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Т.К. Breus, Т.А. Zenchenko Space research institute of Russian academy of science Heliogeomagnetic rhythms are indeed synchronizers of biological “clocks”

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1 Т.К. Breus, Т.А. Zenchenko Space research institute of Russian academy of science Heliogeomagnetic rhythms are indeed synchronizers of biological “clocks” June 02-06, 2008 Sozopol, Bulgaria

2 The average spectra of diastolic blood pressure (left) and heart rate (right) based on 26 months monitoring of baby from his birth (Halberg et al., 1991) All period of monitoring has been divided into five consecutive periods for four months everyone. The circadian rhythm (1 day) induced by solar radiation, begins to appear after 5 months, while periods similar to solar rotation and its harmonics, induced by geomagnetic activity, exist already from the first month of life.

3  Rhythms with period of solar rotation about twenty eight days and its harmonics (14 days, about 7 days, about 3.5 days ets) can be found at power spectra of various biological processes at all hierarchical levels from cells to population.  Hypothesis was suggested that geomagnetic activity rhythms were actually external synchronizers of biological rhythms.  Weak natural electromagnetic fields modulated by solar activity, have started biological internal clocks at the initial stages of evolution.  It has been revealed three groups of risk for which effects of geomagnetic activity have appeared the most expressed: patients with pathologies of cardiovascular system, newborn babies and healthy people with a condition of strong stress, for example, cosmonauts in flight.

4  This hypothesis was confirmed by many statistical, clinical and observational results, but all of them were indirect.  However recently we have received direct proof that some physiological parameters of two healthy people can be synchronized during long time, and this synchronization is observed in case their parameters are correlated with geomagnetic activity.

5 From the beginning of 2007 we have developed in Moscow and Simferopol long-term experiment on self- monitoring healthy people of different age 25 healthy volunteers of middle-age (30-55 years old) 18 scientists of different Moscow institutes of RAS, (January-May 2008); 7 doctors and paramedical workers of cardiological department of 60 th Moscow clinic, measurements (January-December 2007) cardiological department 18 healthy young volunteers (students of Simferopol Engineering Institute, Crimea, January-March 2008).

6 Within several months they conducted measurements of following parameters:  Arterial blood pressure and heart rate;  Speed of reaction to a sound signal;  Parameters of stability of attention;  Several parameters of a peripheral blood- flow in fingers capillaries by a laser Doppler flow-meter. In this part of measurement took part only seven doctors of the Moscow clinical hospital №60, because some special equipment were needed besides a common tonometer and some computer programs.

7 Geophysical data Geomagnetic Kp-indices were downloaded from, Meteorological parameters (daily mean value of atmospheric pressure and temperature values corresponding to time of ABP measurements) stn=1692 stn=1692 We performed the following set of statistical methods for each person for estimation of relationship between ABP and GMA indices :  Calculation of correlation coefficients.  Regression and variance analysis.  Method of superimposed epoches.

8 To data of each volunteer we have applied the new method of the analysis (Zenchenko et al, 2007) which allows estimating the presence of sensitivity to geomagnetic and meteorological factors for this person. The method is multi-stage and is not a subject of the given report, but as a result of its application we have the conclusion for each participant of our experiment. Assessment of frequency appearance of magneto-sensitivity among different group of population shows that 30% of healthy people are sensitive to geomagnetic variations. This percentage is relatively independent from age and gender

9 Distribution of meteo- and magneto- sensitive people on level of pathology The histogram is constructed on the data including 116 persons from different cities and groups of health. Such conclusion can be drown approximately for 25 percent of volunteers, both for young, and for middle age. This result is in a good agreement with received earlier at the analysis of individual sensitivity of patients with the diagnosis an arterial hypertension. Among patients the percent of magneto-sensitive people increases with growth of severity of disease. In the group of comparison consisted of healthy people, it was also about 25 %. It is certain this picture will vary in process of addition in a database of new volunteers

10 Illustration of magneto-sensitivity effect for healthy woman (Moscow) Woman, 40 years old, without any cardiovascular pathology (right axis, blue line). Daily values of local A-index (left axis, green line). r=0.37 (p<0.005). For this volunteer significant statistical connection between systolic blood pressure and a level of geomagnetic activity has been found out, but practically there was not found any dependence with meteorological factors.

11 Blood pressure synchronous dynamics of two middle-age healthy volunteers, induced by magneto-sensitivity The results of synchronous SBP monitoring of volunteer A and B. This is the man of 47 years old. These two persons are colleagues and friends, but live in different towns. In this case the connection can be estimated by linear correlation coefficient, its significance is less then p<0.01. Their blood pressure dynamics is strongly synchronized, so during some periods correlation between them is closer, than between systolic and diastolic pressure оf each of them

12 SBP synchronous dynamics of two young healthy volunteers, induced by meteo-sensitivity

13 The synchronization effect in dynamics of parameters of a peripheral capillary blood- flow. Volunteer C is a woman, 37 years old, without any problem with cardiovascular system: Volunteer D is a man, 43 years old, with diagnosis arterial hypertension of the 2 nd class. By this method we can measure many parameters, among them the rate of blood-flow M and its standard deviation, s. For both volunteers flow rate M negatively correlates with arterial blood pressure and positively correlates with geomagnetic activity (but not with meteo factors). You can see the significant correlation between M-parameters for two volunteers, and the absence of statistical connection for the parameters non-correlated with geomagnetic activity.

14 Kp-index and M-dynamics of healthy volunteer (woman, age 38, r=0.39 on 102 points, p<0.01)

15 Синхронность изменений сигма у двоих испытуемых

16 The correlation of blood-flow parameters of two volunteers We can observe the synchronization not only of the same parameters, but for any factors with common dependence from the same external factor, in this case – from geomagnetic activity. For these two persons the correlation of arterial blood pressure parameters is also observed

17  Here is resulted only two of numerous examples of synchronism of arterial blood pressure parameters at two different people.  The synchronization phenomenon is observed only in case of significant correlation of the these parameters for both volunteers with either geomagnetic activity or meteorological parameter.  So, this result should be treated as a direct confirmation of our hypothesis, that electromagnetic field variations were the synchronizer of biological rhythms at the beginning of evolution and play this role till now for healthy people

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