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Why People Have Children  Life Experiences Your personal feelings and experiences with children  Expression of Love The desire to have children stems.

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Presentation on theme: "Why People Have Children  Life Experiences Your personal feelings and experiences with children  Expression of Love The desire to have children stems."— Presentation transcript:


2 Why People Have Children  Life Experiences Your personal feelings and experiences with children  Expression of Love The desire to have children stems from the love between two adults  Desire for Family Life – Style  Other People’s Expectations Pressure from the couple’s parents  Appeal of children Many people are more spontaneous around children. They want this joy in their everyday lives

3 Why People Have Children  Economic Asset In developing countries, children are work and money sources Some people want someone to take care of them when they become elderly  Curiosity What will my child be like? What type of parent will I be?

4 Why People Don’t Have Kids  Long Term Goals Will having a child limit what I want for my future ? Will I be able to travel? Continue my education?  Freedom I won’t be able to go out like I do now  Personal Experiences My childhood wasn’t good I can’t see myself as a parent  Fears What will I look like after the pregnancy? Complications? How can I manage a kid, work and home?

5 When Are You Ready?  Level of Maturity The condition in which a person’s body is fully developed and he/she thinks and acts reasonably, responsibly, reliably and independently How well are you able to manage your life and various responsibilities?

6 When Are You Ready?  Stability of Relationship You have a meaningful relationship with your significant other Sure of your commitment Children benefit from parents in a happy and stable marriage

7 When Are You Ready?  Physical Health Well-nourished Not involved in risky behaviors Free of diseases Is the mother’s body healthy enough to support a fetus? Best age is between 18 and 34  Mental Health Recognize realities of parenthood  Emotional Health High self-esteem Give love without expecting it back Control reactions to emotions Ability to express worry and doubt

8 When Are You Ready?  Social Considerations Social activities will change after you have a baby Activities often become “child- centered” Family closeness  Financial Considerations Money for medical costs during pregnancy and birth Adequate place to live Room for child and equipment Save money

9 When Are You Ready?  Career Plans What kind of job should I get? How will the child fit into work? Will I have to travel? What hours will I work? What will I do when the baby is born?  Goals Long term goals Education Career Financial Do we both want kids? If so, how many?

10 Decision Making Process 1. Identify the Problem Should we have a child? 2. Identify Alternatives a. Try to conceive immediately b. Delay pregnancy c. Do not have a child 3. Analyze Consequences a. having a child changes your life b. Difficulty conceiving later on c. not experience the reward of parenting 4. Make the Decision *Prioritize your goals 5. Evaluate Results *How did this work out for us? *Can we change our minds later on?

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