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PRESENTATION practical lessons on environmental sanitation 6 SEMESTER COURSE 11-12.

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1 PRESENTATION practical lessons on environmental sanitation 6 SEMESTER COURSE 11-12

2 Subject: TSN. Sanitary inspection of the waterworks for the preparation of drinking water for the population of the city of Tashkent underground water sources.

3 1 To acquaint the student with the device structures Waterworks from underground water sources successive stages to improve water quality and organization of the SOA. 2 Seize the methodic of sanitary inspection facilities for water from underground water sources. 3 Familiarize themselves with organizations LPK quality of drinking water. 4 Learning to be a description of sanitary treatment facilities underground aqueduct (act. Sanitary inspection.). 5 Learn to develop preventive measures for the protection of water sources.

4 PURPOSE OF EMPLOYMENT: To acquaint the student with the device structures Waterworks from underground water sources successive stages to improve water quality and organization of the SOA. Seize the methodic of sanitary inspection facilities for water from underground water sources. Familiarize themselves with organizations LPK quality of drinking water. Learning to be a description of sanitary treatment facilities underground aqueduct (act. Sanitary inspection.). Learn to develop preventive measures for the protection of water sources.

5 The student should know: The meaning and legal rules governing the relationship of man to man, society and the environment. Apply the basic provisions of each document in its significance. Features of the organization and conduct of sanitary and epidemiological measures to mitigate the adverse effects of risk factors on health and the environment.

6 The student should be able to: To carry out the current sanitary supervision on controlled utility facilities. Justify their actions in solving the problem. Conduct sanitary inspection of supervision and make the appropriate accounting and reporting documentation.

7 METHOD OF STUDENT IN sanitary inspection of artesian water supply system. 1. Name of the object. 2. In what year built Waterworks. 3.Harakteristika the station: a) providing a water area fencing is stored; b) Compliance with regulations 1 belt SBV; c) the state of wastewater systems; d) a paving and landscaping; e) outdoor lighting. 4. Pump Station 1 lift / state operation grill, netting, the state of aggregation units / pump / dispenser ammonia ikontrol dose /. 5. Chlorination: a) storage, transport, the smell of chlorine; b) the serviceability of chlorate, the dose and the control flow of chlorine; c) the state of ventilation and storage and chlorination.

8 6. Water Treatment Workshop: a) under the scheme needs water treatment; b) state structures, according to the norms of the reactants, nakladochnym regulations (expenses) speed, exposure, dose, frequency of washing, cleaning, disinfection); c) organization of relief wash water; 7. The apparatus of tanks: a) placing, serviceability security seals protection; b) the period of storage of water; c) the frequency of and compliance with regulations disinfection: 8. The device pumping station 2 lift / repair units to monitor the concentration of active chlorine /. 9. Laboratory: and / program of work, the point fence, the frequency of laboratory control, consistency and SES; b / matching techniques to official regulations; in / trained personnel; g / water quality by working documents; 10. Availability of production facilities (sanitation, security personnel, regulation duties, working conditions, thermal conditions, noise, lighting, air pollution, etc.). The incidence of personnel with temporary disability (the presence and condition of accounting, analysis work shops, the main nosological forms, recreational activities). 6. Water Treatment Workshop: a) under the scheme needs water treatment; b) state structures, according to the norms of the reactants, nakladochnym regulations (expenses) speed, exposure, dose, frequency of washing, cleaning, disinfection); c) organization of relief wash water; 7. The apparatus of tanks: a) placing, serviceability security seals protection; b) the period of storage of water; c) the frequency of and compliance with regulations disinfection: 8. The device pumping station 2 lift / repair units to monitor the concentration of active chlorine /. 9. Laboratory: and / program of work, the point fence, the frequency of laboratory control, consistency and SES; b / matching techniques to official regulations; in / trained personnel; g / water quality by working documents; 10. Availability of production facilities (sanitation, security personnel, regulation duties, working conditions, thermal conditions, noise, lighting, air pollution, etc.). The incidence of personnel with temporary disability (the presence and condition of accounting, analysis work shops, the main nosological forms, recreational activities).

