prosecutors and personnel in courts can be notified by SMS about how many days remained from their annual day off limit, the decision of appointments, assignations, placements and also any kind of event in their personal file. The number of citizens using this system : 81.742 The number of lawyer :1808 The total sent messages :1006200 The number of SMS instead of legal summons : 119516. 22

23 With the Decision Support System, procedural mistakes are reduced to a minimum level. The aims of this facility are to prevent procedural errors during legal proceeding, to minimise other possible errors, to provide accuracy and speed to the legal proceedings and to accumulate public trust in justice. (1350 warning have been produced in the system till this time and they are presented for the use of the users. Also, warning is still being produced on the Laws.) 23

24 INTELLIGENT WARNING SYSTEM Intelligent warning system (IWS) is one of the extraordinary electronic service which prevents judges, prosecutors from making mistakes during the course of proceedings by displaying some warnings with pop ups on the screen. IWS produces these notices in labels on the screen to suggest some proposals or recommend some jobs to the users whenever they want or at important situations by evaluating data files. For example, IWS provides warnings if an escapee’s personal information is entered to the system no matter where he comes before any judicial unit. In the past, courts were not able to know whether the person before them is arrested by a warrant issued by another court. Yavuz Karaaslan, Chief of Kozan Heavy Crimes Court “UYAP has reduced the number of files overturned by the high court”: I feel confident during my hearings thanks to UYAP as ı know it prevents me from making mistakes. Last day during the hearing UYAP gave me a warning that the defender has died. Therefore, I have dropped the case. I am really impressed. If I am not reminded I might have continued this case for months. 24

25 The Document Management System (DMS) in our Ministry has been integrated and exchange of the electronic documents between the provinces and centre has been started. At present, all kinds of data, Information, documents are flowing in documentation management system between MoJ and other units electronically. 25

26 UYAP SYSTEM CENTRE The capacity of the centre is sufficient for more than seventy thousand users. 26

27 UYAP with Numbers # of Case Files On the System57.240.073 # of User47.439 # of Concurrent Process1.750 # of New File per Day200.000 Average System Login per Day53.778 #SQL per second3.200 # of Documents per Day (Insert)1.000.000 # of Documents per Day (Insert+Update) 400.000 4.500.000 lines of Code More than 3000 user interfaces More than 4000 reports and document templates 27

28 By the use of up to date information technologies the services that are given to the public about judicial processes are higher qualitiy. GAINSGAINS 28

29 Minimizing the judicial mistakes Ability of tracking a person’s whole judicial history Reaching different case files of a person Catching the fugitives %100 management of prisons Adaptation of users to new laws Fully online and workflow driven processes Minimized paper work by the use of DMS and integration Integration with other government units Reaching the data online when needed No data repitition Government & Judicial Process Gains 29

30 Speed and efficiency of operations: UYAP created fast, secure and efficient information system by transfering key business processes of the judicial system into central electronic means. Instructions to other courts in order to collect evidence can be instantly sent and received on line. Access to information and make transaction online, instant and secure. 30

31 All documents, processes and files are standardised: Before UYAP courts and other judicial units have being writen the writs one by one. After UYAP similar writs are being writen through stencils. Due to standart and ready forms, all the data are filled automatically into the documents like instructions, indictmans, hearing minutes, decision and others so as to finish cases faster and more efficient and not to wait for days. It is nearly saved on labour force by 50 % In the past it took so many times to prepare all the documents durıng the case or hearing but now it takes only minutes and it provide us speed and reliance. 31

32 Economical judicial services: UYAP has reduced the administrative and communication costs which would otherwise be incurred in a paper-based system. With the on-line connection of courts, expenses of bureaucracy and postal costs are removed. Availibity to open code sources and standard technologies for end users allow the Turkish judiciary to develop independent, integrated and cost effective solutions 32

33 ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY Global warming is considered one of the biggest threats for the humans in recent decades. UYAP is known to be effective in reducing CO2 emissions by helping to minimize the movement of people and goods and the use of paper and other office supplies. It is calculated that thanks to UYAP, nearly 8000 mature pine tree has been saved annually 33

34 The payments of the experts and taxes can be controlled in a more reliable way. Now the budget of the judicial units are prepaired by UYAP and budgetary control is made via UYAP online and momentary. Determination, audit and expenses are pursuitted on a central database with the accounting system in UYAP. Obtain central financial control 34

35 All takeover files from previous year can be prepared within instantly. Easy and fair dispatch of the files and works of courts and enforcement units is ensured. Prevention of corruption: Destruction of files are impossible because of electronic recording and all the activities are logged in the system. Transparency in terms of accountability and data accuracy: 35

36 The performance of the personnel can be followed via the electronical environment. To provide the capability to measure performance and report on the effectiveness of Turkish judicial services in terms of such performance indicators are defined by Government and stakeholders. Performance management through integrated management information 36

37 After UYAP inspections of the judicial would be per UYAP online and remote. That possibility will be bring in time, costs etc. Provision of Clear Evidence on performence and quality for inspectors, every processes are logging by system Fulfill inspections in to electronic means 37

38 The processes that takes hours or days can be done only in minutes by UYAP. Decrease administrative and judicial workload so to enable practitioners to focus on their other priorities. Simplify process: 38

