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Coursework Completion System. Topics for Session ARRA, SFSF, DQC, & ACA Meeting ACA requirements Data Elements Request for Feedback Proposed Schedule.

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Presentation on theme: "Coursework Completion System. Topics for Session ARRA, SFSF, DQC, & ACA Meeting ACA requirements Data Elements Request for Feedback Proposed Schedule."— Presentation transcript:

1 Coursework Completion System

2 Topics for Session ARRA, SFSF, DQC, & ACA Meeting ACA requirements Data Elements Request for Feedback Proposed Schedule

3 ARRA, SFSF, DQC, ACA, and other exciting acronyms

4 Wisconsin has: › accepted State Fiscal Stabilization Funds, › distributed this funding to school districts, and › applied for additional funding under Race to the Top. By accepting SFSF and RttT funding, we must meet certain criteria defined in the America COMPETES Act including the ability to: › match teachers to students and › gather information on courses completed and grades earned.

5 Opportunity Improve education for our children Increase the Graduation Rate Provide tools for Response to Intervention Serve as an Early Warning System

6 Meeting ACA requirements

7 Section Identifier Section Course Teacher Student

8 Section Identifier Section Section Identifier A unique identifier defined by the district to differentiate courses offered into distinct sections necessary to associate teachers to students taught. For example, Section ID for: American Literature 205A Period 1 Room 34 would be distinct and separate from: American Literature 205B Period 4 Room 34

9 Section Identifier Section Course Teacher Section Information Each section will be associated with a course and teacher. Multiple courses associated with project based or interdisciplinary learning may be submitted for a section. Multiple teachers in a team or collaborative setting may be submitted for a section.

10 Section Identifier Student Student Information Each section will be associated with a group of students.

11 Data Submission Section information must be submitted before student information. File Upload is suggested method for data submission. On-line screens are proposed for data entry and maintenance.

12 Impact on Existing Applications PI-1215 will be retired. – Most functions will move into CWC. PI-1202 will continue to gather Fall Staff data. – Demographics, assignment, salary, etc.

13 Data Elements

14 Header Data Elements Collection Type Record Type Year Submitting District Submitted School Term Section Identifier

15 Section Course Section Data Elements Course Code(s) Local Course Title Various Section Indicators: Classroom Type Distance Education Virtual / On-line Education Project Based Learning Academic Service Learning Dual Enrollment Credit Alternative Education Program Equivalency World Language Bilingual / ESL. Section Identifier

16 Section Teacher Teacher Data Elements Teacher Role DPI Educator File Number Last Name Former Last Name Section Identifier

17 Student Student Information WSN Enroll Date Grade Level Placement Successful Completion High School Credits Earned College Credits Earned Grade Earned Part Time Open Enrollment

18 Submitting Agency CWC data will be submitted by: › WSLS agency for: regular enrollment part time open enrollment enrollment in alternative education programs › 2 CCDEBs or 2 State Schools for: all students attending these 4 schools

19 WI DPI Course Codes Built off NCES School Codes for Exchange of Data: – Subject Code, – Course Identifier, and – Course Level. Augmented to allow reporting of: – Alternative Education, – Project Based Learning, and – Elementary Coursework.

20 Classroom Type Indicates the grade level of students within a classroom. – Single grade level classroom (S) – Multiple grade level classroom (M)

21 Yes / No Section Indicators Distance Education Virtual / On-line Education Project Based Learning Academic Service Learning

22 Dual Enrollment Credit Program through which students are dually enrolled in high school and college. – Youth Options – private college (YOPC) – Youth Options – technical collection (YOTC) – Youth Options – UW-System (YOUW) – Youth Apprenticeship (YA) – Advanced Standing (AS) – Transcripted Credit (TC) – Articulated Credit (AC) – Cooperative Academic Partnership Program (CAPP)

23 Alternative Education Programs Program that is not credit producing. – GEDO #2 (GED)) – Jail and Detention (JD) – 118.15 contracts (HSED) – Competency-based and project based programs (CBPB) – MPS Partnership Schools (PS) – Challenge Academy (CA)

24 Equivalency Subject area of the course for which an equivalent is proposed. › Science (S) › Math (M) › Social Studies (SS) › English Language Arts (ELA)

25 World Language Domestic courses of study in languages other than English. – FLEX – FLES – Immersion – Cooperative Academic Partnership Program (CAPP)

26 Bilingual / ESL Course of study designed specifically for students whose native language is not English. – Bilingual (B) – ESL (E) – Two-Way Immersion (T) – None of the above (N)

27 Teacher Role An individual that assists in the acquisition of knowledge by another. – single teacher (ST) – multiple teachers (MT) – collaborating teacher (CL) – monitoring educator (ME)

28 Student Data Elements WSN Enroll Date Grade Level Placement Successful Completion High School Credits Earned College Credits Earned Grade Earned Part Time Open Enrollment

29 Request for Feedback

30 CWC Survey Results Received response from ~20% of survey recipients: – 30% responded WSN cannot be reasonably added to student course information. – 30% responded Grade Achieved is not stored electronically for elementary students. – 20% responded Teacher is not stored electronically for elementary students. – 52% of elementary and 30% of secondary responded severely handicapped students are not associated with courses.

31 Download and Reporting Is download functionality needed for CWC? What reporting functionality is needed to facilitate data quality review?

32 Proposed Schedule

33 3 collection periods per school year. 2 to 2.5 month submission window for each collection period. First collection period winter / spring 2011 for first semester 2010-11 course data.

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