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Conor, Dillan and Elliot.. What is a symbol? Pattern or object May be pictorial, abstract, verbal or active Cross in Christianity They embody some aspect.

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Presentation on theme: "Conor, Dillan and Elliot.. What is a symbol? Pattern or object May be pictorial, abstract, verbal or active Cross in Christianity They embody some aspect."— Presentation transcript:

1 Conor, Dillan and Elliot.

2 What is a symbol? Pattern or object May be pictorial, abstract, verbal or active Cross in Christianity They embody some aspect of sacred reality Non rational level Expresses something about the ultimate Cognitive statement

3 Representational Relationship between 2 things Traffic light Nothing in the word red means stop

4 Presentational Presentational symbols help make sense of sacred ideas Hinduism and Eastern Orthodox Christianity Hinduism – darshan Eastern Orthodox Christianity – icons

5 Facilities With Symbols Words can not adequately describe God Partiality negative ‘God is good’, symbolic rather than literal Symbols like the arts, work on a deep and powerful level

6 Difficulties With Symbols Focus of worship and the object of veneration Trivialised and their original meaning lost Out-dated ‘It is necessary to rediscover the questions to which the Christian symbols are the answers in a way which is understandable to our time.’

7 Verification Only meaningful if they can verified by the senses: strong and generally associated with the Viena Circle Strong – applied to anything that can be verified conclusively by observation and experience Weak – shown to be probable by observation and experience

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