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Jeopardy Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Final Jeopardy.

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2 Jeopardy Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Final Jeopardy

3 $100 Question from Jefferson What was T.J.’s political party?

4 $100 Answer from Jefferson Democratic - Republicans

5 $200 Question from Jefferson What purchase more than doubled the size of the U.S.?

6 $200 Answer from Jefferson Louisiana Purchase

7 $300 Question from Jefferson Who did Jefferson send out to explore the area?

8 $300 Answer from Jefferson Lewis and Clark

9 $400 Question from Jefferson Who helped Lewis and Clark along the way?

10 $400 Answer from Jefferson Sacagewea

11 $500 Question from Jefferson What type of federal government did Jefferson favor?

12 $500 Answer from Jefferson Strong State Government

13 $100 Question from J.F.P. What was Jefferson’s foreign policy?

14 $100 Answer from J. F. P. Become friends with all countries

15 $200 Question from J.F.P. What country was impressing U.S. sailors?

16 $200 Answer from J.F.P. Britain

17 $300 Question from J.F.P. Define Impressment.

18 $300 Answer from J.F.P. Stealing sailors for use in your own navy.

19 $400 Question from J.F.P. What did Jefferson do as a result of the impressment of U.S. sailors?

20 $400 Answer from J.F.P. Passed the Embargo Act – Stop all cargo!

21 $500 Question from J.F.P. What were some problems with this policy?

22 $500 Answer from J.F.P. U.S. could not get needed resources, and farmers could not sell their products.

23 $100 Question from Industrial Rev. Where did it start?

24 $100 Answer from Industrial Rev. The Northern States

25 $200 Question from Industrial Rev. Why?

26 $200 Answer from Industrial Rev. Geography – waterways, lack of good farm land

27 $300 Question from Industrial Rev. What is the definition for a person putting their capital into a business in hopes of making a profit?

28 $300 Answer from Industrial Rev. Capitalism

29 $400 Question from Industrial Rev. Patent

30 $400 Answer from Industrial Rev. Gives inventor rights to product and profits for a certain period of time.

31 $500 Question from Industrial Rev. How did the country’s economy diversify?

32 $500 Answer from Industrial Rev. North – factories, industry South – agriculture and farming

33 $100 Question from Madison/Monroe Who was the Pres. During the War of 1812?

34 $100 Answer from Madison/Monroe Pres. Madison

35 $200 Question from Madison/Monroe What were the three points in Clay’s American System?

36 $200 Answer from Madison/Monroe 1.National Bank 2.Protective Tariff 3.Improve Transportation

37 $300 Question from Madison/Monroe What canal connected N.Y. ?

38 $300 Answer from Madison/Monroe Erie Canal

39 $400 Question from Madison/Monroe Why was transportation so important?

40 $400 Answer from Madison/Monroe Connect/Unify our country Defense Trade/travel

41 $500 Question from Madison/Monroe What was compromise made by Clay to settle issue over admitting new states and slavery?

42 $500 Answer from Madison/Monroe Missouri Compromise

43 $100 Question from War of 1812 Who was involved?

44 $100 Answer from War of 1812 U.S. vs. British and Natives

45 $200 Question from War of 1812 What song was created at the Battle of Baltimore?

46 $200 Answer from War of 1812 Star Spangled Banner

47 $300 Question from War of 1812 What treaty ended the War of 1812 ?

48 $300 Answer from War of 1812 Treaty of Ghent

49 $400 Question from War of 1812 What were the terms of the Treaty of Ghent?

50 $400 Answer from War of 1812 U.S. Wins, Brits lose, Nothing Changes

51 $500 Question from War of 1812 What major building was burned down by the British?

52 $500 Answer from War of 1812 White House

53 Final Jeopardy Who was the Native American Prophet who put a curse on all of the Great White Chiefs? What was the curse?

54 Final Jeopardy Answer Tecumseh – every Great White Chief elected every 20 years / or zero year staring with Harrison will not fulfill his term in office.

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