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World Bank Office Bangkok Cambodia and Lao PDR; Poor countries, eligible for IDA (concessional loans), Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers and lending through.

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Presentation on theme: "World Bank Office Bangkok Cambodia and Lao PDR; Poor countries, eligible for IDA (concessional loans), Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers and lending through."— Presentation transcript:

1 World Bank Office Bangkok Cambodia and Lao PDR; Poor countries, eligible for IDA (concessional loans), Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers and lending through Poverty Reduction Support Credits Governance/accountability issues, Malaysia, Thailand: Middle income Minimal lending Partnership for analytical work Burma No lending Regional Gender Coordination for all East Asia

2 Social Development in East Asia Inclusion, cohesion, accountability through: Working with civil society Supporting implementation of countries gender policies Safeguards and development approaches for ethnic minorities Social capital, local governance and institutions

3 A. Civil Society Providing opportunities to participate in policy dialogue through PRSP and consultations Enhancing social accountability by supporting monitoring by civil society E.g.Perceptions of Corruption survey by Center for Social Development in Cambodia Learning more about how small local NGOs work through a small grants program 6 – 8 grantees a year in Cambodia, Thailand and Lao PDR Civil society assessments to map out partners and capabilities

4 B. Gender Country Gender Assessment: together with ADB,UN agencies and bilaterals Complete for Cambodia, on-going in Lao, Women and Men in Development in Thailand Gender in policy dialogue, planning and budgeting Support for PRSP preparation and monitoring Grant-funded project on gender budgeting with UNIFEM in Cambodia Gender in project implementation: E.g. Land titling projects in Camb and Laos, time use studies for rural livelihoods project, gender and transport workshop in Lao Support advocacy through small grants program

5 C. Ethnic Minorities Safeguards: E.g. Nam Theun 2, roads, health, education, Capacity building through dialogue on safeguards policies, workshops etc. Policy Impacts: Impact of policies on ethnic minorities e.g land, village consolidation etc.

6 D. Social capital, local governance and institutions Analytical work: Impact of Social Investment Fund on social capital in Thailand Village dispute resolution and access to justice in Cambodia Community Driven Development: Implementation support to projects

7 Regional Gender Program Support Country Gender Coordinators in each country including China, Indonesia, Philippines, and Vietnam Mostly decentralized to country Systematic integration in projects Variable integration in PRSP Some stand alone analytical and projects Gender assessments Female migrant worker research and widows project in Indonesia Joint names land certification in Vietnam Gender monitoring and evaluation in Philippines Gender and poverty linkages in China

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