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Timber Creek Elementary Welcome to sixth grade!.  We are looking forward to a wonderful school year filled with exciting opportunities to use our critical.

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Presentation on theme: "Timber Creek Elementary Welcome to sixth grade!.  We are looking forward to a wonderful school year filled with exciting opportunities to use our critical."— Presentation transcript:

1 Timber Creek Elementary Welcome to sixth grade!

2  We are looking forward to a wonderful school year filled with exciting opportunities to use our critical thinking and problem solving skills.  We believe that students need to be provided with an environment that builds life long learners with a sense of community and cooperation. Welcome to Sixth Grade

3 Reading & Language Arts  Reader’s Workshop  Writer’s Workshop  Novel Study  Literature Circle  Focus on Poetry

4 Reading & Language Arts  In 6 th grade, we encourage and support independent reading while simultaneously building necessary skills to succeed. I would like the students to read at least 4 nights a week for 20 minutes.  Reading instructions is implemented in small group, guided reading groups, and individual student conferencing.  Homework:  Reading Log & Knowsys vocabulary activity is due on Friday.  Knowsys words need to be studied nightly  Other items such as book reports that are assigned will be announced on my teacher website and to students in class.

5 Knowsys Vocabulary Words & Definitions available on Mrs. Yuskiewicz’s webpage under the Knowsys tab.  The student will be learning and applying vocabulary words.  Students are introduced to a new group of words at the beginning of the week.  Vocabulary homework is assigned on Monday and due on Friday  The student will be expected to understand the definition and apply it in their writing.  Knowsys quizzes will be on Friday. The quizzes will include questions from previous weeks’ words, so students should study for long-term retention. All of the quizzes will be added together for a major grade.

6 Math  In math, there is a great emphasis on problem solving strategies and higher-level critical thinking skills, as well as the sixth grade math curriculum.  Throughout the year, students are expected to regularly practice math skills. Mastery of these skills will be tested at the completion of each unit. On a daily basis, students are completing higher- level problem solving activities.

7 Math  Homework is given on Friday and will be due on the following Friday.  Tests will be announced several days before the test is given. Quizzes may occur at any time throughout the nine weeks.

8 World Cultures (Social Studies)  Culture, history, economics, geography and government will be examined closely for each continent.  Homework will be assigned Wednesday and due Friday each week.  Our activities are group and independent products, discussions, reading, writing, dramatic, technology, etc. from various resources.

9 Science  Our focus this year in science is to teach problem solving skills that will enable the students to better understand the scientific process.  The students will be learning about Chemistry, Physics, Space and Cells. The investigations will reinforce the content that they learn in each area of science.  We will have a project each grading period.

10 D.E.A.L. program Delivering Education and Awareness for Life  This program is an 8-week presentation taught by Officer Thomas from the Tomball Police Department.  Once a week staring Monday, September 14, Officer Thomas will be dealing with alcohol, drugs, and other related topics.

11 Organization  Your child is responsible for filling out and bringing home their student planner and homework folder on a daily basis.  Wednesday Folders:  This is our weekly parent communication tool.  Inside will be graded papers, information sheets, and parent signature sheet.  If there is a check mark and not a numerical grade, this means that it was an assignment seen by the teacher.  Please do not throw away your child’s papers until after report cards are received each nine weeks.

12 Classwork, Projects, and Homework  1st day late – 10 point deduction  2nd day late – 20 point deduction  3rd day late – 30 point deduction  3+ days late – results in a 0. Please see student handbook for more information on grading policies. There is a link to the handbook on the Timber Creek homepage.

13 Make-Up Work  It is your student’s responsibility to make up work when he or she has been absent.  Assigned work is important and must be completed by all students.  One day for each day of the absence is allowed for the make-up work.  Work not completed within the specified time will be recorded as a zero.

14 Progress Reports & Report Cards  At the 3 rd and 6 th week of each nine weeks, a progress report will be sent home to let you know how your child is doing thus far. Progress reports should be returned to the homeroom teacher after signing.  Every 9 weeks we will send home a report card for the average earned in each subject. Please sign the envelope and keep the report card.

15 Conduct Card  Your child will receive a conduct grade for each class.  If your child receives a mark, it will be noted on the Wednesday Folder.  Accumulation of marks in a single nine weeks will determine their conduct grade for each class. 9 Weeks Conduct Grade Per Class E (0-1)marks S (2-3)marks N (4-5)marks U (6+)marks

16 Attendance  Your child must be in class to learn.  If they are tardy or leave early they are missing vital instruction and this also effects Perfect Attendance awards.

