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Chapter 12 Obtaining and Providing Information. The Communication Process  The communication process involves a:  Sender.  Message.  Channel.  Receiver.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 12 Obtaining and Providing Information. The Communication Process  The communication process involves a:  Sender.  Message.  Channel.  Receiver."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 12 Obtaining and Providing Information

2 The Communication Process  The communication process involves a:  Sender.  Message.  Channel.  Receiver.  It may also include feedback.

3 Successful Communication  Successful communication occurs only if:  The sender can correctly code the message.  The channel is free of distortion.  The receiver can correctly decode the message.

4 Listening  People can speak about 150 words per minute.  People can listen to more than 450 words per minute.

5 Nonverbal Communication  Nonverbal communication includes:  Eye movements.  Facial expressions.  Posture.  Gestures.  Clothing.  Tone of voice.  Proximity.  Touch.

6 Written Nonverbal Communication  Written nonverbal communication includes:  Neatness.  Paper quality.  Copy quality.  Binding.

7 Lines of Communication  Communication lines may be:  Downward.  Upward (vertical).  Lateral (horizontal).  They may also be:  Internal.  External.

8 Taking Notes  Record all relevant information legibly, in ink, in a notebook.  Effective notes are:  Accurate.  Brief.  Clear/complete.

9 Security Officer Reports  Administrative reports: Deals with routine functioning of security department.  Operational reports: Deals with the actions taken by security officers.

10 Importance of Reports  A report is a permanent written record that communicates important facts to be used in the future.

11 Characteristics of Well-Written Reports  Factual--It contains no opinions.  Accurate--It is specific.  Objective--Impartial.  Complete.  Concise.  Clear.  Mechanically correct.  In standard English.  Legible.  On time.

12 Summary Questions  What does the communication process involve?  What is the average speaking speed? Listening or “word processing” speed?  What is nonverbal communication? Written nonverbal communication?  What are the lines of communication?

13 Summary Questions  How should notes be taken?  What are the characteristics of effective notes?  What are the 2 basic types of reports written by security officers?  Why are reports so important?  What are the characteristics of a well- written report?

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