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Published byJoshua Arron Pearson Modified over 9 years ago
Inference and Checking of Object Ownership Wei Huang 1, Werner Dietl 2, Ana Milanova 1, Michael D. Ernst 2 1 Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 2 University of Washington 1
Ownership Types Owner-as-Modifier (OaM) ◦ Universe Types (UT) Owner-as-Dominator (OaD) ◦ Ownership Types (OT) 2 List Node OaD List Node OaM read access write access ✓ ✓✓✓ ✗ ✗ ✓✓✓✓ ✗✗
1class Link { 2 Link next; X data; 3 Link(X inData) { 4 next = null; 5 data = inData; 6 } 7} 8class XStack { 9 Link top; 10 void push(X data) { 11 Link newTop; 12 newTop = new Link(data); 13 = top; 14 top = newTop; 15 } 16 X pop() { 17 Link oldTop = top; 18 top =; 19 return; 20 } 21 boolean isEmpty() { 22 return top == null; } 23 public static void main(String[] args) { 24 XStack s; 25 s = new XStack(); 26 X x = new X(); 27 s.push(x); 28 x = s.pop(); 29 } 30} 1class Link { 2 Link next; X data; 3 Link( X inData) { 4 next = null; 5 data = inData; 6 } 7} 8class XStack { 9 Link top; 10 void push( X data) { 11 Link newTop; 12 newTop = new Link(data); 13 = top; 14 top = newTop; 15 } 16 X pop() { 17 Link oldTop = top; 18 top =; 19 return; 20 } 21 boolean isEmpty() { 22 return top == null; } 23 public static void main(String[] args) { 24 XStack s; 25 s = new XStack(); 26 X x = new X(); 27 s.push(x); 28 x = s.pop(); 29 } 30} Annotation Burden is High 13 annotations are used in this small program! 3
Ownership Type Inference Transforms un-annotated or partially- annotated programs into fully annotated ones ◦ Facilitates practical adoption of ownership types ◦ Reveals how ownership concepts are expressed in existing programs 4
Many Valid Typings! Goal: Infer the “best” typing ◦ The typing that gives rise to the deepest tree root List Node Data root List Node Data 5 Flatter treeDeeper tree
Contributions Unified typing rules ◦ Universe Types (UT) ◦ Ownership Types (OT) Unified inference approach Notion of “best” typing Implementation and evaluation ◦ Results for UT and OT ◦ Comparison of UT and OT 6
Universe Types [Dietl & Müller JOT’05] root List Data1 Node1 Node2 Data2 rep peer any 7 owned by this has same owner as this arbitrary ownership ? ?
Ownership Types [ Clark et al. OOPSLA’98 ] root List Data1 Node1 Node2 Data2 8 owned by this has same owner as this owned by ownership parameter owner ownership parameter ? ?
Architecture Unifie d Typing Rules Source Code Set-based Solver Extrac t “Best” Typing Preference Ranking over Qualifiers Type Checkin g Set- based Solution Maximal Typing Manual Annotations Instantiate d Rules 9 Fail Succeed “Best” Typing
Outline Unified typing rules Unified inference approach Notion of “best” typing Implementation and evaluation 10
Typing Rule (TWRITE): x.f = y OT: (TWRITE) 11 UT: (TWRITE) T T T OT: (TWRITE) T Unified: (TWRITE) T UT Adaptations: OT Adaptations:
Outline Unified typing rules Unified inference approach Notion of “best” typing Implementation and evaluation 12
Set-based Solver Set Mapping S: variable {possible qualifiers} ◦ e.g. S(x) = {any, rep, peer} Iterates over statements s ◦ Applies the function f s ◦ f s removes infeasible qualifiers for each variable in s according to the instantiated rules Until ◦ Reaches a fixpoint, or ◦ Assigns the empty set to a variable 13
Example 1 class XStack { 2 Link top; 3 void push( X d) { 4 Link newTop; 5 newTop = new Link(); 6 newTop.init(d); 7... 8 } 9 } 10 class Link { 11... 12 void init( X inData) { 13... 14 } 15 } {any, rep, peer} 14
First Iteration 1 class XStack { 2 Link top; 3 void push( X d) { 4 Link newTop; 5 newTop = new Link(); 6 newTop.init(d); 7... 8 } 9 } 10 class Link { 11... 12 void init( X inData) { 13... 14 } 15 } {any, rep, peer} 15
