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Agenda: Tues 10/25 Ticket-In: Progress Reports, Notes Summaries, 2 Scholarship Applications/Essays, 2 tutorials Announcements/Calendar Mind Mover #16:

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Presentation on theme: "Agenda: Tues 10/25 Ticket-In: Progress Reports, Notes Summaries, 2 Scholarship Applications/Essays, 2 tutorials Announcements/Calendar Mind Mover #16:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Agenda: Tues 10/25 Ticket-In: Progress Reports, Notes Summaries, 2 Scholarship Applications/Essays, 2 tutorials Announcements/Calendar Mind Mover #16: Quote: Honesty Four essential skills A writing assignment for a college freshman Ticket-Out: Textual Scavenger Hunt Homework: Tutorial Request Form: Independent 10/27 –Tutorials: Tues 11/1

2 Announcements & Calendar Independent Tutorial: Thur. 10/27  Progress Report DUE: Tues 11/1  Notes Summaries (4 classes) (Due Thurs 11/3)  Scholarship Alert!! — 10 searches worksheet Scholarship Alert!!  4 applications w/ essay for Fall semester (Due Thurs 12/8)  Community Service– 10 hours (Due Thurs 12/8)

3 Mind Mover #16: Quote--Honesty “As I have said, the first thing is to be honest with yourself. You can never have an impact on society if you have not changed yourself... Great peacemakers are all people of integrity, of honesty, but humility.” -- Nelson Mandela 1.How do you interpret this quote? 2.What things do you think need to be changed in oneself prior to having an impact on society? 3.How do you define the characteristics he lists at the end of the quote?

4 Four Essential Skills Essential Skill 1: Analyzing a prompt or academic task. Essential Skill 2: Selective and purpose driven reading, especially of expository text. Essential Skill 3: Focused note-taking, designed around a prompt or academic task. Essential Skill 4: Integrating sources into texts, using paraphrase, summary, or synthesis.

5 “A Writing Assignment for College Freshmen.” Read through “A writing assignment for college freshman” Review the Essential Skills With a partner go through the “textual scavenger hunt” and answer the questions.

6 Textual Scavenger Hunt Essential Skill 1: Analyzing the Prompt or Academic Task. A writing prompt tells students what to do and think about when they write. 1.Where is the prompt? 2.Is it only in one place? 3.What does the prompt tell you to do? 4.What is missing from the prompt that you need to know to complete this assignment?

7 Textual Scavenger Hunt Essential Skill 2: Selective and Purpose-Driven Reading. Using readings from sources is important to good academic writing. 1.What sources does this assignment tell you to read and integrate into your texts? 2.What are you to read selectively for? Essential Skill 3: Focused Note-Taking. 1.Does this assignment tell you how to take notes? What kinds? 2.If notes are not mentioned, what do you think you should take notes on? 3.When should you take notes?

8 Textual Scavenger Hunt Essential Skill 4: Integrating Sources into Texts. Using sources in your own academic writing will be very important in many college classes. 1.What does the assignment tell you about how you should use sources when you write your paper?

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