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“IDENTITY”. FREE WRITE : WHAT INFERENCES CAN YOU MAKE OF THIS PASSAGE? I came home yesterday afternoon exhausted. This one student, brilliant yet perplexed,

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Presentation on theme: "“IDENTITY”. FREE WRITE : WHAT INFERENCES CAN YOU MAKE OF THIS PASSAGE? I came home yesterday afternoon exhausted. This one student, brilliant yet perplexed,"— Presentation transcript:


2 FREE WRITE : WHAT INFERENCES CAN YOU MAKE OF THIS PASSAGE? I came home yesterday afternoon exhausted. This one student, brilliant yet perplexed, challenged every fiber of my intellect. The conversation, like a marathon, just kept going. At home I collapsed into a coma. What felt like five minutes later, my wife woke me and said, “It’s dinner time.”

3 THEME (NOUN) Main ideas: Lesson/moral Usually implicit/inferred Can be expressed in at least one complete sentence Different from subject Thematic (adjective)

4 INFERENCE (NOUN) Main ideas: Make a guess Make an observation Use evidence to support guess To infer (verb)

5 LITERARY INFERENCE (NOUN) Main ideas: Make a guess Make an observation Use evidence to support guess From the text From character’s speech, actions, thoughts, and appearance From the tone Word choice/diction and details From the theme

6 FIGURATIVE LANGUAGE (NOUN) Main ideas: Word or phrase Describes one thing in terms of another Not to be taken literally Usually involves imaginative comparison of two unlike things Simile, metaphor, personification Also called “figure(s) of speech” Simile: Figurative Language is like _____________

7 READING “GERALDO NO LAST NAME” (559) Keep interactive reading notes (before, during, after) 1. What inferences can you make about Geraldo? 2. How would you describe Cisneros’s word choice/diction? (Look at specific vocabulary. Slang? Contractions? Like Shakespeare (archaic)? Need a dictionary to read (difficult language/elevated)?) 3.What is Cisneros’s tone? (Not Marin’s tone, the author’s…what is her attitude toward this subject?) 4.Infer as to what you believe is the theme of this short story.

8 ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS: HOW DOES GERARDO, NO LAST NAME CONNECT TO OUR ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS ? 1. What is identity? 2. Do individuals create culture or does culture create individuals? 3. How is our sense of who we are determined by who came before us? How does knowledge of history limit or broaden our potential? 4. What factors could cause individual or group identity to change or remain the same? (for example, from generation to generation?)

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