9 Method instructions for sanitary inspection The objective of the sanitary survey of the aqueduct, the new prior to commissioning or in the order of the current sanitary supervision, just as is the case in the practice of sanitary doctor is: Method instructions for sanitary inspection The objective of the sanitary survey of the aqueduct, the new prior to commissioning or in the order of the current sanitary supervision, just as is the case in the practice of sanitary doctor is: Establishing the extent to which the technical condition of plumbing project requirements of health and hygiene standards. Figuring purpose of water supply and the degree of security of the village and health care facility or enterprise service-potable water. Introduction to operating the existing water supply and water quality control procedure. The definition of the necessary measures to eliminate organizational, sanitary and technical defects and malfunctions, or complete reconstruction water supply.

10 In sanitary surveys useful to distinguish two stages. Plan 1 st phase of the survey. The first phase of the survey should include meetings and discussions with the administration of the facility or with the technical guidance and water supply with the following objectives: 1.Poluchenie general information about plumbing: who owns when built and subjected to whether reconstruction; the main purpose of water supply - the daily water consumption for household needs, the needs of the production; the percentage of the latter to obschesutochnoy water supply running water; satisfied if the needs of the people in the household and drinking water and to what extent. 2.Viyasnenie, whether health authorities involved in order precautionary supervision in matters of design and construction of water supply (soglasovanie6 project acceptance and commissioning). 3.Oznakomlenie with the available documentation: a) technical - design and explanatory notebook to him, with the location, composition and type of head waterworks (which can detect defects in the design); Does the construction of water treatment (cleaning, obezzhilevaniya, decontamination, etc..). b) gidrogiologicheskoy - hole size, mode of occurrence of the exploited aquifer and its protection is the upper (ground) water; with the conclusion (note) after the well pumping test (static and dynamic levels, and paying the daily production rate) is not mentioned whether the operation of the well: the depletion of water level in the well spring after rainfall. According to well design (number of casing strings, the method of fastening and sealing each of them and so on.) It turns out the reliability of the isolation of the exploited aquifer from the overlying (contaminated saline).

11 Plan of the 2nd phase of the survey. The second phase of the survey is to provide immediate inspection area and water supply headworks to establish the extent of their compliance with sanitary and sanitary - technical requirements designed to ensure the epidemiological safety of the whole system of water supply and prevent deterioration of water quality. Direct examination is recommended in the known sequence.

12 LAND headworks and sanitary protection zones. Isolated area of ​​ the 1st zone, its size, fencing; Do not threaten groundwater pollution proximity zhilyah and industrial buildings, other sources of pollution, on which they distance from the headworks; Whether dangerous proximity of the river (during floods). Are the special sanitary regime in the territory of the 2nd zone; if the latter is not isolated - the nature of its construction, the risk to the exploited aquifer. Which uses the restroom staff head waterworks: canalized - where; proximity of sewer pipes from wells and tanks (no closer than 5 m with a cast-iron pipes); when the outdoor pit latrine - distance to headworks (25-30 m), provided there raking permeability. Mine over the well: Is there enough protection from atmospheric and groundwater; alone or in building a pumping station; vodopodёmnikov type - the degree of water pollution danger oils; securely patched wellhead, there is a way to measure the level of water in the well and water sampling. Isolated area of ​​ the 1st zone, its size, fencing; Do not threaten groundwater pollution proximity zhilyah and industrial buildings, other sources of pollution, on which they distance from the headworks; Whether dangerous proximity of the river (during floods). Are the special sanitary regime in the territory of the 2nd zone; if the latter is not isolated - the nature of its construction, the risk to the exploited aquifer. Which uses the restroom staff head waterworks: canalized - where; proximity of sewer pipes from wells and tanks (no closer than 5 m with a cast-iron pipes); when the outdoor pit latrine - distance to headworks (25-30 m), provided there raking permeability. Mine over the well: Is there enough protection from atmospheric and groundwater; alone or in building a pumping station; vodopodёmnikov type - the degree of water pollution danger oils; securely patched wellhead, there is a way to measure the level of water in the well and water sampling.