First Iteration 1 class XStack { 2 Link top; 3 void push( X d) { 4 Link newTop; 5 newTop = new Link(); 6 newTop.init(d); 7... 8 } 9 } 10 class Link { 11... 12 void init( X inData) { 13... 14 } 15 } {any, rep, peer} 16
Final Result: A Set-based Solution 1 class XStack { 2 Link top; 3 void push( X d) { 4 Link newTop; 5 newTop = new Link(); 6 newTop.init(d); 7... 8 } 9 } 10 class Link { 11... 12 void init( X inData) { 13... 14 } 15 } {any, rep, peer} 17
Outline Unified typing rules Unified inference approach Notion of “best” typing Implementation and evaluation 18
Set-based Solution Many valid typings can be extracted from the solution Which one is the “best”? ◦ Deeper ownership tree has better encapsulation Flatter treeDeeper tree root List Node Data root List Node Data 19
Notion of “Best” Typing Objective functions rank valid typings is a valid typing ranks UT typings; a proxy for deep UT tree ranks OT typings; a proxy for deep OT tree “Best” typing maximizes objective function 20
Maximal Typing Maximal typing assigns to each variable x the maximally preferred qualifier from S(x) ◦ Preference ranking over qualifiers UT: OT: Theorem: If the maximal typing type-checks, then it maximizes the objective function ◦ UT: the maximal typing always type-checks ◦ OT: it does not always type-check 21
UT: Maximal Typing Always Type Checks 1 class XStack { 2 Link top; 3 void push( X d) { 4 Link newTop; 5 newTop = new Link(); 6 newTop.init(d); 7... 8 } 9 } 10 class Link { 11... 12 void init( X inData) { 13... 14 } 15 } {any, rep, peer} 22
OT: Maximal Typing Does Not Always Type Check Conflict: picking the maximal qualifiers doesn’t type-check Prompts user for manual annotations 23 class A { C f; } x=new A(); y=new C(); x.f=y; x. f = y
Outline Unified typing rules Unified inference approach Notion of “best” typing Implementation and evaluation 24
Implementation Built on top of the Checker Framework (CF) [Papi et al. ISSTA’08, Dietl et al. ICSE’11] Extends the CF to specify: ◦ Preference ranking over qualifiers ◦ Viewpoint adaptation function ◦ Additional constraints Publicly available at ◦ 25
Benchmarks 26
UT Result 27 rep = encapsulation
OT Result 28 = encapsulation
Owner-as-Modifier vs Owner-as-Dominator UT gives rise to a deeper tree when access to object e from x is readonly Object Graph OT Tree root x x i i c c e e UT Tree root x x i i c c e e x x i i c c e e 29
Owner-as-Modifier vs Owner-as-Dominator OT gives rise to a deeper tree when object j modifies object k from an enclosing context Object Graph root i i k k j j OT Tree root i i k k j j UT Tree root i i k k j j 30
Allocation Sites 31 OT: rep 40% UT: rep 14% OT has deeper tree: Modification to objects from enclosing context happens more often UT&OT: rep 9% UT&OT: rep 9% UT and OT give rise to different ownership trees
Summary of Results Manual annotations ◦ UT: 0 annotations ◦ OT: 6 annotations per 1 kLOC Programs can be refactored to have better OaM or OaD structure UT requires no manual annotations; annotations are easy to interpret OT requires manual annotations; annotations are hard to interpret 32
Related Work Tip et al. [TOPLAS’11] ◦ Similar algorithm: starts with all possible answers and iteratively removes infeasible elements ◦ We also use qualifier preference ranking Dietl et al. [ECOOP’11] ◦ Tunable Inference for Generic Universe Types ◦ Encodes type constraints and solved by Max-SAT solver Sergey & Clark [ESOP’12] ◦ Gradual Ownership Types ◦ Requires both static and dynamic analyses ◦ Analyzes 8,200 lines of code in total 33
