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Hands segmentation Pat Jangyodsuk. Motivation Alternative approach of finding hands Instead of finding bounding box, classify each pixel whether they’re.

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Presentation on theme: "Hands segmentation Pat Jangyodsuk. Motivation Alternative approach of finding hands Instead of finding bounding box, classify each pixel whether they’re."— Presentation transcript:

1 Hands segmentation Pat Jangyodsuk

2 Motivation Alternative approach of finding hands Instead of finding bounding box, classify each pixel whether they’re hand pixel or not

3 Example

4 First step Create hands segment images for training – Dataset: American Sign language (ASL) dataset Annotated hand bounding boxes are already provided – Extract only hands pixel instead of whole bounding box

5 Results so far Get skin score image On annotated hands bounding box, assuming that all skin pixels are hand pixels – Fail when hands are on top of face or each other

6 Results so far

7 Use foreground / background segmentation code (based on graph cut algorithm) from OpenCV to enhance result – Still not perfect though

8 Segment Results


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