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Welcome! Mrs. A. Salinas 8 th grade ELA. RULES 1. Respect others. Be kind. 2. Listen. Turn voices off when teacher raises hand for quiet signal. Never.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome! Mrs. A. Salinas 8 th grade ELA. RULES 1. Respect others. Be kind. 2. Listen. Turn voices off when teacher raises hand for quiet signal. Never."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome! Mrs. A. Salinas 8 th grade ELA

2 RULES 1. Respect others. Be kind. 2. Listen. Turn voices off when teacher raises hand for quiet signal. Never interrupt. 3. Stay in your assigned seat. 4. Turn off and put away your electronics. 5. Bathroom signal…sign out…take pass. You may not go the first 10 min. or last 10 min. of class. 6. Be productive. Quality work.

3 Consequences Verbal Warning Phone call home Detention Referral to counselor/office

4 HOMEWORK Writing READING for AR Interviewing Projects Study

5 Supplies For this class you will need: Notebook paper Pens, Pencils, Highlighters, Markers Glue Sticks, scissors 1 folder 1 composition book Public Library Card

6 AR We will take the STAR Test to determine your level. All 5 th -8 th graders must earn 20 points per six weeks. It is a minor grade. 40% category We are very competitive and we want to have the most points every six weeks. D.E.A.R. Time- 15-20 minutes daily Make a habit of reading every night.

7 BYOD You will only use your device on airplane mode. You will only use your device when I have instructed you to do so. You will only use your device for the assignment I have given you.

8 Tardies You only have 3 minute passing periods. You need to be in your seat when the bell rings. 3 tardies equals an absence…detention. Let me know if you have an emergency. If you are late for a good reason, you need to bring a pass.

9 Absences When you are absent you must bring an excuse signed by your parent. Take it to the front office before school. If you go to the doctor, you can be counted present for the day if you come to school first and return with a doctor’s excuse. If that is not possible, you have 3 days to bring in a doctor’s excuse. Teachers have to call home every time you are absent.

10 Make Up Work You can only make up work if you have an excused absence. You are responsible for asking for make up work. You have three days to make up the work. Unexcused absences- you are not allowed to make up the work, you will receive zeros for those days.

11 Diamondback Den Where: Cafeteria When: 4:00-5:00 Mon.-Thurs. Homework Help Bus transportation and snacks will be provided.

12 Dress Code Please read your student handbook for dress code. Teachers must send students who are out of dress code to the office. If you aren’t sure if you can wear it…..don’t wear it.

13 Emergencies Lock down procedure Fire Drill Strangers Medical

14 Grading Policy Major Assignments: Tests, Reports, Research Papers, Projects/Presentations, Essays 60%- Minimum of 3 grades Minor Assignments: Daily Classwork/Practices, Homework, Quizzes, AR, Lab work, Binder Checks 40%- Minimum of 9 grades

15 Hall Passes You may not leave without permission. Restroom- signal, sign out, take pass, 2 minutes Library- only once a week Nurse- emergency only Take care of our passes.

16 Entering/Exiting Line up against the wall silently until teacher invites you into classroom. Enter quietly and sit in your assigned seat. Begin working on Bell work. Exiting- remain seated until teacher dismisses you, clean up around you, never stand by the door.

17 Classroom Phone Students will never be allowed to answer or use the classroom phone. If you need to call home, you must go to the nurse or office.

18 Hallway Rules Walk on the right side In a double line Silent Pause at corners to allow group to catch up. Do not proceed until teacher tells you to.

19 Bullying At North we take bullying very seriously. Speak up!! If it happening to you or if you see it happening to someone else. Teachers must fill out a bullying report.

20 First Assignment Who am I card Mix Pair Share Introduce Partners Back of the card: BYOD?, internet? Journal Prompt: Dreamer (10 min.) Shoulder Partner Author’s Chair

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