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13. The Cold War and Civil Rights Years Years of Tension.

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1 13. The Cold War and Civil Rights Years Years of Tension

2 Roots of the Cold War O Ideological Differences. The Soviet Union was communist; the U.S. was a democracy based on the free enterprise system. O Soviet Occupation of Eastern Europe. The Soviet army occupied Eastern Europe at the end of WWII and set up local communist governments.

3 Iron Curtain O The Soviets cut-off Eastern Europe from Western Europe. O Division of Germany into West and East. O Berlin Airlift. O Soviets blockaded Berlin O U.S. sent in supplies by air O Soviets end blockade

4 Attempts at containment in the Cold War O Truman doctrine. 1947: Doctrine promised help to any nation resisting Communism. O Marshall Plan, 1948: U.S. gave economic aid to reduce the appeal of communism. O Creation of NATO: Alliance of U.S., Canada, and Western Europe. (Collective defense) O Warsaw Pact. Pact of Soviet satellites created to counter the Threat of NATO.

5 Korean war (1950-1953) O Cause. Communist North Korea invaded South Korea to reunify the country. O Highlights. O U.S. enters war under U.N. resolution to defend South Korea. O MacArthur’s landing at Inchon in North Korea turned tide; fearing invasion, China entered the war. O War ended in a stalemate, as borders remained the same as before the war. O Truman-MacArthur Controversy. Truman dismissed General MacArthur for wanting to use atomic weapons against Communist China and for openly criticizing the President

6 Arms and Space Race O Massive Retaliation. U.S. tries to rely mainly on nuclear weapons for defense. O Deterrent. Destructiveness of nuclear arms to act as deterrent to attack. O Sputnik (1957). Soviet launch of Sputnik sets off a “space race”

7 Cold War and American Security O House Un-American Activities Commission. O Julius and Ethel Rosenberg Trials. O Verona Papers. Confirmed the existence of some spies in American government. O McCarthy Hearings: “ McCarthyism”

8 Truman and Eisenhower Administrations (1945-1960) O Truman Presidency. Executive Order to desegregate armed forces and end unfair hiring practices for federal jobs (1948) O Domestic Policy Developments. O Housing boom. G.I. Bill provided loans to help veterans buy new homes and attend college O Period of economic prosperity O Move to suburbs by many Americans O Foreign Policy Developments. O Eisenhower Doctrine. Extended U.S. containment policy to the Middle East.

9 Civil Rights Movement O Plessy v. Ferguson (1896) O Allowed “separate but equal” facilities. O Brown v. board of Education (1954) O Ended segregation in public schools O Separate facilities: “inherently unequal”

10 Highlights of the Civil Rights Movement O Montgomery Bus Boycott (1955) O Integration in Little Rock H.S. (1957) O Civil Rights Act (1964) O Sit-ins and Freedom Rides (1960s) O Voting Rights Act (1965) O Affirmative Action (1965)

11 Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. O Major beliefs of Dr. King. O Believe in non-violent, civil disobedience. O Modeled his actions after those of Thoreau and Gandhi O Montgomery Bus Boycott (1955). Ended segregated buses in Montgomery. Raised Rosa Parks to national prominence. O Letter from a “Birmingham Jail.”King explained why African Americans could no longer wait for equality. O March on Washington (1963) O Delivered his “I Have a Dream” Speech O Eventually led to passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964

12 Other Important Individuals O George Marshall. Army chief of Staff (FDR); Secretary of State (Truman); creator of the Marshall Plan. O Douglas MacArthur. Led US forces in Pacific and Korea; Fired by Truman after public disagreement O Joseph MacArthur. Held hearings on Communists he said infiltrated U.S. government. O Thurgood Marshall. NAACP attorney; was first African American on Supreme Court. O Rosa Parks. Montgomery bus boycott. O Southern Governors resisting integration: George Wallace, Orval Faubus, and Lester Maddox.










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