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Analysis of Global Fund Support for Health Systems Strengthening Emily Trautner Geneva, Switzerland October 1, 2010.

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1 Analysis of Global Fund Support for Health Systems Strengthening Emily Trautner Geneva, Switzerland October 1, 2010

2 The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria Created in 2002 as a part of the World Health Organization Demand and performance-based rounds funding mechanism 785 total grants thus far 19.3 billion in approved grant money 2.82 million people on ARV treatment 7.11 million people on DOTS 124 million insecticide treated nets

3 Health Systems Strengthening Countries can also propose health systems strengthening (HSS) interventions Examples: Improve pharmaceutical supply chain by buying trucks Train community health care workers Countries can propose HSS funding in a separate section of the proposal in Rounds 5, 7, 8, and 9 76% of HSS specific funding comes from Rounds 8 & 9

4 My Project: Improved Understanding of HSS Support Qualitative analysis and summary of proposed health systems strengthening interventions according to building block e.g. Procurement and Supply Management, Health Information Systems, Financing, Governance, Human Resources, Service Mechanism to improve guidance to countries – HSS platform* and single stream of funding Initiative for joint HSS funding platform with World Bank and Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization (GAVI) Requirement of donors

5 Objectives Gauge linkages of HSS interventions with national health plans and national disease programs Characterize inter-linkages between interventions proposed by countries under one building block with interventions proposed in other building blocks Characterize anticipated negative consequences of HSS interventions and country strategies to mitigate them Assess financing of approved HSS interventions by Global Fund as well as other sources of funds in Rounds 8 and 9

6 Conclusions of Internship Research Approximately 1 in 2 proposals were approved in Rounds 8 and 9, which is similar to the overall approval numbers 91% of interventions strengthened existing national systems as opposed to creating new parallel systems Over 90% of the time interventions supported national coverage More than 8 out of 10 times The Global Fund funded interventions in accordance with National Health Plans Increase of 81% of Health Information Systems and 115% in Procurement and Supply Management funding between Rounds 8 and 9

7 The Internship Experience Information sessions, educational programs, and French language class Ability to witness collaboration with other global health partners Working with diverse staff with varied background Looking forward: a career in global health in the field

8 Thank you to Princeton Environmental Institute and the Grand Challenges program for making this internship possible!

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