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Homeostasis. Response to the cold. Stimulus= decrease in temperatureReceptor = hypothalamus and thermoreceptors in skin Effectors= Act to maintain core.

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Presentation on theme: "Homeostasis. Response to the cold. Stimulus= decrease in temperatureReceptor = hypothalamus and thermoreceptors in skin Effectors= Act to maintain core."— Presentation transcript:

1 Homeostasis

2 Response to the cold. Stimulus= decrease in temperatureReceptor = hypothalamus and thermoreceptors in skin Effectors= Act to maintain core temperature Eg. Blood vessels constrict, shivering, diversion of circulation. Response= Maintenance of core body temperature THE NERVOUS AND ENDOCRINE SYSTEM CO ORDINATE EFFORTS TO COMPLETE THE FEED BACK LOOP.

3 HomeostasisNervous System Central Nervous System Inter neurons Message sent via axon Peripheral Nervous System Sensory neurons To axon terminal of other neurons until Motor neurons Reaches effector organ, gland or muscle. Endocrine SystemGlandsHormones Speed up or slow down organ’s processes Control growth, reproduction, breathing, body temp. etc

4 CNS vs PNS CNSPNS  Consists of brain and spinal cord  Interneurons relay messages and carry impulses through the spinal cord.  Also known as connector neurons  Sensory neurons detect change in environment  Motor neurons receive impulses from interneurons  Sensory neurons relay messages to interneurons and motor neurons receive messages from interneurons which are then passes onto the effector organ, muscle or gland.

5 Neurons

6 3 Types of neurons A. Sensory Neurons B. Motoneurons C. Interneurons

7 From neuron to hormone response Neuron MessageEndocrine Response  Message sent via axon to axon terminals which release neurotransmitters into synapse; gap between the dendrites and next neuron or organ, muscle or gland.  While impulse is passed on from one neuron to next the message changes from an electrical to chemical message.  Glands respond to neuron message by releasing hormones.  Which circulate in the bloodstream until reaching the target organ.  Hormones speed up or slow down the process carried out by the organ.  Eg. When body senses water loss, hormones target the kidney’s to reduce urine out put.

8 Endocrine system controls…..  The endocrine system and it’s many hormones control:  growth  reproduction,  blood sugar levels  Energy release  Body temperature  Breathing  Thirst  Hunger  Emotions  Sleeping  Heart rate

9 Endocrine Glands Endocrine glandsEndocrine system  Hypothalamus  Pituitary  Thyroid gland  Pancreas  Adrenal glands  Testis  Ovary

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