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Chapter 2: Physical Fitness and your Health Lesson One: Physical Fitness and You.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 2: Physical Fitness and your Health Lesson One: Physical Fitness and You."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 2: Physical Fitness and your Health Lesson One: Physical Fitness and You

2 What is Physical Fitness? One’s ability to carry out everyday tasks and daily demands while retaining an energy reserve to respond to unanticipated demands. Benefits all three domains of Health: PHYSICAL…MENTAL…SOCIAL

3 Physical Health Benefits Reduces chances of getting certain diseases (cardiovascular, obesity) Allows you to be more active by giving you more energy Improves posture

4 Mental Health Benefits Relieves stress Controls depression Gives a sense of pride and a positive self esteem

5 Social Health Benefits Cuts down stress and improves relationships Offers opportunity to interact with others Self-confidence helps you to deal better with people

6 5 AREAS OF FITNESS Health related fitness broken down to 5 areas: Body Composition Flexibility Muscular Strength Muscular Endurance Cardiorespiratory Endurance

7 BODY COMPOSITION  Ratio of body fat to lean body tissue

8 FLEXIBILITY   Ability to move a body part through a full range of motion

9 MUSCULAR STRENGTH   The amount of force that a muscle can produce

10 MUSCULAR ENDURANCE   The ability of the muscles to do different physical tasks over a period of time without causing fatigue

11 CARDIORESPIRATORY ENDURANCE .(Aerobics)  The ability of the heart, blood vessels and lungs to circulate fuel and oxygen through the body during long periods of vigorous activity.(Aerobics)

12 How to measure?  Body Composition: Skin calipers, Underwater weighing, electronic devices

13  Flexibility: Various stretching activities

14  Muscular Strength: Heavy lifting or  Muscular Strength: Heavy lifting or push-ups

15  Muscular Endurance: Sit-ups

16  Cardio respiratory Endurance: Treadmills and Step-up tests

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