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Causes of the War of 1812.

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Presentation on theme: "Causes of the War of 1812."— Presentation transcript:

1 Causes of the War of 1812

2 Causes of the War of 1812 1) British violate American freedom of the Seas

3 Causes of the War of 1812

4 Causes of the War of 1812 2) Impressment of Americans on Trading Ships

5 Causes of the War of 1812 Henry Clay John C. Calhoun

6 Causes of the War of 1812 3) Urging of War Hawks in Congress
Henry Clay John C. Calhoun

7 British Strategy during the War of 1812

8 British Strategy during the War of 1812
1) Fight Americans along U.S.-Canadian border

9 British Strategy during the War of 1812
1) Fight Americans along U.S.-Canadian border 2) Attack U.S. At Washington, D.C.

10 British Strategy during the War of 1812
1) Fight Americans along U.S.-Canadian border 2) Attack U.S. At Washington, D.C. 3) Fight in the South

11 British Strategy during the War of 1812
Reason: Spread American forces throughout country.

12 Results of War and Treaty of Ghent
1) War ends in a stalemate.

13 Results of War and Treaty of Ghent
1) War ends in a stalemate. 2) U.S. Proves it can fight England to a standstill.

14 Results of War and Treaty of Ghent
1) War ends in a stalemate. 2) U.S. Proves it can fight England to a standstill. 3) America sees itself as victorious and celebrates.


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