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Jeopardy Setting QuotesLit. TermsConflict Conflict 2 Q $200 Q $400 Q $600 Q $800 Q $1000 Q $200 Q $400 Q $600 Q $800 Q $1000 Final Jeopardy.

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Presentation on theme: "Jeopardy Setting QuotesLit. TermsConflict Conflict 2 Q $200 Q $400 Q $600 Q $800 Q $1000 Q $200 Q $400 Q $600 Q $800 Q $1000 Final Jeopardy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Jeopardy Setting QuotesLit. TermsConflict Conflict 2 Q $200 Q $400 Q $600 Q $800 Q $1000 Q $200 Q $400 Q $600 Q $800 Q $1000 Final Jeopardy

2 $200 Question from Setting Watch out for quicksand, dogs, and a rocky shoreline

3 $200 Answer from Setting What is “The Most Dangerous Game”?

4 $400 Question from Setting The setting is in the 1800’s in France and a large party/ball is about to occur

5 $400 Answer from Setting What is “The Necklace”?

6 $600 Question from Setting Italy, During Carnival, Underground Catacombs

7 $600 Answer from Setting What is “Cask of Amontillado”?

8 $800 Question from Setting The setting of this story occurs around Christmas in the home of a young and poor couple

9 $800 Answer from Setting What is “The Gift of the Magi”?

10 $1000 Question from Setting The setting occurs in a forest during the night near a poor track of land

11 $1000 Answer from Setting What is “The Interlopers”?

12 $200 Question from Quotes Who said, “Splendid, one of us is to furnish a meal for the hounds. The other will sleep in an excellent bed”

13 $200 Answer from Quotes Who is General Zaroff?

14 $400 Question from Quotes He says the following: “I drink to your long life ”

15 $400 Answer from Quotes Who is Montresor?

16 $600 Question from Quotes He says, “Don’t leave me brother! Don’t leave me!”

17 $600 Answer from Quotes Who is Doodle’s brother?

18 $800 Question from Quotes She says, “ You needn’t look for it…It’s sold, I tell you-sold and gone too, but nobody could ever count my love for you.”

19 $800 Answer from Quotes Who is Della?

20 $1000 Question from Quotes Says, “Oh, my poor Mathilde. But mine was fake. Why at most it was worth only 500 francs”

21 $1000 Answer from Quotes Who is Mme. Forestier?

22 $200 Question from Lit. Terms This is the main point or life lesson in a story

23 $200 Answer from Lit. Terms What is theme?

24 $400 Question from Lit. Terms This is the way characters speak; their accent

25 $400 Answer from Lit. Terms What is dialect?

26 $600 Question from Lit. Terms This is when a character remember an earlier event and goes back in time to tell it

27 $600 Answer from Lit. Terms What is Flashback?

28 $800 Question from Lit. Terms This is when we have hints about what is going to happen in the story

29 $800 Answer from Lit. Terms What is foreshadowing ?

30 $1000 Question from Lit. Terms This is the way we feel during a story

31 $1000 Answer from Lit. Terms What is mood?

32 $200 Question from Conflict In this story the main external conflict is the young couples poverty and the lack of presents

33 $200 Answer from Conflict What is “The Gift of the Magi”?

34 $400 Question from Conflict In this story the main internal conflict is a decision between two men to forgive an old grudge or stay angry until the end

35 $400 Answer from Conflict What is “The Interlopers”

36 $600 Question from Conflict In this story a character has external conflict with the setting as he is chained to the wall

37 $600 Answer from Conflict What is “Cask of Amontillado”?

38 $800 Question from Conflict In this story the main conflict is a woman losing something that doesn’t belong to her

39 $800 Answer from Conflict What is “The Necklace”?

40 $1000 Question from Conflict This story has external conflict b/c one character struggles to survive while running in the middle of a storm with a weak heart

41 $1000 Answer from Conflict What is the “The Scarlet Ibis”?

42 $200 Question from Conflict 2 In “The Necklace” Mathilda does not have the money, clothes, or wealth she desires. She has this type of conflict

43 $200 Answer from Conflict 2 What is man vs. society?

44 $400 Question from Conflict 2 Rainsford vs. General Zaroff is an example of this type of conflict

45 $400 Answer from Conflict 2 What is man vs. man?

46 $600 Question from Conflict 2 Two men face this type of conflict seeing that they must choose to forgive or remain angry

47 $600 Answer from Conflict 2 What is internal conflict or man vs. emotions/decisions?

48 $800 Question from Conflict 2 Rainsford battles this type of conflict as he faces dogs, the ocean, and quicksand

49 $800 Answer from Conflict 2 What is man vs. nature?

50 $1000 Question from Conflict 2 In “The Interlopers” two men face this conflict because they are stuck under a tree

51 $1000 Answer from Conflict 2 What is man vs. nature?

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