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8 TH GRADE HEALTH, MRS. RINEHART. When red is green. Students stare at a red clover or a green heart for 1 minute then look at a blank sheet of paper.

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Presentation on theme: "8 TH GRADE HEALTH, MRS. RINEHART. When red is green. Students stare at a red clover or a green heart for 1 minute then look at a blank sheet of paper."— Presentation transcript:


2 When red is green. Students stare at a red clover or a green heart for 1 minute then look at a blank sheet of paper. The correct image will appear on the blank paper. The reason this happens is a chemical one. Staring at a particular color actually uses up some of the chemical material in the retina for a brief time. The eyes become sensitive to the opposite or complementary color.

3 Speaker Kathy Johnson who is a Respiratory Therapist at Med Central came in to introduce the respiratory system and the effects of smoking. Russ Wynn a former addict came in to discuss his double lung transplant and the roll marijuana played in his emphysema. Russ also discussed how life choices can change your life and you can learn from poor choices.

4 Bring your own device. Students brought in their own device for research.

5 Bring you own device Students collaborate to form ideas and suggestions for a project.

6 Speaker Vicky Tanner has students dress like a doctor to demonstrate the importance of protecting oneself from germs.


8 Collaboration Students work together to build an arm to see how muscles, tendons and cartilage work together to show muscle contraction.

9 Students wear glasses that demonstrate vision problems such as, macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy, cataract and retinal detachment.

10 Students wear drunk goggles with Officer Gongwer to gain an understanding of how alcohol effects our vision.

11 Students work in groups; one is listening to a computer program that reviews the eye and demonstrates cataract surgery, one is watching a video that explains how vision works, and one is identifying the structures of the eye.

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