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S HORT S TORIES Deidre Lovett Lake Cormorant Middle School.

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1 S HORT S TORIES Deidre Lovett Lake Cormorant Middle School


3 S HORT S TORY A short story is a brief work of fiction. A short story takes readers on a quick, focused journey. Authors used the following elements of fiction to make the trip interesting. Characters Conflict Plot Setting Point of view Theme

4 P OINT OF VIEW First person – the narrator is a character in the story. Third-person – the narrator is not a character but is a voice outside the story. Third – person omniscient (limited) – the narrator is able to relate the inner thoughts and feelings of all the characters.

5 T YPES OF N ARRATORS Objective narrator – is a neutral observer who reports on story events without adding personal comments. Subjective narrator – participates in the story and offers opinions about what takes place.

6 ANALYZING HOW ELEMENTS INTERACT The interaction of key story elements reveals the theme of a story.

7 T HEMES IN S HORT STORIES In the best short stories, story elements interact to convey a meaningful theme, or message about life or human nature. Inferring a Theme Characters and Theme Conflict and Theme Plot and Theme

8 Point of View and Theme Setting and Theme Symbols and Theme Read pages 200-215 in Literature Book for additional study.

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