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Mexican Nationalism. Events in Europe Spanish Kings – Charles III (died 1788) – Charles IV (idiot, Spain falls on hard times-died 1808) – Ferdinand VII.

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Presentation on theme: "Mexican Nationalism. Events in Europe Spanish Kings – Charles III (died 1788) – Charles IV (idiot, Spain falls on hard times-died 1808) – Ferdinand VII."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mexican Nationalism

2 Events in Europe Spanish Kings – Charles III (died 1788) – Charles IV (idiot, Spain falls on hard times-died 1808) – Ferdinand VII (very popular)

3 Joseph Bonaparte – Brother of Napoleon – Napoleon Bonaparte conquers Spain, places Joseph on Spanish throne

4 Spanish Cortes (1810) A parliament very contrary to Spanish Monarchy Very liberal tradition

5 Constitution of 1812 Liberal Document written by Cortes Established hereditary monarch Provide yearly meetings of Cortes Separation of Powers

6 The King Returns! Return of Ferdinand VII – Battle of Waterloo…Napoleon is defeated! – Disposes of Constitution of 1812 and keeps the monarchy tradition alive

7 Class System in New Spain Peninsulares—Spain(Europe) born Criollos—New Spanish born Mestizo—Mixed Blood (Spanish-Indian) Mulattos—Mixed Blood (Spanish-African American Natives—Indians African Americans (Slaves)

8 Revolts and Rebellions Father Miguel Hidalgo’s Revolt (1810) – Early launch of revolt Betrayed by land owners

9 Revolts and Rebellion’s Cont’d. Father Jose Morelos’ Rebellion (1812) – Background Racial, political, social alliance Able to train army in guerrilla warfare Congress of Chilpancingo (1813) -New government to rival Spanish Government

10 Betrayal of Morelos – Land owners don’t want to give up land – Turned in Morelos because he is too radical (executed!)

11 Criollo’s Revolution (1814-1823) Liberal Cortes and resisting viceroyalties – Criollos Tasted freedom Tasted more wealth

12 Ferdinand VII Returns Suspends Congress Augustin Iturbide (major politician in New Spain) – Defects (TRAITOR) – Comes up with the Plan of Iguala (1821)

13 Plan of Iguala (1821) Guarantee rights of Spain (traditional privileges) Equality between Criollos and Peninsulares Keep Catholic Church as official state religion Keep a lot of provisions of Constitution of 1812 CALL FOR INDEPENDENCE FROM SPAIN!!!

14 Treaty of Cordoba Mexican Independence

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