39 UYAP have central filing system. Structure is central.All servers are in Ankara. All data flow in to central units. Central database was set up in order to collect and share all data effectively and economically to be called up by judges and court staff when needed rather than local ones which can cause data duplication and discrepancies All the data is backed up regularly to prevent data loss. Recovery center which is in action since 2005, will be strengthen and upgraded untill the end of 2009. CENTRAL FILLING SYSTEM 39

40 SECURITY UYAP is secure enough to prevent hackers and third parties to have access to the files as appropriate security standards and sufficient firewalls was established in the system. Authorised individuals are only allowed to access information related to cases irrespective of where the information is held to enable sharing and open working Destruction of files are impossible because of electronic recording and all the activities are logged in the system. The performance of the personnel can be followed via the electronical environment 40

41 Evaluation of statistics (papering crime maps, data mining) will be possible. The users who have the authority to gain access to these data, can see those data simultaneously and currently and can make processes. Data mining in judicial field: 41


43 PUBLIC PROSECUTORS PROCESS BEFORE UYAP AFTER UYAP Instruction to other unıtsHalf a day0-1 mn. Monthly statıstıcsHalf a day0-3 mn. Annual statistic1 week0-5 mn. Preparing take overs3 day0-1 mn. General forms1 week0-5 mn. Birth certificate1 week0-1 mn. Criminal record1 week0-1 mn. Searching file10-15 mn.30 sn.-1mn. Preparing standart forms5 mn.0-30 sn. Examining stage of files10 day0-30 sn. 43

44 CRİMİNAL COURTS PROCESS BEFORE UYAPAFTER UYAP Writing edits 3-5 mn. Tüm taraflar için3 mn. Post lists10-20 mn.1 mn. Statistics15-20 day15-20 mn. Criminal record1-15 day1 mn. Birth Certificate1-15 mn.1 mn. Take over files7-15 day1 dk Transfering files15-20 day2-3 mn. Promotions1 day0–1 mn. Annual statistics1 week0–5 mn. 44

45 ENFORCEMENT OFFİCES İŞLEM UYAP’nden ÖNCE UYAP’nde n SONRA Opening new files 1–5 mn.0–1 mn. Totally files 3 day1 day İnstruction preparing 5 mn.1 mn. Selling process 1 hour3 mn. Take over 1 month1 mn. Annual statistics 1 day1 mn. Devir Listesi Hazırlama İşi 1 month0–1 mn. İş Cetvelleri Hazırlama İşi 1 day0–1 mn. Adis Form 1 day0–1 mn. Toplu Tahsilat/Reddiyat Ödemeleri İşlemleri ½ day0–5 mn. Toplu Tahsilat/Reddiyat Hazırlama İşlemleri 1 day1 hour Tebligat Listesi Hazırlama İşlemleri 1 hour1-5 mn. 45


47 ELECTRONIC SIGNATURE Procedures, among the branches of the justice system and other relevant official bodies, have been totally integrated and automated on electronic signature infrastructure in UYAP, establishing electronic office atmosphere that not need paperwork. Until now, 41.177 personnel have applied for the e-signature and 35.4000 of them have been given their e-signature. It was required by a regulation by the Ministry of Justice that documents will no longer be circulated physically among the judicial units after 01.07.2008. All the documents will be required to be sent in the electronic environment, which are signed by e-signature. The usage of electronic signature paves the way for saving from costs, time and labour force in judicial processes. 47

48 UYAP is prepared for the use of e-signature It is used in Editör, DMS and all applications XML based It creates.udf form documents It works independently All confirmation buttons linked with it. UYAP E-SIGNATURE 48

49 “Expert System Project In this Project, the user will access the information about which route to follow, how much fee to pay and how much money to spend during the course of law suits regarding the suit of damages involved. It enables the user to access the decisions from a suit for similar cases when s/he enters the key words and the required parameters that will appear on the screen concerning the law suit involved. Reports of similar cases will be extracted together with statistical information related; the number of lawsuits filed according to the topics; the duration of lawsuits; the number of claims that are accepted, partially accepted and rejected; the cost of the suit, the quantity of amendments, the amount of money paid to defendants. 49

50 INTEGRATING WITH THE OTHER COUNTRIES The UYAP database can be connected to the databases of the other states and can form a broadened network Achieving this goal will result in secure and swift transition of international requests such as rogatory letters, extradition matters and transfer of sentenced persons. Apart from these, UYAP case and document management system and word processor software were designed to be independently used by other judicial systems. So, it is completely possible to import these main components to other countries as they have already been transferred other related institutions in Turkey. 50


52 UYAP was awarded for annual e government prize of Turkey in 2004, 2005 and 2008 because of making significant breaktrough in Turkish judiciary. In 2008, UYAP has received a special mention in ''Crystal Scales of Justice'' awards which is organised by the Council of Europe and the European Commission. UYAP has received an golden medal in computersworld honors programme done in Washington DC. And honored as one of the five best e-government project in the world in 01.06.2009 THE AWARDS 52

53 PROJECT TEAM The IT Department, within the MOJ, has the duties and responsibilities to establish, operate, and maintain the informatics system in cooperation with the units of the MoJ Project Team who works in IT department consists of Head of department (Mr. Ali Kaya), 15 examiner judges and nearly 250 personnel (computer-engineers, electronic-engineers, help-desk and programmers.) in central unit. There are also 371 expert users, 592 technical officer and 159 responsible UYAP Judges and Prosecutor in provincial units. In due course, all hardware has been upgraded and also software is improved and updated by the own project team of IT department itself 53

54 Thank you very much for your attention If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact FINALLY 54

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