Conclusions An inference framework for ownership- like type systems Definition of “best” typing Evaluation on 241 kLOC Publicly available at ◦ 34
Conclusions An inference framework for ownership- like type systems Definition of “best” typing Evaluation on 241 kLOC Publicly available at ◦ 35
Typing Rule (TCALL): x = y.m(z) UT: (TCALL)OT: (TWRITE) Unified: (TWRITE) 36
UT Result BenchmarkTotalVaranyreppeer#ManualTime(s) JOlden685 22771387 011.3 tinySQL2711 6301041977 018.2 htmlparser3269 4261532690 022.9 ejc10957 18971228938 0119.7 javad249 3111207 04.1 SPECjbb1066 29574697 013.6 jdepend542 9514433 07.2 classycle946 8711848 09.9 Running times range from 4 sec. to 120 sec. Zero manual annotations are required Delelte 37
OT Result BenchmarkTotalVar#ManualTime(s) JOlden685 674972497 13(2/KLOC)10.3 tinySQL2711 22453051952 215(7/KLOC)18.4 htmlparser3269 330629362274 200(3/KLOC)33.6 ejc10957 4671768508672 592(5/KLOC)122.4 javad249 442774104 46(10/KLOC)5.5 SPECjbb1066 16614171688 73(6/KLOC)17.1 jdepend542 130156128 26(6/KLOC)13.7 classycle946 15317328592 90(10/KLOC)11.7 Running times range from 4 sec. to 120 sec. 6/KLOC manual annotations on average Delelte 38
Allocation Sites in All Benchmarks OT: rep 40% OT: not rep 60% UT: not rep 86% UT: rep 14% Modification of objects from enclosing context happens more often than readonly exposure Modification of objects from enclosing context happens more often than readonly exposure 39
Universe Types Owner-as-Modifier encapsulation (OaM) Type qualifiers: ◦ rep: owned by this ◦ peer: has same owner as this ◦ any: arbitrary ownership 40
Classical Ownership Types Owner-as-Dominator encapsulation (OaD) Type qualifier ◦ is the owner of the object ◦ is the ownership parameter ◦ rep: owned by this ◦ own: has same owner as this ◦ p: owned by the ownership parameter 41
Owner-as-Modifier vs Owner-as-Dominator Goal: compare UT (OaM) to OT (OaD) In certain cases, UT gives rise to a deeper tree than OT In other cases, OT gives rise to a deeper tree Does UT or OT has deeper trees? Do UT and OT give rise to different trees? 42
Architecture Unified Typing Rules Source Code Set-based Solver Extract “Best” Typing Preference Ranking over Qualifiers Type Checking Set-based Solution Maximal Typing Manual Annotations Instantiated Rules 43 Fail Succeed “Best” Typing
Summary of Results Many objects are owned (encapsulated) ◦ UT: 14% of allocation sites are rep (upper bound!) ◦ OT: 40% of allocation sites are rep (close to upper bound!) UT requires no manual annotations ◦ Programs can be refactored to have better OaM structure OT requires manual annotations ◦ Annotations are hard to understand 45
Allocation Sites 46 OT: rep 40% UT: rep 14% Modification from external context happens more often UT&OT: rep 9% UT&OT: rep 9% UT and OT give rise to different ownership trees
Running Time and Manual Annotation 47 Zero manual annotation for UT 6 manual annotations per kLOC on average
Notion of “Best” Typing Objective functions rank valid typings is a valid typing ranks UT typings ◦ Maximizes number of allocation sites typed rep ranks OT typings ◦ Maximizes number of object graph edges typed with owner rep 48
Outline Unified typing rules Unified inference approach Notion of “best” typing Implementation and evaluation 49
Ownership Types Owner-as-Modifier Owner-as-Dominator 50 List Node OaM List Node OaD readwrite ✓ ✓✓✓✓✓✓✓ ✗ ✗✗✗
Summary of Results Many objects are owned (encapsulated) ◦ UT: 14% of allocation sites are rep (upper bound!) ◦ OT: 40% of allocation sites are rep (close to upper bound!) UT requires no manual annotations; annotations are easy to interpret OT requires manual annotations; annotations are hard to interpret 51
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