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Centre for small and medium enterprises, Prague 11 Progress in pilot actions’ implementation This project is implemented through the CENTRAL EUROPE Programme.

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Presentation on theme: "Centre for small and medium enterprises, Prague 11 Progress in pilot actions’ implementation This project is implemented through the CENTRAL EUROPE Programme."— Presentation transcript:

1 Centre for small and medium enterprises, Prague 11 Progress in pilot actions’ implementation This project is implemented through the CENTRAL EUROPE Programme cofinanced by the ERDF Hnúšťa, 18. September 2012, Project partner 5

2 This presentation is issued by the ReNewTow project which is implemented through the CENTRAL EUROPE Programme A brief introduction to the development of Pilot action progress  Initial phase (April 2011 - July 2011) getting to know the condition of the local environment, analysing of the entrepreneurship environment in the district, carrying out public meetings (4 meetings), meeting key policy makers of Prague 11 Metropolitan District, promotion and dissemination (newsletter) Centrum pro malé a střední podnikatele

3 This presentation is issued by the ReNewTow project which is implemented through the CENTRAL EUROPE Programme A brief introduction to the development of Pilot action progress  Preparatory steps (August 2011 - November 2011)  searching for the appropriate premises for the Pilot action,  identification of another good practices of implementation of the Centre for entrepreneurs in Prague,  public meetings and consultations with housing association representatives and entrepreneurs (five meetings),  promotion and dissemination (local magazine, leaflet, newsletter) Centrum pro malé a střední podnikatele

4 This presentation is issued by the ReNewTow project which is implemented through the CENTRAL EUROPE Programme A brief introduction to the development of Pilot action progress  Preparatory steps (November 2011 - February 2012)  the appropriate location for the Pilot action was selected (approved by P 11),  public meetings and consultations with housing association representatives and entrepreneurs (4 meetings),  identification of another good practices in Prague,  promotion and dissemination (presentation to the representatives of Prague 11 Town Hall, architects and other interested stakeholders, newsletter) Centrum pro malé a střední podnikatele

5 This presentation is issued by the ReNewTow project which is implemented through the CENTRAL EUROPE Programme A brief introduction to the development of Pilot action progress  Preparatory steps (March 2012 – up until now )  close cooperation with the Prague Chamber of Commerce, Trades Licensing Office of Prague 11 Municipality and other related Municipality departments,  preparation of the final proposal of the budget shift,  meetings with project managers who are providing services and organizing seminars and trainings for entreprenuers in the area,  promotion of the Pilot action at the Public consultation meeting (brochure public discussion). Centrum pro malé a střední podnikatele

6 This presentation is issued by the ReNewTow project which is implemented through the CENTRAL EUROPE Programme The current status  What was already done  a final appropriate location with suitable backgroung is selecteted,  modern backround for the operation of the centre is assured,  links with providers of the services are established and mutual cooperation agreed,  public meetings and promotion of the centre was made during the whole implementation process (direct links and the database of the entrepreneurs were established),  the list of neceassary items for the equipment of the Centre is prepared. Centrum pro malé a střední podnikatele

7 This presentation is issued by the ReNewTow project which is implemented through the CENTRAL EUROPE Programme The current status  What is yet need to be done promotion and dissemination (presentation to the representatives of Prague 11 Town Hall, architects and other interested stakeholders, newsletter) Centrum pro malé a střední podnikatele 1. submission and the final approval of the budget shift 2. selection procedure for the staff 3. final equipment of the Centre 4. preparation of the promotional materials for the opening of the Centre.

8 This presentation is issued by the ReNewTow project which is implemented through the CENTRAL EUROPE Programme Anticipated functioning of the Centre – how will the Centre operate? Staff  running of the centre will be provided by one or two people who will alternate,  personnel will be trained by the Prague Chamber of Commerce,  close cooperation and coordination with the information centre, the revenue office and other departmens of Prague 11 Municipality  coordination with existing providers of services for the entrepreneurs (project managers, consultancy etc.) Opening hours  In complinace with opening ours of the Information centre (can be altered acording to the needs and interested of the entrepreneurs ) Centrum pro malé a střední podnikatele Mo8:00 - 17:30 Tue8:00 - 15:30 Wed8:00 - 15:30 Thu8:00 - 15:30 Fri8:00 - 14:00

9 This presentation is issued by the ReNewTow project which is implemented through the CENTRAL EUROPE Programme Services provided by the Centre Services  complex informational and consultancy support to the entrepreneurs in starting up their own business,  administrative support to entrepreneurs (filling in necessary documents),  answering the questions from all fields of the business (economy, law, finance),  an overview of related legal regulations and norms,  establishing and strengthening the links between local entrepreneurs, Prague Municipality and inhabitans of the area  organisation of meetings or other forms of contacts among Czech and foreign firms,  dissemination of current information and support marketing strategies,  organisation of workshops, seminars and other training acttions Centrum pro malé a střední podnikatele

10 This presentation is issued by the ReNewTow project which is implemented through the CENTRAL EUROPE Programme Centre for small and medium enteprise - photos Photos General view of the expected information centre. The advantage of the site is the suitable location in the busy “centre" of Prague 11 Metropolitan district and the presence of successfully implemented financial and information centre. Centrum pro malé a střední podnikatele

11 This presentation is issued by the ReNewTow project which is implemented through the CENTRAL EUROPE Programme Centre for small and medium enteprise - photos Photos View from the inside of the Centre, the entrance door Centrum pro malé a střední podnikatele

12 This presentation is issued by the ReNewTow project which is implemented through the CENTRAL EUROPE Programme Centre for small and medium enteprise - photos Photos View from the outside of the Centre, the entrance door Centrum pro malé a střední podnikatele

13 This presentation is issued by the ReNewTow project which is implemented through the CENTRAL EUROPE Programme Centre for small and medium enteprise Photos Joint space of the future business centre. Information centrs is already operating. Centrum pro malé a střední podnikatele

14 This presentation is issued by the ReNewTow project which is implemented through the CENTRAL EUROPE Programme Centre for small and medium enteprise Photos An information desk of the future business centre. The room needs to be equipped with suitable furniture and other equipment. Centrum pro malé a střední podnikatele

15 This presentation is issued by the ReNewTow project which is implemented through the CENTRAL EUROPE Programme Centre for small and medium enteprise Photos A room for seminars, workshops and educational training Centrum pro malé a střední podnikatele

16 This presentation is issued by the ReNewTow project which is implemented through the CENTRAL EUROPE Programme Thank you for your attention!!!! fhftft

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