13 Underground reservoirs number of them, what material, the degree of protection from atmospheric and groundwater; whether near the source of contamination; there is a danger of water pollution through mud release (when directly connected to the sewage system). Is washing and disinfection of tanks - how often than :, dosage, who produces. Pumping station - general sanitary condition: if the well is arranged in a building (not recommended!), Which is taken to prevent pollution through the mine and the mouth; as possible to the sampling of the feed water discharge pipe network. Water Tower - located on her tank-what material than painted inside as blocked; - Are the premises of the tank from the flies and birds; sanction to use the bottom of the tower (tower threatening air pollution gases and dust), is carried out by washing, who produces. Water supply system - a system pipe material: water columns - the number, type: whether there is a danger of freezing, water pollution in the network, in which network points sampled. Interruptions in the supply of water from the water network - as part of: the causes of the accident at the headworks or distribution network. Disinfection of water - if made ​​ - the cause; any way; reagent, which apparatus; the doses used and the reliability of the correct dosage.

14 Population survey and selection of control samples for the analysis carried out in the event of failure of materials collected on the basis of the above plan of sanitary inspection plumbing. Survey of the population according to the following scheme: udovletvaryayutsya a need for uninterrupted water at any time of the year and during the day; if the tap from the speakers - whether there are interruptions when often their duration, reason. Shall determine whether the water quality which the complaint.

15 The last stage of the survey. At the last stage of sanitary inspection : 1.Rezultaty the first two phases of the survey aqueduct systematized and summarized in the form of a "sanitary description of the aqueduct", independently of the surveyed students (followed by the last name). In this specification, the greatest attention is paid to the marked when examining sanitary and sanitary - technical deficiencies and defects related to the water supply system as a whole, and each of the waterworks included in this system. 2.SPECIFICATIONS quality of water supplied to the population (according to the data collected in the survey and special tests) are summarized in the following summary table:

16 performance limits! Limits! Limits of for the year! for the year! for the year 1.Organolepticheskie properties of water: transparency chromaticity taste ___________________________________________________________ smell __________________________________________________________ turbidity _______________________________________________________ 2.Bezvrednost water Chemical composition: _______________________________________ 3.Bezopasnost epidemic in relation to: ___________________________________________________________ coli index (If-titer) ________________________________________ The total number of bacteria ________________________________ Additionally, a brief act according to the following exemplary scheme: ACT ______________ I (we) _______________________________________ made this act of sanitary inspection aqueduct located in ________________ and prinodlezhaschego survey carried out in the presence of In a study of selected: 1. System of water (summary of destination, of plants, the extent to which production rate requirements, quality

17 supply water requirements of GOST 2874 and other characteristic features according to the results of the 1st and 2nd phases of the survey). 2.Nedostatki sanitary conditions and sanitary defects requiring correction: a) (in the water supply artesian well) b) (for underground tanks) c) (in pump stations) g) (as a water tower) e) (water disinfection) e) (for water mains) g) (water quality control) h) (for the organization of sanitary protection zones) 3. The general conclusion (about the conditions of further operation of water supply and timing to eliminate these shortcomings). Stamp

18 Control questions: 1. name goal sanitary - epidemiological survey of water sources. 2. nameprocessing steps to improve its water quality 3.What such groundwater. 4.Ustroystva intake of underground water sources 5. In what respect harmful contamination of the ground water 6.Osnovnye types of installations for the decontamination of water in the waterworks 7.Perechislite main tasks sanitary topographical survey of water sources 8. select main types of sanitary inspection of water sources 9. name main types of work in the field of TSN doctor at the local water supply. 10. name goal sanitary - technological examination of water supply sources 11. name goal sanitary - epidemiological survey of water sources. 12. How to document zapolneyatsya about water sampling. 13. select frequency of cleaning and disinfection of clean water reservoir. 14.Gigienicheskie requirements of the water-pump wells. 15.Gigienicheskie requirements for ground-based equipment of the well.

19 Recommended reading: Summary: W T. Otaboev TI Iskandarov "Kommunal hygiene" T.1994y KI Akulov Bushtuevoy KA "Communal Hygiene" M. 1986. "Guide to laboratory work on environmental sanitation." EI Goncharuk AM 1990 "Hygiene" Edited by prof. Demidenko IM 2002. "Kommunal hygiene fanidan Amal mashgulotlar Uchun kullanma" edited T.I.Iskandarova. T. 2006 Additional: The laws of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Uzbek State Standards, SRN, KMK, JV orders. Tutorials on the EMC. Lecture materials.

20 O'z.Res.SSV veb-sayt TTA sayti – htt://web.tma TMA Wi-Fizone ZiyONet INTERNET SITES

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