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Outline for Endocrine Test Performance enhancing drugs EPO, testosterone, blood doping, GH, steroids, Effects as a performance enhancing drug Possible.

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Presentation on theme: "Outline for Endocrine Test Performance enhancing drugs EPO, testosterone, blood doping, GH, steroids, Effects as a performance enhancing drug Possible."— Presentation transcript:

1 Outline for Endocrine Test Performance enhancing drugs EPO, testosterone, blood doping, GH, steroids, Effects as a performance enhancing drug Possible side effects of drugs Label organs/glands of endocrine system Hypothalamus, pineal, pituitary gland, parathyroid, thyroid, thymus, pancreas, adrenal, ovaries, testes Hormones: actions/functions and site of production Aldoesterone, cortisol, epinephrine, GnRH, estrogen, insulin, glucagon, PTH, melatonin, ADH, oxytocin, FSH, LH, testosterone, thymosin, cacitonin, HCG

2 Endocrine Hormone Practice Be sure to know what they do and don’t do.

3 Matching: 1.TSH 2.FSH 3.ADH 4.OT 5.GH 6.LH a.Oxytocin b.Labor contractions, milk ejection c.Promotes long bone growth d.Ovulation, formation of corpus luteum e.Luteinizing hormone f.Antidiuretic Hormone g.Thyroid stimulating hormone h.Estrogen secretion, sperm maturation i.Reabsorption of water, elevation of blood pressure and volume j.Follicle stimulating hormone k.Secretion of thyroid hormones l.Stimulates body cell division

4 1.How do hormones maintain homeostasis? 2.What are the characteristics/functions of growth hormones? 3.Describe role of PTH. 4.Explain how the pituitary gland is an endocrine organ. 5.What are two primary hormones of pancreas?

5 There. Two separate sexes. Better?

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