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FRE 2645 Graph based Representation 2005 Graphical Knowledge Management in Graphics Recognition Systems Mathieu Delalandre¹, Eric Trupin¹, Jacques Labiche¹,

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Presentation on theme: "FRE 2645 Graph based Representation 2005 Graphical Knowledge Management in Graphics Recognition Systems Mathieu Delalandre¹, Eric Trupin¹, Jacques Labiche¹,"— Presentation transcript:

1 FRE 2645 Graph based Representation 2005 Graphical Knowledge Management in Graphics Recognition Systems Mathieu Delalandre¹, Eric Trupin¹, Jacques Labiche¹, Jean-Marc Ogier² ¹ Laboratoire PSI, Université de Rouen ² Laboratoire L3I, Université de La Rochelle

2 Graph based Representation 2005 Introduction (1)  Graphics recognition deals with several methods  The combination of these methods can be useful for the recognition skeletonisationcontouring meshes region segmentation run encodingtracking Hough transform

3 Graph based Representation 2005 Introduction (2) Graphical primitivesMethods Pixelskeletonization (a), contouring (b), run (d) Vectorialskeletonization (a), contouring (b), tracking (c), run (d), object segmentation (g) RegionRun (d), region (e), component grouping (h) Symbolall  Common graphical primitives are used  Method combination involves to use a “generic” formalism to structure these primitives for graphical knowledge exchange and the interoperability between processings

4 Graph based Representation 2005 Graphical Knowledge (1) Used Object Formalism graphical object list and attribute objects graph object

5 Graph based Representation 2005 Graphical Knowledge (2) Modelling Use-Case line graph hierarchical list hierarchical graph linked-squares point list line list

6 Graph based Representation 2005 Graphical Knowledge (3) Request Process

7 Graph based Representation 2005 Graphical Knowledge (4) Processing interoperability chainingpolygonisationcontour matching image point list + junction point listline listclosed line listquadrilateral list

8 Graph based Representation 2005 Conclusion  Conclusion  “Generic” object-oriented formalism for graphical knowledge allowing various modellings  Request process for the graphical primitives exchange  Perspectives  To test this approach into an “applied” graphics recognition system  To extend the request process with a graphics request language

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