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Prof. Shih-Hao Hung 洪士灝 Dept. of CSIE & GINM 資工網媒 [2011.05]

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Presentation on theme: "Prof. Shih-Hao Hung 洪士灝 Dept. of CSIE & GINM 資工網媒 [2011.05]"— Presentation transcript:

1 Prof. Shih-Hao Hung 洪士灝 Dept. of CSIE & GINM 資工網媒 [2011.05]

2 How do you improve computers? First, understand the computer… software & hardware! Where are the important and meaningful problems? Use tools and your brain to solve problems! Our Approaches – Deep, Fundamental, Practical, Useful Performance tools and evaluation methodologies Applications from embedded systems to cloud computing Security for systems and applications over the Internet PAS Lab: 3 Ph.D. students, 14 M.S. students, 5 undergraduate students Many projects & collaborators (MediaTek, MStar, Intel, IBM, etc.) Goals: Train students with skills to think and work smart Contribute to the academic and industrial research

3 You will learn… How SW/HW components in a system work together How performance tools help to detect performance problems How to improve systems with modeling and simulation Examples: 國科會研究計畫 : 多處理器系統晶片最佳化方法與工具設計 (Optimization of Multiprocessor Systems-on-Chips: Methodology and Tool Design) , 2006~2009 國科會推動規劃補助計畫 : Android 平台最佳化技術研究之建置計畫 (I)-- 子計 畫三 : 通訊效能與輸出入裝置驅動程式之最佳化( Optimization of the Interprocessor Communications and Input/Output Device Drivers for Android Platforms ), 2009~2011 經濟部學界科專計畫『嵌入式異質多核心系統技術研發三年計畫』: B3 分項 -- 嵌入式異質多核心系統效能工具之開發 Performance Analysis Tools for Heterogeneous Multicore Embedded Systems, 2008~2011 MStar: Performance Evaluation for Android Systems via Virtual Platforms, 2011~2012

4 You will learn… How to develop and optimize Multicore & GPU applications How to develop and optimize Android Smartphone applications How to develop and optimize Cloud Computing applications How to design Security mechanisms in these applications Examples: 美國昇陽電腦公司:以平行計算技術為基礎的新微處理機系統晶片 (CMT processor SoC) 作為下一代通訊市場使用之 ATCA 平台之效能評估技術, 2006~2007 廣達研究院:分析與改進商用中階儲存伺服器 (enterprise-class storage server system) 之效能, 2006~2007 國科會國家型科技計畫 : 以虛擬平台實現異質多核心應用快速原型設計之技術 研究 (Fast Prototyping of Heterogeneous Multicore Applications via Virtual Platforms), 2009~2011 國科會研究計畫 : 行動應用軟體之虛擬化雲端執行環境 Cloud-based Virtualized Execution Environment for Mobile Applications, 2011~2012

5 Functional Simulator + Cycle-Accurate Simulator + Parallel Simulation Traditional MethodMulti-level, Multi-Stage Simulation on Multicore NSC Project 2009-2011 Collaborate with 中研院

6 Network Proc. GPU Codec Engine 2x ARM CPU Memory I/O Devices 4x DSP Local Memory Interrupt Serv. MoEA Project (2009-2012): System Software for Multicore SoC Collaborate with 清大 、 交大 、 工研院 New Project with Mstar ( 晨星半導體 ), 2010.11~2011.10

7 NSC Project (2009-2011) Collaborate with 清大 、 交大 、 Qista, Mstar, MIPS, Qualcomm

8 In Collaboration with MediaTek ( 聯發科 ), 2010.10~2012.09 Study and improve cloud computing system infrastructure Develop truly innovative cloud applications (e.g. virtual phone) Enhance security in the cloud (e.g. secure data store)

9 In our lab, you have an opportunity to really learn a lot about computer systems in the future The world is full of multicore computers – do you really know how to make use of them? Everybody is talking about cloud computing – do you really know the key innovations? Smartphones are replacing notebook/desktop computers – do you know the trend of mobile computing We have challenging projects to help you learn these state- of-the-art system technologies, and the learned skills will be very useful to your career in the future!

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