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Motion Modeling for Online Locomotion Synthesis Taesoo Kwon and Sung Yong Shin KAIST.

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Presentation on theme: "Motion Modeling for Online Locomotion Synthesis Taesoo Kwon and Sung Yong Shin KAIST."— Presentation transcript:

1 Motion Modeling for Online Locomotion Synthesis Taesoo Kwon and Sung Yong Shin KAIST

2 Outline Motivation Related work Overview Motion analysis Motion synthesis Conclusions Future Work

3 Motivation Real-time locomotion synthesis Motion rearrangement : realism Motion blending : efficiency and controllability Hybrid approach –Locomotive motion generation [PSS02, PSS04] –Rhythmic motion synthesis [KPS03] Premise: motion labeling

4 Related Work Motion Segmentation [Bindiganavale & Badler, 1998;Fod et al., 2002; Kim et al., 2003] Motion Classification [Arikan et al., 2003;Kovar & Gleicher, 2004;Forbes & Fiume 2005;Mueller & Roeder 2005] Motion Labeling for blending [Kim et al., 2003]

5 Overview motion specifications desired motion example motions motion analysis hierarchical motion transition graph motion synthesis

6 Motion Analysis Issues –Motion segmentation –Motion classification –Graph construction Biomechanical observations –[Per92,Win90]

7 Biomechanical Observations Center of mass trajectory right foot left foot walkrun transition

8 Motion segmentation Criteria for motion segmentation –Simple enough for intuitive parameterization –Long enough to contain motion semantics –An important motion feature should not be split  Split at every COM peak

9 Motion Classification String encoding – Pros –avoid troublesome time-warping –more robust than numerical computation

10 Motion Classification Footstep patterns (a) S (b) R (c) L (d) D (e) F

11 Motion Classification String Encoding (ideal case)

12 Motion Classification String Encoding (ideal case) R D L

13 Motion Classification String Encoding (ideal case) F R F

14 Motion Classification String Encoding (ideal case) R D L F

15 Motion Classification String Encoding (ideal case)

16 Refinement False peak –Concatenate two motion segments Missing peak –Divide a motion segment into two

17 Graph Construction


19 Motion Analysis Results O(n) –2Ghz PC (AMD 64, 2GB memory) –For 7.4 min locomotion, about 10 seconds Movie

20 Motion Synthesis LDRRDLLDRF … …

21 Motion Synthesis Motion specification Motion parameter

22 Motion Sythesis How to calculate –Two half cycles in cyclic motion – Regression analysis on

23 Motion Synthesis Motion blending : [PSS04][KG03][ACP02] Motion stitching : [GSKJ03] Motion retargeting : [SLSG01][KGS02]

24 Motion Synthesis Result 1000+ frames per second Movie –Path following –Online synthesis

25 Conclusion Motion labeling based on string encodings Hierarchical motion transition graph

26 Future work Footstep-driven motions such as dancing and boxing

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