17 Dress Code Please read the dress code on the online hand book. We have gone over it with all our sixth graders. Some specifics, but not all:  No shorts above fingertips, cut offs, or running shorts.  No spaghetti straps even under shear tops or off the shoulder shirts.  Leggings are allowed with appropriate length of shorts/skirts/dresses.  Dresses and skirts must be long enough when sitting, bending or standing.  Boys hair must be collar length or shorter. First offense we will have your child call home to bring a change of clothes. If you can’t bring them, then they will wear some from the nurse. Please return them cleaned the next day. Repeated offenses will be referred to Mrs. Standefer, the AP in the office.

18 Interactive Notebooks (INB)/Journals/Reader’s & Writer’s Notebook  Your child is responsible for their Interactive notebook they have in each subject area.  These notebooks contain all lessons learned and will be used on a daily basis.  Students will be allowed to bring home their interactive notebooks and textbooks.

19  Personal technology devices will be used exclusively for educational activities.  Personal technology devices are to be used only during the instructional class period with express permission of the classroom teacher.  Personal technology devices may not be used to record, transmit or post photos or video of a person or persons on campus. Nor can any images or video recorded at school be transmitted or posted at any time without the express permission of a teacher.  The student will use the district’s secured and CIPA compliant (filtered) wireless network; Use of 3G/4G wireless connections at school is not allowed.  Campus or District personnel cannot provide technical support, troubleshooting, or repair personal electronic devices. Students should have a good working knowledge of how to use their device.  No student shall establish a wireless ad-hoc or peer- to-peer network using his/her personal device while at school.  Personal technology devices are brought to school at the students’ and parents’ own risk. In the event that a personal technology device is lost, stolen or damaged, TISD will not be responsible for any financial or data loss. BYOD Bring Your Own Device

20  Lunch/Recess Schedule: 12:00-12:30  Fine Arts Schedule: 1:45-2:30  P.E. Schedule: 10:15-11:00 (Days they do not have PE, they will have tutorials.)  Yuskiewicz Homeroom & Jones Homeroom:  T/TH/every other Friday  Bunn homeroom & Burkhart homeroom:  M/W/every other Friday  Library Schedule: Wednesday during Language Arts Schedule

21 TIME YUSKIEWICZ HOMEROOM JONES HOMEROOM BUNN HOMEROOM BURKHART HOMEROOM 8:40 – 9:55 Block 1 Burkhart Block 1 Bunn Block 1 Jones Block 1 Yuskiewicz 9:55 – 10:15 Block 2 Bunn Block 2 Burkhart Block 2 Yuskiewicz Block 2 Jones 10:15 – 11:00 PE / Intervention 11:00 – 12:00 Block 2 Bunn Block 2 Burkhart Block 2 Yuskiewicz Block 2 Jones 12:00 – 12:30Lunch 12:30 – 1:35 Block 3 Jones Block 3 Yuskiewicz Block 3 Burkhart Block 3 Bunn 1:35 – 1:45 Block 4 Yuskiewicz Block 4 Jones Block 4 Bunn Block 4 Burkhart 1:45 – 2:30Fine Arts 2:30 – 3:40 Block 4 Yuskiewicz Block 4 Jones Block 4 Bunn Block 4 Burkhart 6th GRADE SCHEDULE 2015-2016

22 Contact Information  If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact us via email or phone.   281-357-3060 ext. 4681   281-357-3060 ext. 4682   281-371-3060 ext. 4683   281-357-3060 ext. 4685   Our conference period is 1:45-2:30 every day except Tuesdays and Thursdays.

23 Teacher Webpage  Please subscribe for All 4 teachers’ webpages!  This tool is used to communicate what is going on in the classroom.  Please go to  Click on the tab about us and staff directory  Scroll and find each teacher.  BOOKMARK TO YOUR FAVORITES!

24 Please take time to see your other child’s teachers.  Mrs. Culver – Choir  Ms. Bridges – Art  Mr. Kruppa – Physical Education  Mrs. Shannon – Specialized Support Teacher.  Mrs. Baudoin – Math Specialist  Mr. Brown – Reading Specialists  Mrs. MacPhee – ESL Specialist  Ms. Sims – GT Specialist

25 Thank you for your continued support and confidence. Please do not hesitate to contact us. We look forward to an exciting year!

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