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Earth Science Topic #2 Review Game

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1 Earth Science Topic #2 Review Game
1 7 13 19 25 2 8 14 20 26 3 9 15 21 27 4 10 16 22 28 5 11 17 23 29 6 12 18 24 30

2 Base your answer on Point X is a location on the topographic map below
Base your answer on Point X is a location on the topographic map below. Elevations are measured in meters. What is a possible elevation, in meters, of point X? a. 55 b. 57 c. 68 d. 70 250 pts!

3 Which diagram most accurately shows the cross-sectional shape of the Earth?
200 pts! A B C D

4 150 pts! 350 pts! What is the approximate gradient along line BD?
a. 25 m/km b. 50 m/km c. 100 m/km d. 150 m/km

5 Base your answer on the diagram below, which represents the planetary wind and moisture belts in Earth’s Northern Hemisphere. 150 pts! The tropopause is approximately how far above sea level? a. 12 mi b. 12 km c. 60 mi d. 60 km 350 pts!

6 Base your answer to the next 2 questions on the topographic map below that represents a location in North America. A grid system of letters and numbers along the edges of the map is provided to assist in finding locations. Elevations are expressed in feet. What is the approximate elevation at grid location 7-I? a. 140 ft b. 170 ft c. 200 ft d. 230 ft 450 pts!

7 Base your answer on The diagram below shows a cross section of a cliff climbed by a student.
What is the approximate average gradient of the cliff? a. 10 m/m b. 30 m/m c. 300 m/m d. 700 m/m 200 pts!

8 Which graph best represents the percentage by volume of the elements making up the Earth's hydrosphere? 250 pts! B A C D

9 Base your answer on the contour map of an island below
Base your answer on the contour map of an island below. Points A through G represent locations on the island. Elevations are in meters. What is the contour interval for this map? a. 10 m b. 15 m c. 20 m d. 25 m 300 pts!

10 Which circle graph best represents the volume of gases in the troposphere?
250 pts! A B C D

11 At which New York State location would an observer measure the highest altitude of Polaris?
a. New York City b. Slide Mountain c. Niagara Falls d. Plattsburgh 300 pts!

12 Which graph best represents the effect that heating has on air density in the troposphere?
250 pts!

13 Base your answer on the diagram below which shows a student in New York State observing Polaris.
The student is located nearest to which city in New York State? a. Plattsburgh b. Albany c. New York City d. Kingston 450 pts!

14 Base your answer on the topographic map below, which represents elevation contours measured in meters. Four straight lines, AB, CD, EF, and GH, have been drawn for reference purposes. 200 pts! What is the general direction of flow of Mill Creek? a. east to west b. west to east c. north to south d. south to north

15 Base your answer on the contour map below
Base your answer on the contour map below. Points A through F represent locations on the map. If no elevation values were given, which general rule could be used to establish that Cedar River flows into Sunfish Lake? a. Rivers shown on maps generally flow southward. b. Rivers always flow toward large bodies of water. c. Contour lines bend upstream when crossing a river. d. A large body of water is generally the source of water for a river. 200 pts!

16 Base your answer on the diagram below represents contour lines on a topographic map with cross-section line AB. 150 pts! Which diagram best represents the topographic profile along line AB? B A C D

17 Earth’s troposphere, hydrosphere, and lithosphere contain relatively large amounts of which element?
a. iron b. oxygen c. hydrogen d. potassium 250 pts!

18 The lines on which set of views best represent Earth’s latitude system?
200 pts! C D

19 What is the elevation of the highest contour line shown on the map below?
a.  10,000 feet b.  10,688 feet c.  10,700 feet d.  10,788 feet 300 pts!

20 Base your answer on the topographic map below
Base your answer on the topographic map below. Points A, B, C, D, and X represent locations on the map. Elevations are measured in feet. What is the average gradient of the slope along straight line CD? a. 100 ft/mi b. 250 ft/mi c. 500 ft/mi d. 1,000 ft/mi 400 pts!

21 Base your answer on The topographic map below shows part of a stream.
In which general direction is the stream flowing? a. northeast b. northwest c. southeast d. southwest 200 pts!

22 Base your answer to the topographic map below, which represents elevation contours measured in meters. Four straight lines, AB, CD, EF, and GH, have been drawn for reference purposes. What is the general direction of flow of Mill Creek? a. east to west b. west to east c. north to south d. south to north 300 pts!

23 The layer of bedrock near the Earth's surface that forms a continuous shell around the Earth is called the a. troposphere b. stratosphere c. lithosphere d. hydrosphere 300 pts!

24 Base your answer on the contour map of an island below
Base your answer on the contour map of an island below. Points A through G represent locations on the island. Elevations are in meters. Which diagram best represents the topographic profile from location C to location B? 150 pts! B C D A

25 150 pts! What is the approximate latitude and longitude of location A?
a. 160° N, 15° E b. 160° S, 15° W c. 15° N, 160° E d. 15° N, 160° W 150 pts!

26 150 pts! The approximate latitude of Utica, New York, is a. 43°05’ N
b. 43°05’ S c. 75°15’ E d. 75°15’W 150 pts!

27 450 pts! At which latitude will Polaris be overhead? a. 0º b. 23 ½ºN.
c. 90º S. d. 90º N. 450 pts!

28 Base your answer on the topographic map below shows locations X and Y.
What is the approximate gradient between X and Y? a. 15 ft/mi b. 20 ft/mi c. 30 ft/mi d. 60 ft/mi 100 pts!

29 Base your answer on the contour map shown below
Base your answer on the contour map shown below. Elevations are shown in feet. 300 pts! Which side of Amethyst Hill has the steepest slope? a. north b. south c. east d. west

30 Base your answer to the next 2 questions on the topographic map below
Base your answer to the next 2 questions on the topographic map below. A, B, C, and D are locations on the map. Between which two locations does the steepest gradient occur? a. A and B b. B and C c. C and D d. A and C 300 pts!

31 The best evidence that the Earth has a spherical shape is provided by
a. photographs of the Earth taken from space satellites b. the amount of daylight received at the North Pole on June 21 c. the changing orbital speed of the Earth in its orbit around the Sun d. the cyclic change of seasons 250 pts!

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