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By- Thomas and Jay War of 1812. What is The War of 1812? The war was a 2 and a half military conflict between the United States of America and the British,

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Presentation on theme: "By- Thomas and Jay War of 1812. What is The War of 1812? The war was a 2 and a half military conflict between the United States of America and the British,"— Presentation transcript:

1 By- Thomas and Jay War of 1812

2 What is The War of 1812? The war was a 2 and a half military conflict between the United States of America and the British, Ireland, and its Indian allies. The battle began June 18, 1812 – February 18, 1815 The battle was fought over seas and on land but what sparked this huge battle???

3 Causes of the battle Trade restrictions made by Britain because of trading issues with France British supported Indians in American expansion of land Rude remarks from either side The kidnapping and looting of American merchant ships

4 Who was involved US United States- Henry Dearborn James Madison Jacob Brown Andrew Jackson Winfield Scott William Henry Harrison William Hull Zebulon Pike

5 Who was involved British British Empire- Lord Liverpool Sir George Prevost Sir Issac Brock Gordon Drummond Charles de Salaberry Tecumseh Mateo González Manrique

6 Who started it? James Madison sent a message to The House of Rep to vote on wether or not to declare war on Britan. Percent in favor of war: House of Rep- 61% Senate- 51% The conflict began formally on June 18th 1812 when Madison signed the measure into law and proclaimed it the next day.

7 How did the war end? In 1814 a Treaty of Peace was signed by the United States and Britain ending the two year long war. This happened because of the American victory on Lake Champlain causing the British army to abandon the lake and retreat to Canada.

8 Sources War of 1812 ends — This Day in History — 12/24/1814 War of 1812 ends — This Day in History — 12/24/1814 War of 1812 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia k4GIBQ&ved=0CDsQFjAH&usg=AFQjCNH9eMXP9Qpqa mAy16BOGoPjfqpRdQ k4GIBQ&ved=0CDsQFjAH&usg=AFQjCNH9eMXP9Qpqa mAy16BOGoPjfqpRdQ arspangledbanner/the-war-of- 1812.aspx&sa=U&ei=LNOEU9KcKMaoyASok4GIBQ&ved =0CEEQFjAI&usg=AFQjCNFNEdT40VlD5dobesjklfvMfR DxZA arspangledbanner/the-war-of- 1812.aspx&sa=U&ei=LNOEU9KcKMaoyASok4GIBQ&ved =0CEEQFjAI&usg=AFQjCNFNEdT40VlD5dobesjklfvMfR DxZA

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