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American Literature Miss Sandvick. About Me Moved to Kingwood in 1991 Attended Hidden Hollow  Creekwood  Kingwood High School Graduated an Oklahoma.

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Presentation on theme: "American Literature Miss Sandvick. About Me Moved to Kingwood in 1991 Attended Hidden Hollow  Creekwood  Kingwood High School Graduated an Oklahoma."— Presentation transcript:

1 American Literature Miss Sandvick

2 About Me Moved to Kingwood in 1991 Attended Hidden Hollow  Creekwood  Kingwood High School Graduated an Oklahoma Sooner Have taught for seven years (six years at Atascocita High School)

3 Preparing for the English IV and College Courses Literature – How does this piece relate to me? – How does this piece relate to the world? – Why are we reading this? – How can we discuss it well? Writing Vocabulary / Grammar English III - Purpose

4 Course Overview WritingReadingMisc. Annotated BibAnchor PiecesVocabulary Timed-writingsShort StoriesSocratic Seminar Researched EssayNon-fiction articlesHistorical Context

5 Course Overview Required Books (in the order we will read them): The Crucible—Arthur Miller The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn—Mark Twain The Great Gatsby—F. Scott Fitzgerald The Catcher in the Rye—J. D. Salinger The Glass Menagerie—Tennessee Williams

6 Available for purchase on Amazon Vocabulary Power Plus

7 AreaSupportDay/Time InstructionLunch TutoringMondays (A-Block) A.M./ appointment TechnologyRemind 101codes on website Websitedocument bank Support System

8 Remind 101

9 PSAT – Registration for the next PSAT is next THURSDAY Sept. 25. – Cost- $15 – Good practice for SAT – Test date: Wednesday Oct. 14 (during school) (fliers on bulletin board) Upcoming PSAT

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